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ADDICTIONS Unit 1. Fiona Valerie Cuce , Hana Zahajská 2012. Content :. Kinds of addictions Types of drugs Organizations Game for you. Kinds of addictions :. Main of them : alcohol and tobacco caffeine medicine , pills gambling drugs Emotional trigger – citový spouštěč

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  1. ADDICTIONSUnit 1 Fiona Valerie Cuce, Hana Zahajská 2012

  2. Content: • Kindsofaddictions • Typesofdrugs • Organizations • Game foryou

  3. Kindsofaddictions: Mainofthem: alcoholandtobaccocaffeine medicine, pills gambling drugs Emotionaltrigger– citový spouštěč Craving – touha, chuť, bažení, žádostivost Guilt – vina, pocit viny

  4. Kindsofaddictions: These addictions are well – know! AlcoholTobacco Thesedrugsarelegal!

  5. Caffeine: - Stimulateyourcentralnervoussystem - Caffeinecounteractssleep - Islegal - In: tea, coffee, cacao, energydrinks, fizzydrinks such as cocacola forinteresting: in North America90% of adults consume caffeine daily

  6. Medicine, pills • Peoplecanbeaddict to pillsforexample: • Anti-depressantsf.e.: prozac, seroxat… • Pillsforsleepandotherspills • These typesofdrugsislegaltoo.

  7. Gambling: • Itisspecifickindofaddiction • Gamblingis, whenpeoplelike (he isaddicted) to play hazard games • Gamblingcanbeconectwithanyothersaddictions (mostlydrugs, alcohol)

  8. What do youthink? Everybodywrite 3 reasons, why do peopletakedrugs? Do youhaveanyaddiction?

  9. TYPES OF DRUGS: Wehave 4 typesofdrugs: • Gethight (stimulants = uppers) - cocaine, crack, ecstasy, speed = (methamphetamine, pervitin) tobacco • Calmdown (depressants= downers) - alcohol, cannabis, gases, gluesandaerosols, tranquillisers • Tripout(hallucinogenicdrugs) - cannabis, ketamine, LSD andmagicmushrooms • Getknockedout (opiate type drugs) - diacetylmorphine =heroin, morphine, codeine VOCABULARY: alert – ostražitý, bdělý, pozorný affect – ovlivnit, postihout calm– klidný mind - mysl glues – lepidlo, klih distort – zkreslit tranquillisers– uklidňující lék, sedativum

  10. Stimulants = Uppers Cocaine, Crack – (snow), illegaldrugs !!! - Powderform, crackis in crystalform - From the leaves of the coca plant - Increase - alertness, feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and activity, feelings of competence and sexuality Formofapplication: - Oral - smoking, sniffing=(blowing), chewingcocaleaves, - (Druginjection), crack - inhalation increase- zvyšovat alertness – ostražitost powder – prášek sniff(snufforsnort) - šňupat chew - žvýkat

  11. Stimulants = Uppers Ecstasy – (E, ball, drug (pill) of love) - Powderformor tablet (pill) - Many kindsofcolorsanddesigns - Caninduse– euphoriaand sense ofintimacywithothers, love forothers, innerpeace, feelings of empathyandforgiveness - Increase- energyandendurance,motivation, desire - Diminish- anxiety, fear, aggressionandhostility Formofapplication: oral induse – vyvodit, přivolat inner – vnitřní forgiveness– odpuštění increase– zvýšit, přibývat endurance – výdrž, vytrvalost, odolnost desire – touha, chuť diminish – snížit anxiety – úzkost, strach, obava hostility- nepřátelství

  12. Stimulants = Uppers Speed = (methamphetamine, pervitin) Increase - alertness, concentration, energy Caninduce- euphoria Many negative effects: fatigue, depression, anxiety, headaches, agitation, aggression, deep REM sleepandsuicidalideation, psychoticbehaviour Form – like as small fragment ofglassorbrightblue-whitecrystals Formofapplication: injection, smoking Pervitin isthe most addictivedrug! Cancauses paranoia, hallucinationsandevendeath. It most worsttreatableaddiction!!! increase – zvyšovat anxiety – úzkost, strach behaviour - chování alertness – ostražitost headaches – bolesti hlavy fragment - úlomek induce – navodit, vyvodit agitation - rozrušení cause - způsobovat fatigue– únava, vyčerpání suicidalideation– sebevražedné sklony treatable - léčitelný

  13. Depressants = Downers Cannabis – marijuana, grass, skunk = a type ofcannabis (Hashish (hash) – isresinofcannabisplant, usuallycombinatewithcannabis.) - Downersandhallucinogenicdrug • Most famousdrugandthe most famousillicitdrug on theworld • Many kindsofthisdrug • Used as psychoactivedrugand as medicine( usedfortreatment Alzheimer‘s disease) • Main element is THC • Recreationaldrug, use at religion orspiritualrituals • In theNetherlandsthisdrugislegalandtolerate! Formofapplication: mixedwithtobacco (joint) andsmoked, make a tea – drink, bakehashcakesandcookies – eat, in India cannabismixedwithtobacco - chew resin – pryskyřicetreatment - léčba illicit – nezákonný, zakázaný main - hlavní

  14. Haluccinogenicdrugs LSD – acid, trip, paper - Semisyntheticpsychedelicdrug - Changeconsciousness(hallucination, illusion) - Is a productofpoisonousfungusgrowing on rye - Effectsofthisdrug are non-predictable - Can cause to 12 hours Form – sells in pillsorliquidform, LSD is in blottingpaper – divide LSD intosquares, 1 square isonedose Formofapplication: oral consciousness – vědomí cause – působit poisonousfungus– jedovatá houba liquid – tekutý (tekutina) rye – žito blottingpaper– savý papír non-predictable- nepředvídatelnýdose- dávka divide - rozdělit

  15. Hallucinogenicdrugs Magicmushrooms – psilocybinmushrooms - Many kinds (20 kinds in theCzech R.) - Main psychoactive elements: psilocybin and psilocin - Used in ancienttime, usedforreligiouspurposes, rituals - Psychedeliceffectsmaybrings: panic attacks, depressionanddelusions • Veryimportantisdosage, picking: in October, November Formofapplication: eatrawmushrooms, driedmushrooms mix withcannabisandsmoke, drink a tea contain– obsahovat delusion – klam, myslná představa purpose – účel dosage – dávkování raw – syrový dried - sušený

  16. Opiate type drugs Heroin, (Morphine, Codeine) - Opiateanalgesic, heroin ishardandstrongdrug - 15 millionusersof heroin (15-64 yearsold) - Heroin causesimmediately (till 6-8 hours) Effects: relaxing, sleepiness, calmingdown, no perceptionofpain Formofapplication: smoking, injection Injection!!! – dangerof transfer HIV and hepatitis! Heroin isusually cause ofdeath!!! perception– vnímání pain– bolest sniffing- šňupání cause ofdeath– příčina smrti

  17. ORGANIZATIONS: 1) Low-thresholdOrganizations (nízkoprahové) - Drop-in – www.dropin.cz - K-Centrum – www.k-centrum.net 2) Hospitals - Bohnice – www.plbohnice.cz - Hradec Králové – www. alkohol-alkoholismus.cz 3) Detox • PL Apolinář, PL Bohnice, PL Brno, PL Plzeň 4) OtherOrganizations - AlcoholicsAnonymous, NarcoticsAnonymous

  18. THE GAME

  19. Thankyouforyourattention !!!

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