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The new version of WakeUpSales oozes simplicity wherever you go. All sorts of tasks, operations… it’s just so easy. And we can’t wait to see just how much our amazing users can accomplish with such a simple yet efficient CRM tool.Visit:http://blog.wakeupsales.com/blog/new-wakeupsales-ui/
The All New Wakeupsales UI is Here Fi?all?, it?s he?e. We ?ould ha?e liked to ??i?g it soo?e?, ?ut ?e had to ?ake it the ?est ?e?sio? e?e?. A?d I?? so e??ited to sha?e ?ith ?ou that the latest version of WakeUpSales (v3.9) with an all-new makeover is now ready & shipping. As p?o?ised, it?s BIGGER, BETTER & EASIER The?e a?e so ?a?? ?easo?s to lo?e ?hat ?e ?all, the BIGGEST update to Wakeupsales e?e?. Let?s talk a?out a fe?… Simplicity Keepi?g thi?gs si?ple is a?tuall? the ?ost diffi?ult thi?g. But that?s e?a?tl? ?hat ?e had set out to a?hie?e. Simplicity all throughout the CRM app, so that you can focus on your core business & let the app take over. The results are so cool. I think this new version of WakeUpSales oozes simplicity wherever you go. All sorts of tasks, ope?atio?s… it?s just so eas?. A?d ?e ?a??t ?ait to see just ho? ?u?h ou? a?azi?g use?s ?a? accomplish with such a simple yet efficient CRM tool. Do More with v3.9 The latest update in Wakeupsales not just gets a new look, it also comes with loads of new functionalities. More so, you can also do so much more with a few of the existing features. From the Resource Library of WakeUpSales | SaaS and Open Source CRM Application
S So o w wh ha at t’ ’s s n ne ew w? ? Tasks: Never miss out on catching up with a single action. It?s all the?e, ?eautifull? a??a?ged i? the tasks listi?g page. Assign a task to someone in the team, record a next action of any performed task, or just mark it ?o?plete. It?s so eas?! Users: The new update comes with multi-user collaboration, which makes it even more powerful. And you can do so much more with your team onboard. Invite your colleagues as users, assign them roles (admin, user etc.) and let them be a part of the action. You can also assig? leads to ea?h o?e i? ?ou? tea?. It?s so ?u?h fu?! Daily Updates:Need dail?/pe?iodi? updates f?o? ?ou? tea? ?e??e??s?? Just s?hedule it & sit ?a?k. You?ll get e?e??thi?g ?ou ?eed, at ?ou? p?efe??ed ti?e. It?s su?h a ?elief fo? ?a?age?s! Files:E?e??thi?g ?ou sha?e f?o? a ?ote du?i?g the i?itial stages, to i??oi?es & i?ages… ?Files? se?tio? keeps e?e??thi?g a??a?ged s?ste?ati?all?. I? ?ase ?ou feel like goi?g th?ough a s??ee?shot ?ou had sha?ed, it?s the?e for you. Reports: Now this is BIG! No more you have to worry about generating manual reports on spreadsheets. Just set the filters as per your need, and the WUS CRM gives you a report in CSV/PDF format. Mo?e so, if ?ou ge?e?ate a pa?ti?ula? ?epo?t f?e?ue?tl?… ?ou ?a? sa?e the filte? p?efe?e??es too. So it?s ?eadil? available, when you come back next. That?s ?ot all. The?e a?e a zillio? ?o?e updates u?de? the hood. Wa?t to t?? out all the featu?es? Schedule a demo now. What’s next? As mentioned in my previous articles, we are now working in 5th gear for the Wakeupsales White Label subscriptions. Also, next in line are the mobile apps (android & iOS) along with a bunch of amazing add-ons. If you are not on WakeUpSales yet, try a demo right now. You will love it, as it will help run your business better. If not, I want to hear about it. Please leave your feedback below. Convinced already? Download the latest v4.0 Source Code right here From the Resource Library of WakeUpSales | SaaS and Open Source CRM Application