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Westward Expansion

This text explores the role of Thomas Jefferson in altering the nation's course through the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the tension and conflicts in Texas, and the Mexican-American War.

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Westward Expansion

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  1. Westward Expansion Chapter 6 Section 3 : Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course Chapter 9 Section 3 - Expansion in Texas Chapter 9 Section 4 – The War With Mexico

  2. Thomas Jefferson & the Louisiana Purchase Chapter 6 Section 3 : Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course

  3. Thomas Jefferson • Elected (3rd) President 1800 • Social Perspective: • Admired farmers • Hard working, independent, honest • “virtuous” people

  4. Jefferson & Territorial Expansion • In 1800, Napoleon (France) • Acquired Louisiana Territory From Spain • Jefferson became interested in this territory

  5. Jefferson & Territorial Expansion • T. Jefferson offered French $10 million • For New Orleans & land connected to Florida !!

  6. Louisiana Purchase, 1803 • Negotiations • Napoleon asked for: • $15 MILLION OR .03 cents and acre • For New Orleans, and ENTIRE Louisiana Territory! • $3.12 an acre modern currency !

  7. The Size of U.S. DOUBLED Overnight!

  8. The Louisiana Purchase • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMh8RCqJf9U

  9. LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITIONS 1804-1806 • Jefferson’s plan: • Sent Meriwether Lewis & William Clark • 1. To explore territory • 2. Find a route to the Pacific Ocean

  10. The Lewis & Clark Expedition, 1804-1806 • Began in: St. Louis Missouri • Ended in: Oregon Coast • Wrote “Journals” • Field notes (Accounts w/ various Native American Tribes) • Sketches (animals, plants, people, geography) • Drew Maps

  11. The Real Sacagawea/ Explorer Style • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnT0k9wdDZo • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB1GQRVG9Fc

  12. SIGNIFICANCE of Lewis & Clark • 1. educated Americans about land “out west” • 2. Warned about hardships future settlers would face (rough terrain, weather, native Americans) • 3. Found a route which led to Pacific Ocean

  13. James Polk & The Mexican- American War 1846-1848 Chapter 9 Section 3 - Expansion in Texas

  14. West Ward Expansion 1800’s

  15. Background Info: • Mexico gained independence from Spain 1821 • most of Latin America was under Spanish control 1521-1821

  16. Most of the Southwest • Including Texas • Was Spanish territory (until 1821) • Became Mexican Territory after 1821

  17. From Spanish to Mexican Lands • Example: San Gabriel Mission was founded 1771 by Spanish Priests • El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora del Rio de Porciuncula de Los Angeles was founded 1781

  18. For Fun!

  19. The Mexican State of Coahuila-Texas • Spanish-Mexican population TEJANOS

  20. The Mexican Government • Originally welcomed American settlers in Texas… • Offered land to American settlers for a few cents an acre • were given 3 CONDITIONS

  21. The Mexican Government • Asked that all “American” settlers: • 1. Learn Spanish • 2. Convert to Catholicism • 3. Become Mexican citizens

  22. Stephen F. Austin • Mexican Government allowed him & group to settle in Texas, 1823

  23. Stephen Austin Started A Colony • in central Texas in 1823 with… • 300 original American Settlers • By 1824 : 2,000 American settlers • By 1835: 30,000!!!

  24. Tensions Between Groups • 1. Americans did not adhere to Mexican laws • 2. Americans outnumbered Mexican population Ex: By 1830, Texas had: • 20,000 white settlers • 1,000-5,000 African slaves • 6,000 Mexicans

  25. Tensions Between Groups… • Mexican Government forbade slavery and the importation of slaves into Texas • Slavery was against the law in Mexico

  26. The Mexican Government • 1. Forbade further immigration of American settlers into Texas in 1830! • 2. Banned slavery • 3. Demanded all Americans convert to Catholicism

  27. Friction Intensified… • 1832-1833 Americans started to demand a state of their own. • General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became dictator of Mexico 1834

  28. “American” Texans Rebelled in 1835!! • Santa Anna ordered all Americans EXPELLED • And Arrested rebels

  29. Siege at The Alamo - 1836 • 189-200 Texan-American troops, townspeople stationed at the adobe structure • Siege lasted 13 days • Mexican army asked them to surrender • Americans fired a cannon shot…

  30. Mexican Army Charged! • Americans outnumbered • Santa Anna’s men attacked from every side • He ordered wounded Americans to be put to death

  31. The Alamo Disastrous for Texan- Americans • 16 survivors : women, children, servants • Victory for Mexico • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n2CUCDATi8 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMZQlAQAyQ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dxGZhv4u8Y&list=PLATw7uLIPbt94_N_ft_0bOLhuo-KPR3Ep

  32. Sam Houston Sought Revenge • Surprised Mexican troops in 1836 with his own army • Americans yelled: • “Remember the Alamo!!” as they charged…

  33. General Santa Anna • Was captured! • 1. Forced to sign treaty which recognized Independence of Texas • 2. AND the Rio Grande as boundary

  34. Lone Star Republic • Established, 1836 • Free, independent “country” • NOT A PART OF THE U.S., AND NOT A PART OF MEXICO !!

  35. Sam Houston, President of The Lone Star Republic • Legalized slavery • THEN Voted for annexation to the United States • Was admitted to the U.S. in 1845

  36. James Polk & The Mexican- American War 1846-1848 Chapter 9 Section 4 – The War With Mexico

  37. James Polk became President of U.S in 1844 • Goals: to acquire… • 1. Texas (formally) • 2. Oregon territory • 3. and California. • Accomplished all

  38. American Response towards Westward Expansion • John O’ Sullivan- • Journalist/Newspaper editor • Coined term “Manifest Destiny” 1845

  39. John O’Sullivan Quote: • “Our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us”

  40. Manifest Destiny is the Belief that… • “ It was God’s will that the United States expand from sea to shining sea and all points in between”

  41. 2 Days after Polk Took Office… • March 1845 • Mexico broke off relations with U.S. • Mexico protested American annexation of Texas

  42. Polk Sent Congressman John Slidell to Mexico • 1. To inform Mexico that U.S. wanted to purchase California & New Mexico for $25 million • 2. Mexican officials refused to receive Slidell (were insulted)

  43. Border Dispute • Mexican officials insisted BORDER with U.S. was located at NUECES RIVER • U.S. insisted border was located at RIO GRANDE RIVER

  44. Meanwhile, President Polk • Sent General Zachary Taylor to disputed region with troops • U.S. built a military fort in disputed territory

  45. Mexican- American War, 1846-1848 • Mexican troops attacked American men for “trespassing”, April 25th 1846 • U.S. declared war on Mexico • Official cause: border dispute

  46. The War and Its Critics • Although the majority of Americans supported the war, a vocal minority feared the only aim of the war was to acquire new land for the expansion of slavery. • Abraham Lincoln questioned Polk's right to declare war.

  47. The Mexican American War • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjUEBDOOSDM • 1. Did this film clip help you to gain a better understanding of the causes of the War with Mexico?

  48. Combat took place on three fronts • 1. California and the "bear flag republic" • 2. General Stephen Kearney and Santa Fe • 3. Winfield Scott and central Mexico • 60,000 American volunteers enlisted

  49. Bear Flag Revolt (California), 1846 • June, 1846 • A group of American settlers rebelled against the Mexican Government • Proclaimed California an “independent republic” – The Bear Flag Republic • John C. Freemont declared “ruler”

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