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Biotechnology Information Network in Asia and the Pacific (BINASIA)

Explore the development and challenges of biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific region through the BINASIA project. Learn how e-networking and partnerships drive biotechnology growth, capacity building, and collaboration in the region.

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Biotechnology Information Network in Asia and the Pacific (BINASIA)

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  1. Biotechnology Information Network in Asia and the Pacific (BINASIA) BINASIA-Vietnam National Workshop 27-28 January 2005 Hanoi, Vietnam Sang-Ki Rhee, Ph.D. Project Coordinator Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

  2. Current Status of Biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific Region • Development of its biotechnology capacity: from the mid 1980s • Bioresource-rich but technology-poor in general • Agrobiotechnology-oriented • Heavy involvement of the public sector: marginal participation of the private sector • Limited funding and manpower

  3. Rationale • The North vs. the South: • - growing technology gap • - the North’s shares: over 85% of the world’s income • and over 90% of the world’s S&T knowledge • Biotechnology: • - not capital- and scale-intensive • - at the initial stage of development • - many opportunities for the South • The South in the Asia-Pacific region: • - sharing many similar problems • - solutions: by sharing their • experiences and forging viable • partnerships

  4. e-Networking Region-wide Partnership Capacity Building Identification of Areas for Partnerships How to Forge Viable Partnerships in Biotechnology in the Region • The international biotechnology diffusion: • - creating new opportunities • - assisted by the low barriers to entry • How to build-up viable regional partnerships?

  5. e-Networking • Biotechnology: • - knowledge-based technology • - no geographic borders • e-Network • - linking biocommunity via the internet • - most effective way for regional interaction • International e-networks on biotechnology • - AKBIN • - BINASIA

  6. ASEAN-Korea Biotechnology Information Network (AKBIN) • ASEAN-Korea Workshop on the Formulation of a Biotechnology Atlas (1999): • - ASEAN/COST • - MOFAT of Korea • Aims: • - information exchange • - promotion of regional • cooperation • Coordinators: • - Biotechnology Sub-Committee of ASEAN/COST • - KRIBB http://asean.kribb.re.kr


  8. A K B I N AKBIN (cont.) Key Indicators National Policies on Biotech National S & T Policies R&D Activities Bilateral Collaboration with members Budget International Collaboration Biosafety Protocol Biotechnology Infrastructure HRD Bioindustry Biological Resources

  9. BINASIA-Project Profile • Aims: Establishment of Biotechnology Information • Network in the Asia-Pacific Region • Thematic Focus: Regional Networking for Biotechnology • Information Sharing, Technology Development and • Transfer • Time Frame: 3 Years (2003-2006) • Coordinators: KRIBB and APCTT • Target Group: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam etc.

  10. Chronicle • 2001: BINASIA Project proposed by MOST of • Korea at the 57th General Meeting of UNESCAP • Sept. 2002: KRIBB and APCTT exchanged MOU to • jointly coordinate BINASIA Project • Oct. 2002: Approved at the 18th Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the 7th Session of the Governing Board (GB) meetings of APCTT (Presentation on the draft BINASIA proposal) • Dec. 2002: Finalized the project proposal based on • the recommendations of the TAC and GB meetings • June 2003: Launch of the project • Mar. 2004: 1st Steering Committee held • Apr. 2004: 1st Expert Group Meeting held

  11. Providing biotechnology professionals from the region with an easy access to the network Linking of the regional biocommunity by setting up the network on the web BINASIA Helping the growth of bioindustry by technology development and transfer Promotion of R&D collaboration, exchange of researchers and information sharing Goals Building-up Regional Capacity and Sharing its Benefits

  12. - User-driven, IT-driven network - Bioinformation DB • Regional partnerships among academia, public research institution and bioindustry • International networking for technology transfer Featuring Elements Function Character BINASIA Principles • Best-practice use of technologies, standards and procedures - Updating and upgrading of data from participating countries • Equitable sharing of • information and its benefits

  13. Beneficiaries • Participating member economies • Research personnel • Institutions, universities, training centers • Industry - biotechnology firms (SME, large enterprises) - financial players (venture capitals, banks etc.) - service firms (patent offices, consulting firms, law firms, CPA etc.) • Government agencies and policy makers • Technology transfer intermediaries/networks • Existing information networks (AKBIN etc.)

  14. Focal Points … … Field Survey Workshop, Seminar Data Collection Operating Structure Steering Committee Project Coordinator R&D Technology Transfer Networking BINASIA D/B

  15. Inputs • Project duration: 3 years in total • (June 2003 - May 2006) • Inputs required: US$ 300,000 (US$ 100,000/year) • Role of contributors: • - MOST of Korea; funding • - UNESCAP; infrastructure, experience, network etc.

  16. Outputs • Information exchange: policy, R&D, research manpower, enterprises, markets, technologies, key issues etc. • Successful establishment of appropriate business mechanisms • Human resources development: a pool of trained young researchers and technicians • Technology transfer: development of commercial partnerships between public and private sectors locally or internationally

  17. What should be put in BINASIA? • Science and Technology Related Data National Science and Technology Policies National Policies on Biotechnology Biotechnology R&D Activities Status of Biological Diversity Biosafety Protocol Manpower Training Centers / Programs International Cooperation in Biotech Area Bilateral Cooperation with Member Countries and beyond Biotechnology Infrastructure National Budget for the Promotion of Biotechnology

  18. Key Factors - Part A: Basic Data – Land Area, Population, GNP - Part B: R&D – National R&D Expenditures in Total, National R&D Expenditures in Biotech - Part C: Human Resources – Number of Scientists in Biotech Area in Total, Number of Scientists in Biotech Area by Sector - Part D: Biotechnology Development and Diffusion – Bioindustry Market (in Total and by Sector), International Trade in Bioproducts, Number of Biotechnology Companies (Venture, Established), Number of Patents(in Total, by Field), Number of Publications (Domestic and Overseas), etc. - Part E: International Cooperation – Number of Bilateral & Multinational Agreements (MOU), Number of International Cooperation Centers, Number of International Joint Research Projects

  19. Thank you !

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