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Austria – Completing the 380-kV-Ring Authorization Procedures and Major Problems Gerhard Christiner Head of Asset Management. Austria in the Centre of the UCTE Network. missing 380 kV lines. Severe North-to-South Bottlenecks in APG´s Grid. …. bottlenecks at. !. !. !. !. !.
Austria – Completing the 380-kV-Ring Authorization Procedures and Major ProblemsGerhard ChristinerHead of Asset Management
Austria in the Centre of the UCTE Network missing 380 kV lines Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Severe North-to-South Bottlenecks in APG´s Grid … bottlenecks at ! ! ! ! ! 220-kV-transmission lines Additional capacity necessary > 800 MW Grid-capacity max. 1200 MW Insufficient grid-capacity – expensive congestion measures necessary CZ Slavetice Sokolnice Presently secure North Surplus of more than 2000 MW - Bisam - Pleinting SK berg Aschach Pirach Altheim D ü rnrohr Simbach 380 kV 380 kV isoliert Kledering Wallsee Etzersdorf 220 kV betrieben St. Peter Sattledt WIEN WIEN 220 kV Ybbsfeld S S Ü Ü DOST DOST Hausruck Gy ö r ERNSTHOFEN Gy ö r Neusiedl D Klaus Salzach Memmingen Leupolz Obermooweiler Pyhrn Ternitz Ternitz Wei ß enbach H Hessenberg TAUERN Zell am S ü dburgenland Ziller Meiningen Kaprun Westtirol Hauptstufe B ü rs CH Kainachtal Endangered South Deficit up to 2000 MW OBER - Pradella SIELACH Lienz I Maribor Soverzene SLO Podlog 5 5 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 km km 5 5 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 km km Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Two Major Projects in Authorization Phase • Benefits: • Considerable increase of security of supply • No further congestion management necessary • Market based operation of power plants without any restrictions • Possible increase of inter-regional trade • Unrestricted interaction between wind power in the north and pump storage plants in the south of Austria CZ CZ Slavetice Slavetice Sokolnice 380 kV Salzburgleitung Bisam- Pleinting SK berg Aschach Pirach Altheim Dürnrohr Dürnrohr Simbach Kledering Wallsee Etzersdorf St. Peter Sarasdorf Satlet WIEN Ybbsfeld SÜDOST Hausruck Hausruck Györ ERNSTHOFEN Györ D Neusiedl Salzach-Neu Klaus Salzach Memmingen Leupolz Obermooweiler Pyhrn Ternitz Weißenbach H Pongau Hessenberg TAUERN Zell am Zell am Südburgenland Ziller Meiningen 380 kV Steiermarkleitung Westtirol Kaprun Hauptstufe Bürs Oststeiermark CH CH Kainachtal OBER- Pradella Lienz Lienz SIELACH I I Maribor Maribor Soverzene SLO Podlog 5 5 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 km km Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Steiermarkleitung – a never ending Story ?? • 380kV double circuit line 2 x 1500 MVA • in sections multiple line + 1 x 110 kV, dismantling of existing OH-lines • Routeing of the line • Waste management • Traffic • Audible noise • Safety aspects and disturbances • Electromagnetic fields • Air and climate • Soil and agriculture • Effects on health • Geology, hydrogeology und water • Biotopes and ecological systems • Forestry • Urban and Rural planning • Description of the project • Technical alternative • Need for the line (incl. „no project“) • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Overhead Lines is compulsory when exceeding 15 km route length and starting from 220 kV • Enormous efforts for the procedure • high costs (till now app.40% of the whole project) A.) Application B.) Technical description and plans C.) Environmental Impact Declaration (EID) Synopsis Contributions Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
As per the Austrian Environmental Impact Ordinance – app. 18 months Official Time Schedule for Authorization is Exceeded Supreme Court (up to years) 1st instance (10 months) 2nd instance (7,5 months) • Current example: Steiermarkleitung – till now 38 months 2nd instance (22 months till now) Supreme Court (up to years) Conception phase ( 3-4 years) 1st instance (16 months) 3 years Start EIA 1 year 2 years February 2007 Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Opposition from Local Population – Refusal of Land Owners Strong regional thinking Local power generation by renewable energy is demanded instead of additional 380 kV transmission lines No acceptance of inter-regional energy trade The public is not keen on the liberalized market – does not see any benefits “Market” is strongly related to “Transit” Market is only seen as profit for producers, traders and grid operators Negative association “market transit transmission line” Opponents and land owners fear import or transit of nuclear energy Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Objections to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) WHO, ICNIRP recommends 100 µT as an exposure limit In Austria no binding values exist – As a result of EIA APG is forced to keep 1µT for sensitive areas Postulation of extremely low values for magnetic field – 0.05 µT by “so-called experts” who take the authorisation procedure as their personal stage 0.1 µT: 500 m 1 µT: 140 m 10 µT: 30 m 0,1µT 1µT 10 µT Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Legislation and Authorization Process Austrian legislation very often overshoots the European legislative The Austrian Environmental Impact Ordinance requires an “Environmental Impact Expertise (EIE)”, which covers all areas of protective goods The preparation is enormously time consuming and causes a massive delay ! There is no appropriate evaluation of values betweenenvironmental issuesand thepublic interestfor security of supply New expertises can be presented at any time from all parties - leads to an endless “ping pong“ between experts Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Authorities are not suitably prepared for a project of 100 km with 1.500 concerned parties Insufficient manpower Staff working in parallel on different EIA projects European thinking is very often hampered by national restrictive measures - “National and regional Screening Layer” Insufficient support from politicians for transmission line projects Duration of authorization does not follow the schedule set by law Legislation and Authorization Process cont. Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
TEN Projects TEN-E Guidelines – as they are at the moment - do not really speed up the projects. There is no legal foundation in Austria to favor TEN projects. They put no pressure on either national politics or concerned land owners. EC demands for investments National bodies are slow to react Regional bodies often react even more reluctantly or do not support it if they are not in favor of the project TSO has to act between the parties Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG
Mandatory support from national and regional political bodies for projects of European importance (TEN-projects) Appropriate evaluation of values betweenenvironmental issuesand thepublic interestwithin the EIA Establishment of corridors for infrastructure facilities (electricity, gas, oil, highways, etc) will ease the situation – (Coordinated planning) Harmonization between the EU-legislation and the national legislation – no overshooting through national laws European wide standards on EMF to define exposure limits Improvements to Speed up Projects Verbund – Austrian Power Grid AG