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TODAY IS. Thursday October 23, 2014 DAY 6. Attention FLC members!
TODAY IS ... Thursday October 23, 2014 DAY 6
Attention FLC members! Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 29th in Room 213. We will be electing this year's officers and celebrating el dia de los muertos...don't miss out! Make sure to sign-up outside of Room 210 if you plan on attending. Those running for an officer position should be prepared to tell us a little bit about yourself and why we should vote for you! And don't forget to bring some international candies if you can! Hope to see you there!
Drama Club members if you are interested in performing in our Drama Club talent show on Friday November 7, 2014 please stop down to room 113 at the end of the day a pick up a form from Mrs. Conlon in room 113.
WRESTLING There will be Open Mats for any Wrestlers at Lancaster High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. All are welcome and there is no charge. If you have any questions please see Mr. Rinow or Mr. Coughlin.
The LMS Box Tops Contest is on!!! Remember to bring in your Box Tops in a zip lock bag with your homeroom number on it. Drop it in one of the bins in the front foyer, front office or outside Mrs. Arnold's room #111. The top 7th and 8th grade homeroom at the end of the contest will win a breakfast for their homeroom on a day of their choice. Last year the homerooms had Tim Hortons! Updates will be announced periodically!
JR SADD Spirit Week TODAY IS….Thursday- Mustache Day. Any style. Any color. Sport the Stache that fits your personality. Speaking of sports, Friday is jersey day. Wear your favorite team t-shirt or jersey. We are dressing up all week to show our peers that we are proud of our LMS family and proud to be drug and alcohol free.
I mustache you to smile for the camera because you look great! hashtag mustache selfie . Tomorrow is the last day of Spirit Week. But don't be SADD, it's jersey day. Wear your favorite sports team with pride. If you have been collecting your Stickers all week, please give your sticker sheet to your JRSADD Homeroom Rep. Winners will be announced tomorrow morning. GOOD LUCK and thanks for all your spirit!
In case you didn't hear, the students of LMS raised $350 with yesterday's Hat Day Funds. Now teens like Joey can get the help they need. Hats off to you LMS. You guys are a wonderful bunch!
Modified Football Players Want to access our game films? Send your e-mail address to DHAUSER@LANCASTERSCHOOLS.ORG and coach will invite you to the team Hudl page. In your message include your name, Jersey #, and e-mail address.
YEARBOOK ORDERING ONLINE Exciting news LMS! We are kicking off the yearbook sale with this special announcement! Yearbooks will be sold EXCLUSIVELY online this year! You will receive an instructional flyer in homeroom outlining the process and the information will be on the LMS website. Ordering your child's middle school keepsake couldn't be easier!!
Congrats to the 7th Grade Football team on their 24-18 win over Springville last night. Scoring for the skins were: Castellana and Vincheski. A solid second half by all helped to re-gain the lead and put the skins in position to win. Remember, practice today until 4:30 P.M. Get ready for the Noz Bowl today!!! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!
Oven Baked Chicken with Seasoned Rice Parsley Potatoes Sweet Green Peas Chilled Pear Cup Milk