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Elemente de neuroimagistica

Elemente de neuroimagistica. Alexandru Durutya Medic rezident radiologie – imagistica medicala. Agenda. Tomografia Computerizata (CT) Rezonanta Magnetica (RM). CT  Tomografie  Radiografie. PACIENT. os. Sursa de radiatie X. Tesut moale. film. aer. Unitati Hounsfield.

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Elemente de neuroimagistica

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Elemente de neuroimagistica Alexandru Durutya Medic rezidentradiologie – imagisticamedicala

  2. Agenda • TomografiaComputerizata (CT) • RezonantaMagnetica (RM)

  3. CT Tomografie  Radiografie

  4. PACIENT os Sursa de radiatie X Tesut moale film aer

  5. Unitati Hounsfield

  6. Substanta alba si cenusie • Substanta alba = 30 UH = griinchis • Mai cenusie • Substantacenusie = 35 UH = grideschis • Mai alba

  7. Ferestre pentru craniu

  8. Reconstructii CT

  9. Rezonanta Magnetica

  10. Fizica RM

  11. Balansarea imaginii in RM Achizitia T1 Achizitia T2 Intens: LCR Lichidelesinoviale Infectie, inflamatie, tumori Hemoragia Slab: Os, calcificari, hemosiderina Absent: Aerul • Intens: • Grasimea • Methemoglobina • Gadolinium • Sangele stagnant • Slab: • Osul • Infectiile, infarctul, tumori • Chiste, calcificari • Absent: • aerul

  12. Substanta alba si cenusie • In T1: • Substanta alba estemai alba, substantacenusieestemaicenusie • In T2: • Viceversa – substantacenusieestemai alba sisubstanta alba maicenusie

  13. Catevaexemple…

  14. VaMultumesc!

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