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Circulatory System

Circulatory System. Chapter 33. The Human Circulatory System. The heart, blood, and blood vessels are all part of the circulatory system . The Heart. The Heart. The heart is a muscular blood pump that beats by electrical impulses.

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Circulatory System

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  1. Circulatory System Chapter 33

  2. The Human Circulatory System The heart, blood, and blood vessels are all part of the circulatory system.

  3. The Heart

  4. The Heart • The heart is a muscular blood pump that beats by electrical impulses. • It takes inoxygen-poor blood and eventually pumps outoxygen-rich blood. • The human heart has four main chambers and numerous arteries and veins.

  5. 4 Chambers of the Heart

  6. HEART ANIMATION Click HERE to view an animation from the National Institutes of Health. There is sound to the animation, so plug up the speakers!

  7. Three types of blood vessels: • Arteries - Carry blood away from the heart • Veins- Carry blood toward the heart • Capillaries- Connect the other two

  8. Blood Vessels

  9. Tricks to remember… • AAA Rule = Arteries Always Away • VV Rule = Veins have Valves • CC Rule = Capillaries Connect

  10. Arteries vs. Veins

  11. The Circulation Game Rap Click HERE to view the video. If you do not have speakers on the computer, you will not be able to hear the song. You can still read the words from the screen.

  12. Blood Pressure • Blood pressure- measures the pressure on the walls of the arterieswhen the heart is beating and relaxing. • Formula: Systolic (Heart contracting) Diastolic (Heart relaxing) • Normal human BP is 120/80.

  13. Sphygmomanometer

  14. SOLID Blood • Red Blood Cells (RBCs) • Covered with Hemoglobin that allows them to carry oxygen • White Blood Cells (WBCs) • Protect the body from infection and fight disease • Platelets • Trillions of them, help clot blood

  15. RBCs

  16. Hemoglobin • A red, iron containing pigment that enables RBCs to carry O2 Anemia is a condition caused by low hemoglobin or too few RBCs.

  17. WBCs Basophil Monocyte Eosinophil Lymphocyte Neutrophil

  18. So, where are blood cells made? In the bone marrow

  19. LIQUID Blood • Plasma • Contains clotting fibers, antibodies, glucose, vitamins, enzymes, etc… Blood taken from a vein The blood after spinning in a centrifuge (the yellow liquid is the plasma)

  20. A Centrifuge Spinning causes the heaviest particles to settle at the bottom of the test tube, while the liquid remains on top.

  21. LET’S REVIEW: Blood Cells • Which blood cells are have a nucleus and fight infections? • Which blood cells contain hemoglobin and carry oxygen? • Which blood cells help clot the blood? • Where are blood cells made?

  22. Check your answers: • White blood cells (WBCs) • Red blood cells (RBCs) • Platelets • Bone Marrow

  23. A Few Health Problems (more are listed in the textbook- be familiar with them all) • Hypertension – High blood pressure. When a person’s BP remains well above normal, even during rest. • Atherosclerosis – “Hardening of the arteries”. Fat buildup on the artery walls causes them to become narrow and stiff.

  24. Atherosclerosis

  25. Heart Attack vs. Cardiac Arrest • Heart Attack- The death of heart muscle due to lack of oxygen. Usually caused by blocked arteries. • Cardiac Arrest- Sudden spasm or stoppage of heartbeat.

  26. How does the Circulatory System help maintain homeostasis? It transports important materials (nutrients, wastes, hormones, and other things) throughout the body.


  28. Why do we need it? • Brings OXYGEN into the body. O2 is needed to convert sugar into energy for the cells to operate. • Releases CARBON DIOXIDE from the body. CO2 is a waste product from the cells. BY DOING THESE TWO THINGS, IT HELPS MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS!

  29. Gas Exchange In order to work properly, lungs or other respiratory surfaces must be: Thin walled 2. Moist 3. Contact a source of oxygen 4. Come in contact with the transport (circulatory) system

  30. Let’s Practice! Label the diagram CLICK HERE

  31. What happens when I breathe? Click the lungs to see an animation (there’s no sound on this one)

  32. Alveoli Tiny air sacs in the lungs; where gas exchange occurs

  33. Diseases of the Respiratory System Emphysema (smokers lung) Lung Cancer Normal Lung

  34. Let’s Review A B C G D E F

  35. By what process does oxygen get into the blood and carbon dioxide get out of it? Give me a Hint I know the answer

  36. OK, here are some choices… A Active Transport B Diffusion C Infusion D Bioluminescence

  37. Try Again Go Back

  38. I’m all ears…what’s your answer? You need a hint after all

  39. You Win! In diffusion molecules move from a high concentration to a low one

  40. THE END

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