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European Wind Energy Conference 2010, Warsaw, Poland. Wind power prediction risk indices based on numerical weather prediction ensembles. Erik Holmgren , Nils Siebert, George Kariniotakis erik.holmgren@sserenewables.com, nils.siebert@mines-paristech.fr Renewable Energies Team
European Wind Energy Conference 2010, Warsaw, Poland Wind power prediction risk indices based on numerical weather prediction ensembles Erik Holmgren, Nils Siebert, George Kariniotakis erik.holmgren@sserenewables.com, nils.siebert@mines-paristech.fr Renewable Energies Team MINES ParisTech / ARMINES
Outline Introduction and objectives Definition and evaluation of risk indices Risk indices in decision making Conclusions 2
Introduction: ensemble forecasting Model t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Control forecast Ensemble forecasts Measured production Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP) NWP ensembles Measurements Measurements Model Model Production [MW] Forecast Measured production 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 t0 t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Future Future Present Present • Typical Wind Power Forecasting (WPF) modelling scheme • NWP can also be provided as meteorological ensembles • Alternative forecasts representing different scenarios • Computed by perturbing initial conditions • Control forecast + ensemble forecast members 3
Objectives t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Control forecast Ensemble forecasts Measured production Period with smaller ensemble spread Period with larger ensemble spread Model Model Production [MW] 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 t0 t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Future Future Present Present • Investigate relationship between ensemble spread and forecast error • Quantify the ensemble spread through risk indices 4
Outline Introduction and objectives Definition and evaluation of risk indices Risk indices in decision making Conclusions 5
Quantify ensemble spread through risk indices t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Model Model Production [MW] 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 Control forecast Ensemble forecasts Ensemble mean Measured production 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 t0 t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Notation: for Future Future Present Present • Definition: the Normalized Prediction Risk Index (NPRI) • Weighted standard deviation of ensemble members • Average value over a look-ahead time window 6
Production [MW] 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h 2 2 Model Model 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 t0 t0 +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h +1h +6h +12h +18h +24h +30h +36h … +48h Future Future Present Present Relationship between risk indices and forecast errors • Definition: Energy Imbalance for a look-ahead time window • Sum of absolute errors • Compute relative imbalances by dividing by long-term average : Control forecast Measured production 7
Evaluation of relationship risk index - forecast error • Validation of approach on more test cases • Three French onshore wind farms with different characteristics • Different prediction models • Temporal scales • Size and position of look-ahead time window • Spatial scales • Aggregate of wind farms • Alternative definitions of risk indices • e.g. Range of ensemble members
NWPs from ECMWF* 51 members 1 control member 50 perturbed members Temporal resolution: 6 hours (0 - 240 hours) Spatial resolution: 1o longitude, 1o latitude 2 prediction runs per day (midnight & noon) 1.5 year of data WPF model * European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts Wind Farm French onshore farm Flat terrain Installed capacity: 10.1 MW Evaluation 9
Evaluation: NPRIresults Steps 1: Estimate Normalized Prediction Risk Indices (NPRI) 2: Compute energy imbalances 3: Derive NPRI – energy imbalance pairs 4: Group into classes based on NPRI 5: Calculate imbalance distributions Results for day 2 ahead 1 2 3 4 5 relative energy imbalance [%] relative energy imbalance [%] 1 2 3 4 5 NPRI Class NPRI NPRI [%] 10
Outline Introduction and objectives Definition and evaluation of risk indices Risk indices in decision making Conclusions 11
Exploration: risk indices for decision making - proposals “Make an alert when the probability of an energy imbalance larger than x times the average is greater than y” Energy imbalance Mean energy imbalance • Operational context: • Give alerts when high risk for large energy imbalance • Alert function: • Parameters: x = 1.5 y = 0.2 12
Exploration: risk indices for decision making - results “Make an alert when the probability of an energy imbalance larger than 1.5 times the average is greater than 0.2” • Evaluation: • Confusion matrix • Results • Day 2 ahead • Interesting approach • Alert function parameters x and y can be tuned depending on risk tolerance • More investigation needed to validate results 13
Conclusions • Evaluation • Larger ensemble spread indicates • Larger average forecast error • Larger uncertainty in the predictions • Higher risk of large forecast error • Risk indices useful to extract and display this information • Better understanding and extended validation of the concept of risk indices • Value of risk indices for decision making • Useful in giving alerts for large energy imbalances • Future work • More focus on the use of risk indices in operational contexts 14
Thank you for your attention! Acknowledgement: European R&D project SafeWind (FP7)