ROMAN FOOD IN ANCIENT TIME Daniel Godoy Francesc Delgado
PLEBEIANS’ BREAKFAST • For breakfast , Plebeians usually have bread, dry or dipped in wine, and water. Sometimes they ate olives, cheese, or raisins were sprinkled on the bread. • In 1c CE, it became a custom to distribute bread daily to the unemployed.
PATRICIANS’ BREAKFAST • Patricians enjoyed fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread, and used honey to sweeten food. (Sugar was unknown). They had slaves to cook and clean. Slaves cut their food for them, as they didn't use forks or knives, but ate with their fingers. A wet towel was handy (or brought by slaves) to tidy up after a meal.
THE LUNCH • Lunch was often eaten around 11 in the morning and consisted of cold food items. Some of the meal was comprised of bread, salad, olives, fruit, nuts, as well as cheese. • After the lunch time, the plebeians were in the work and the rich were in the nap.
PATRICIANS’ LUNCH • The meal then went on to include several meat courses, all heavily spiced with herbs or smothered in sauces, and ended with cakes, pastries, fruit and nuts. • -Pastries: Pastissos
THE DINNER • Around 2:00 pm the dinner would begin. This meal could last until late in the night, especially if guests were invited, and would often be followed by a comissatio.
THE DINNER • The most sophisticated kind was made with olive oil, with an accompaniment of assorted vegetables when available. The richer classes ate their puls with eggs, cheese, and honey and it was also occasionally served with meat or fish. • -Honey: Mel
BANQUET • The banquet were organized by patricians. Banquets were an enormous food festival, the peasants were invited in some situations. Food that were forbidden by sumptuary laws, such as fattened fowl and sow's udders, were flagrantly consumed at the most exclusive feasts. • -Peasants: Camperols -Udders: Mamelles • -Forbidden: Prohibit -Flagrantly: Notòriament
BANQUET FOOD • There were a popular but costly fare included pheasant, thrush (or other songbirds), raw oysters, lobster, shellfish, venison, wild boar, and peacock. • -Pheasant: Faisà(au) -Lobster: Llagosta • -Thrush: Tord(peixos) -Shellfish: Marisc • -Raw oysters: Ostres crues -Venison: Cérvol • -Wild boar: Senglar -Peacock: Paó (ocell)
BIBLIOGRAPHY • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Roman_cuisine • http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/banq/hd_banq.htm • http://www.historylink102.com/Rome/roman-patricians.htm • http://www.unexplainable.net/ancients/ancient_roman_dining__breakfast_and_lunch_3300.php