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London IN 18 th century. In the 18th century of London is living the Industrial Revolution . In this time, London was at the center of the British Empire ( an economic and cultural E uropean capital). This is the Age of Reason with Isaac Newton in England . LONDON, 1751.
London IN 18thcentury In the 18th century of London is living the Industrial Revolution. In this time, London was at the center of the British Empire(aneconomic and cultural European capital). ThisistheAge of Reasonwith Isaac Newton in England. LONDON, 1751
Description of the picture Thisdocumentisa skyview of theEast of London in 1751, a workbySamuel T. Bowles. We can seetheriverThames. There are two bridges thatconnectthesouthtothenorth, and I supposethefirst bridge isLondon Bridge, a veryold bridge (built in theMiddleAges). There are alsolots of towers. We can see at theright of theThamesSt-Paul’sCathedralwiththebig dome and itoverhangstheeighteenthcentury´s in England. In thebackgound, we can distinguishlots of hills. We can see a parkontheleft of theThames, I thinkit´stheLambethGuardian Park. In theforeground, ontheleft, thereis a verylargeavenue. There are lots of typicalsailingships and barks of theeighteenthcenturyontheThames (creation of the 74 canons, a goodcompromiseforthe Royal Navy [England] and the French Navy). LONDON, 1751
THE COMMERCE At thebeginning of theeighteenthcentury, there was the triangular trade : thisisthetravelthatexchangedslavesforarms in the West of theAfrica, theslavesweretransportedin South America, central America and North America in exchangeforessentiallymoney (gold) and tropical food (tomatoes, patatas, coffee…) and in Europethemoneywasexchangedforarms.
ENGLAND In theSevenYears’ War, therewere France, Spain, Austria, Sweden and Russiaagainsttheirennemies: England, Prussia and Portugal. Therewasequality in Europebutit’san English victory in North America. Results : Great-BritainannexesCanada, Bengal and Florida (a formerSpanishterritory). And France transfersLouisianatoSpain. Therehad a veryimportantnavybecausetheytakepossession of Australia in 1770 by James Cook and theycreate a bigpenitenciary in this country. Gloucester at the 18th century. War of sevenyears. LONDON, 1764
London was doggedbycrimelikethe criminal J.Sheppard. Butthepolicewasevolvingbecausetheycreatedthescientificpolice. Creation of the ¨´Marine Police¨, there was thepolicewhoprotectedtheport of London, thankstothedevelopment of the Triangular Trade. Butthepolicemost popular and avanced in thiscenturyisthe “Mossosd’Esquadra”, thispoliceexistalso in ourcentury (root of the oficial website of the “Mossos”), creation in 1714. Equipment of thepolice in the 18th century. ScotsGuards. In the 17th century, therewasthecreation of theScotsGuards (English Guards). Therewerepolicewithbearskinshat and theyhad(untilnow) toprotectthe English Queen and King. Thispoliceisveryimportant in the 18th centurybecausetherewasthe Industrial Revolution.
SURPRISING DISCOVERY NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 2010 In September 2010, during the foundations of the GroundZero, a boat of the XVIIIthcenturywasdiscovered. There was a verybig surprise for New Yorkers. It wasa commercial boat.