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Morocco’s Intercultural parameters

Morocco’s Intercultural parameters. By: Fatima Zahra Kerdoudi. Individualistic or Collectivism Society?. COLLECTIVISM Moroccans never like being alone and devious. Masculine or Feminine ?. MASCULINE

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Morocco’s Intercultural parameters

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  1. Morocco’sInterculturalparameters By: Fatima Zahra Kerdoudi

  2. Individualistic or CollectivismSociety? COLLECTIVISM Moroccans never like being alone and devious.

  3. Masculine or Feminine? MASCULINE Moroccans tend to getinterestedintomaterial goals rather than intangibles. (relationships, positive environment, security, collaboration.)

  4. Low or High power distance? HIGH POWER DISTANCE • Hierarchy, power = privilege: power is based on contacts, family etc.

  5. Truth or Virtue? VIRTUE Slow results, saving for the future, thrift.

  6. Affective or Neutral? Affective Moroccans tend to show their feelings and emotions either by gestures or voice loudness.

  7. Achievement or Ascription? ASCRIPTION In Moroccostatus are more valued by categoriessuch as: age, family background…

  8. Sequential or Synchronic Time? SEQUENTIAL Schedules can be adjusted to fit in relationships. Meeting times are approximate.

  9. High or LowContext? HIGH CONTEXT In Morocco, details are as important as words.

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