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BUDIDAYA KELINCI. Abdul Samik FKH-UA Desember 2013. KEUNGGULAN KELINCI. Kelinci Ayam Kambing Sapi Jml anak / th ( ekor ) 40 100 1.4 0,8 BB induk (kg) 4,5 3 70 500 Protein (gram) 20 16-20 - 19 Lemak (%) 6,8 13 36 32 . Jenis-Jenis Kelinci. Kesenangan (Hobi)

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  1. BUDIDAYA KELINCI Abdul Samik FKH-UA Desember 2013

  2. KEUNGGULAN KELINCI KelinciAyamKambingSapi Jmlanak/th (ekor) 40 100 1.4 0,8 BB induk (kg) 4,5 3 70 500 Protein (gram) 20 16-20 - 19 Lemak (%) 6,8 13 36 32

  3. Jenis-Jenis Kelinci • Kesenangan (Hobi) • Budidaya, Kontes • Laboratorium • Bulu • Angora • Rex • Daging • Tipe besar

  4. BERDASARKAN UKURANNYA : • Kecil (0.9-2.7 kg) • American Fuzzy Lop • Britannia Petite • Dutch • Dwarf Hotot • Florida white • Havana • Himalayan • Holland Lop

  5. 9. Jersey wolly 10. Mini Lop 11. Mini Rex 12. Netherland Dwarf 13. Polish 14. Silver 15. Tan

  6. Sedang (2.7-4.1kg) • 1. American Sable 7. Lilac • 2. Belgian Hare 8. Rex • 3. English angora 9. Rhinelander • 4. English Spot 10. Satin Angora • 5. French angora 11. Silver Marten • 6. Harlequin 12. Standard Chinchilla

  7. Besar (4.1-5kg) 1. American 2. American Chinchilla 3. Beveren 4. Californian 5. Champagne d'Argent 6. Cinnamon 7. Cremed'Argent 8. English Lop 9. Giant Angora 10. Hotot 11. New Zealand 12. Palomino 13. Satin 14. Silver Fox

  8. Raksasa (lebihdari 5kg) 1.Checkered Giant, 2. Flemish Giant (Patagonian), 3. French Lop 4. Giant Chinchilla

  9. KEGUNAAN • Dagingprotein tinggicholesterol rendahlemak rendah

  10. Penelitianproduksi antibodistudi reproduksipenelitian penyakit manusia

  11. Bulu- Normal- Rex- Angora- Satin • Kesayangan

  12. JENIS-JENIS KELINCI • 45 Jenis • 5 kelas utamaminikecilsedangbesargiant

  13. Kandang dan Perlengkapan • Kandang cukup lebar untuk pergerakan kelinci • Kandang terbuat dr kawat • Lantai kandang terbuat dari kayu yg kuat

  14. Perawatan • Tahan thd suhu dingin • Tdk tahan thd suhu panas • Membutuhkan udara bebas bergerak • Block drafts in cold weather

  15. Jenis pakan : • Hijauan : rumput lapangan, limbah sayuran, daun turi, daun lamtoro, dll. • Hay (rumput kering) : rumput gajah, setaria, pucuk tebu, dll. • Biji – bijian : jagung,sorgum, kacang hijau. • Umbi – umbian : wortel,ubi jalar, singkong. • Konsentrat : pellet (pakan buatan dari dari pabrik), bekatul, dll.

  16. Pemberian pakan • Sistem ad libitum : pemberian pakan selalu tersedia • Sistem restriction : pemberian pakan yg disediakan scr terbatas Kebiasaan Kelinci • Coprophage/caecotrophy : memakan kotoran sendiri. Fur eating habit : menggigit dan memakan bulunya sendiri/ kayu tmp sangkarnya.

  17. Tujuan menyusun ransum kelinci • memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi ternak kelinci • agar produksi optimal • keuntungan optimal Syarat • memahami kebutuhan zat-zat nutrisi kelinci (feeding standard) • memahami komposisi kimia bahan • mampu merangkum bahan

  18. Pemilihan bahan : - mudah didapat - murah harganya - tidak bersaing dengan keperluan manusia - terjamin ketersediaannya • baik kualitasnya Jumlah pemberian konsentrat : - Pertumbuhan,penggemukan,pejantan : 50 gr. - induk bunting : 70 gr. - induk menyusui : 150 – 200 gr. - + rumput lapangan ad lib.

  19. Jumlah pemberian konsentrat : - Pertumbuhan,penggemukan,pejantan : 50 gr. - induk bunting : 70 gr. - induk menyusui : 150 – 200 gr. - + rumput lapangan ad lib.

