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Who we are in Christ. The Past. Established 1858 DNA-. The Journey. Leadership away day in June 2011 started to think about who we are APCM- John shared some initial thoughts PCC has been praying for and developing a restatement of Who we are. Current vision and values.
The Past • Established 1858 • DNA-
The Journey • Leadership away day in June 2011 started to think about who we are • APCM- John shared some initial thoughts • PCC has been praying for and developing a restatement of Who we are
What do we long for? • We long to see God’s Kingdom come. Seeing: our world, our community, our town, our church, our lives transformed by the power of God.
Identity Culture Mission Values
Summary statement Christ Church: A community led by Jesus Christ, inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share God’s message of love and Grace
OR CHRIST CHURCH Jesus led, Spirit empowered, Grace based.
Who we are - Our identity A people belonging to God: 1 Peter 2:9
1 Peter 2:9 - “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God”
Why we are - Our Mission A PEOPLE WHO PRAY Loving God and others: Matt 22:37 ROCLAIM THE KINGDOM
Matt 22:37- “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself
Why we are - Our mission Disciples who make disciples: Matt 28:19
Matt 28:19-20- Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Why we are - Our mission A people who pray and proclaim the Kingdom: Matthew 6:10, Acts 28: 31
Matt 6:10, Acts 28:31- “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness”
Our Values We aim to be an authentic Acts 2 church and in general this means that we are:
Our valuesWORSHIP CENTRED Everything we have is from God and out of His love for us – we owe Him everything! In response to His generosity we give our whole lives as an offering to Him. This is what we were created for – to worship God and reflect His glory.
Our valuesMISSION SHAPED God has a mission to save His lost and broken world, and to bring all things back to himself under the authority of Jesus. That is why he sent Jesus. This mission continues through His church, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Christ Church is excited to be part of this mission. Everything we do is shaped with those outside the church in mind.
Our valuesGRACE BASED We are people who seek to demonstrate by our lives that we understand that what Christ did for us on the cross was entirely sufficient, to bring us back into relationship with God and to share his risen life. We are therefore compelled to extend His grace to others.
Our valuesWORD ROOTED We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and carries His authority. Through the Bible God has revealed to us what He is like and this is primarily how He continues to speak to us today. God’s Word is amazing- it brings life, freedom and wisdom!
Our values:SPIRIT EMPOWERED We experience the love of God and meet with the risen Jesus through the Holy Spirit. We are empowered in our calling by the work of the Spirit in the fruit He produces in us and the gifts described in the New Testament. It is by the Spirit that we become more and more like Jesus – free, secure, courageous, faithful, caring, generous and joyful.
Our valuesTRANSFORMING COMMUNITY We are invited into God’s family of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a transforming community – where we experience the transforming love of God through one another and seek to transform the community around us. Jesus’ call to love, serve and form healthy relationships with each other is at the heart of who we are at Christ Church - a call that is costly and requires commitment. It means we need to have deep fellowship: being real, sharing our lives honestly, valuing everyone, and building healthy biblical relationships.
Our valuesPRAYER DEPENDENT A lifestyle of corporate and personal prayer that shows our dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
Key areas of growth: • To develop, resource and grow our young families, children’s and youth work. Also supporting parents. • To develop our discipleship across all ages. Reinvigorating our small groups, developing mentoring and developing flexible groups to empower those in the workplace. • To develop an integrated strategy for evangelism and mission. • To develop our Christ likeness. Growth in worship, teaching, prayer and prayer ministry.
Key areas of growth: • To develop our buildings to be a suitable resource for worship, ministry and mission in the 21st century. • To develop a joyful, honest and transformational community, deep in fellowship. • To resource and develop our leaders and volunteers. For all to discern their calling in Jesus. • To grow as a resource for God’s Kingdom.
What Next? • Spring Term – Teaching on Sundays and in small groups • Next stage of the Journey – Wednesday 6th February- afternoon and evening • APCM – Sunday 21st April 2013