  20. PAKAN • Tempat pakan terbuat dr stainles • Tempat minum bentuk ember atau botol • Pakan komersial (pelet)

  21. Jangan terlalu banyak makan selada hijau • Jangan terlalu banyak memberi pakan sayur atau buah • Coprophagy

  22. PAKAN KELINCI • Rumput kering • Jagung • Gandum • Tepung gandum • wortel • Apel • Buncis • Pisang • Nanas

  23. Handling • Jangan dipegang telinganya • Gunakan baju lengan panjang • Pegang dg lembut

  24. ISTILAH • Jantan: Buck • Betina: Doe • Muda: Bunny • Anak: Kit • Group: Herd

  25. REPRODUKSI • Pubertas: 5-8 bln • Betina butuh sinar lampu slm 16 jam/hr untuk proses reproduksi • Betina dibawa kekandang jantan pd saat kawin (tdk sebaliknya)

  26. Kebuntingan: 30-32 hr • Doe merontokkan bulu untuk membuat sarang • Tinggalkan doe sendiri pd saat melahirkan • Sapih: 4-8 mgg


  28. Peradangan pd saluran ususMenyebabkan kematian pd kelinciDisebabkan oleh bakteri dan sanitasi yg tdk baik Gejala: tdk mau makan. Minum air terlalu banyakKematian terjadi 4-7 hr stl infeksi Pengobatan dg antibiotik broad-spectrum Enteritis

  29. Snuffles • Disebabkan oleh Pasteurella multocida • Gejala: bersin dg keluar ingus • Muncul pd hwn yg stres

  30. Wry Neck • Kepala melintir kesalah satu sisi • Disebabkan oleh Pasteurella multocida • Pengobatan: antibiotics

  31. Kutu telinga • Parasit eksternal • Mengeleng-gelengkan kepala, mengaruk-garuk telinga • Pengobatan: mineral oil untuk telinga atau obat tetes telinga


  33. American Chinchilla • Great for Meat • Very Popular • Great Pets • Docile nature • Need to be protected from cold, drafts, wind, snow and rain.

  34. American Sable • American Sable is a rich sepia brown color with brown eyes. • Weights Sr. Buck-8 pounds • Weight Sr. Does - 9 pounds

  35. American • The American Blue Rabbit comes from Pasadena, Calif. • Intended as a meat and fur rabbit • Bucks weigh 9 pounds • Does weigh 10 pounds

  36. Californian • Developed in the USA in 1920’s • Rapid maturing • Meat breed • High Quality Fur • Crossed between Himalayan and Chinchilla rabbit breeds. • Weight 7-15 pounds

  37. Champagne d’Argent • Sr. Bucks weigh 10 pounds • Sr. Does weigh 10-11 pounds. • Adult color is bluish white body with black hairs with darker nose and muzzle, brown eyes

  38. Cinnamon • American breed of rabbits - developed in Montana. • Commercial breeding rabbit weighing 8.5 - 11 pounds. • Rich, russet dark brown color - deep cinnamon.

  39. Dwarf Hotot • Original home was Germany. • Crossbred from Netherlands Dwarf and Dutch. • Small and Compact, stocky, docile little rabbit • Average weight-2.5 pounds

  40. Dutch • Black Dutch most common. Other colors include Blue, Chocolate, Gray, Steel, Tortoise. • White shoulders are distinguishing mark • Well rounded body • Blaze on face-wedge shaped.

  41. English Angora • Average size 5.5 pounds. • Colors: lilac, chocolate, white, fawn, chestnut, broken black, blue, • Fur type rabbit.

  42. French Angora • Average Weight 7.5 to 8 pounds • Good wool producers • Dual Purpose, wood and meat. • All toenails should be matched. • Colors-variety of colors including white, solids, or brokens

  43. Flemish Giant • Colors: Black, blue, fawn, light gray, sandy, steel, gray, and white. • Sr. Bucks weigh 13 pounds or over • Sr. Does weigh 14 pounds or over.

  44. French Lop • Color Groups: Agouti, Broken, self, shaded, ticked, wide band. • Classifications-broken pattern or solid pattern. • Sr. bucks-10.5 pounds • Sr. Does-11 pounds

  45. Florida White • Excellent Meat rabbit • Pure white color • Pink eyes • Sr. Bucks & Does - 5 pounds • Jr. Bucks & Does - up to 4.5 pounds.

  46. American Fuzzy Lop • Color Groups: Agouti, Broken, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Wide Band. • Classifications-Broken & Solid pattern • Sr. Bucks - 3.5 lbs. • Sr. Does - 3.75 lbs.

  47. Giant Angora • Fur Type Rabbit • Colors: Ruby Eyed White • Sr. Bucks - 9.5 lbs. • Sr. Does - 10 lbs.

  48. Giant Chinchilla • Chinchilla color with brown eyes. • Sr. Bucks - 12-15 pounds. • Sr. Does - 13-16 pounds. • Meat Type rabbit

  49. Havana • Colors: Black, Blue and Chocolate • Sr. Bucks & Does - 5.25 - 5.5 pounds • Jr. Bucks & Does- minimum 2.5 pounds.

  50. Himalayan • Small Size , gentle nature • Ideal for children • Colors: Black, Blue, chocolate, and lilac • Sr. Bucks & Does - 3.5 pounds • Jr. Bucks & Does- minimum 1.25 lbs.

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