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LHC Status and Start-Up. Steve Myers (Accelerators and Beams Department). Machine is closed (Aug 07) Hardware commissioning needed for 450GeV plus maximum possible for 7TeV Nov/Dec 2007: Beam operation with collisions at 450 GeV
LHC Status and Start-Up Steve Myers (Accelerators and Beams Department)
Machine is closed (Aug 07) Hardware commissioning needed for 450GeV plus maximum possible for 7TeV Nov/Dec 2007: Beam operation with collisions at 450 GeV Shutdown: Finish hardware commissioning and installation of some delayed equipment for 7 TeV (e.g. some collimators). LHC commissioning for 7 TeV physics. LHC Operation LHC Commissioning Sequence
Cabling Tracing and aligning Cryoline (QRL) Magnet Transport (24/week 18MB + 6 SSS) Cryo instruments, QP controls, Vac controls Magnet Interconnections (24/week 2 sectors in parallel) Global leak Test (2 weeks) Closure and consolidation (6 weeks) Cool down (8 weeks) Powering tests (10-13 weeks) Global Cold Check-out (4 weeks) Beam Commissioning (13 weeks) Physics!!! (forever) Preparation for Physics (baseline in parenthesis) Installation March 2007 Hardware Commissioning by sector Beam Commissioning 2007
Procurement, Installationand Hardware Commissioning 450 GeV Run Hardware Commissioning in 2008 Physics at 7 TeV in 2008 Topics
QRL: 7 Sectors ready – pressure test of sector 1-2 scheduled on October 28th Magnet transport: 804 MB, 233 Arc SSS and 54 S4 in place today (planning: 791 MB, 234 Arc SSS and 56 S4 end of August) on track to get all magnets in place by March 2007 Interconnection: 3 cold sub-sectors completed in 7-8, nominal rate consolidated expect sector 7-8 closed by mid-November 2006 objective: cool-down Sector 7-8 by the end of the year Summary Status of Installation
Acceleration System Installation of First Cavity (Aug 23 2006)
Photo 0903 Tunnel installation • All main RF equipment now installed in the tunnel at point 4 having been fully tested and vacuum conditioned on the surface - 400 MHz accelerating cavities - 16 cavities in 4 modules, 2 per beam. - Transverse damping kickers - 16 electrostatic deflectors, 8 per beam - Longitudinal monitors – 6 wideband coaxial line monitors • Alignment is in progress, beam tube vacuum connections in one month. • Cryogenic, cable and waveguide connections still to come. • Power amplifiers for dampers (installed under kickers) for early 2007. On target for 450 GeV run
RF Infrastructure • Waveguide platform installed • High voltage bunkers in place • Faraday cages for sensitive electronics in place and equipped. • Control racks in place • Water and electric systems to be completed On target for 450 GeV run
MKI (injection kickers): all 4 series magnets in LSS8R installed; bake-out/commissioning now starting; generator installation practically completed; magnets for LSS2L to be completed and installed; including generators; early 2007. MKD (extraction kickers): all 30 series magnets + spares built and tested; installation of supports ongoing; soon followed by installation of the ceramic vacuum chambers; all generators built and installation ongoing; commissioning starting in December 2006. MKB (dliution kickers): all 4 tanks (comprising in total 4 MKBH + 4 MKBV magnets) of first batch built and tested; first 2 to be installed now; all generators built and being tested; staged equipment under construction. MKQA (A and aperture measurement kickers): prototype generator built and tested; series generators now being built; series magnets construction to be launched soon. TCDS/Q (extraction septum/Q4 protection devices): all 8 series tanks installed in LSS6L and R; TCDQM (masks downstream of TCDQ): support structures delivered, to be installed by end October; components for marks to be delivered by end of October, followed by assembly; installation by end of the year. LBDS (coordination overall beam dumping system): both beam dumps installed, including ventilation system and most of the shielding, both dump vacuum lines being installed; for MKD, MKB, TCDS/Q/M pls. see above, MSD installation towards the end to ease access onto and across the bridge in IP6. LTI (coordination transfer lines and injections): TI 8 installation completed, line tested up to last 120 m, to be re-commissioned with beam in summer 2007, installation of LSS8R injection system nearly completed, TI 2 upstream installed and commissioned up to near PMI2, TI 2 downstream to be installed during April - August 2007, beam tests in October 2007.
TCDQ TCDS/Q (extraction septum/Q4 protection devices): all 8 series tanks installed in LSS6L and R; TCDQM (masks downstream of TCDQ): support structures delivered, to be installed by end October; components for marks to be delivered by end of October, followed by assembly; installation by end of the year.
TCDS TCDS/Q (extraction septum/Q4 protection devices): all 8 series tanks installed in LSS6L and R; TCDQM (masks downstream of TCDQ): support structures delivered, to be installed by end October; components for marks to be delivered by end of October, followed by assembly; installation by end of the year.
MKI (injection kickers): all 4 series magnets in LSS8R installed; bake-out/commissioning now starting; generator installation practically completed; magnets for LSS2L to be completed and installed; including generators; early 2007.
The installation work in the tunnel proceeds along the schedule without major concerns. For the interface between the experiments and the control system. This concerns the BIC system and the timing system (GMT and BST). We can say that all required interfaces are currently discussed and soon finalized in the scope of the LEADE meetings. The CCC controls infrastructure is installed and ready for the LHC operation (Application servers, File servers, consoles, big screens on the wall, video distribution, ...). Hardware Commissioning , i.e. Cool down of a complete sector, is the next upcoming milestone. Installations are ready and most control software is ready for testing. The LSA project is well underway. Work agreements AB-CO--- AB-OP have been found. We are facing a permanent scope creep with the addition of extra high priority work (Machine critical settings, complex sequencing, role based access for controls security), which in turn will lower the effort on other applications. The situation has not changed significantly from the past, despite all corrective measures we will be very short, but we will make it. Controls Status
Power Converters Installation RR13/UJ13: complete RR17/UJ17: starting, (0/62) UA23: not installed (0/81 ) UA27: complete UJ33: not installed (0/80 ) UA43: complete UA47: complete RR53: complete RR57: complete USC55: complete UA63: complete UA67: complete RR73: complete RR77: complete UA83/UJ83: complete UA87/UJ87: complete Completion of installation before the end of 2006 745 / 968 are installed Orbit correctors converters (752; +-60A,+-8V) will installed under the dipole magnets at the last moment.
Power Converter Testing Short Circuit Test : Pt 1: 50% (1L complete, RR13 {47}, UJ14 {15}, 62/124 tested) Pt 2: 0%, 0/162 tested Pt 3: 0%, 0/80 tested Pt 4: 97% (complete except for wigglers, 110/114 converters tested) Pt 5: 50% {5L complete, RR53 {47}, USC55 {15}, 62/124 tested) Pt 6: 0%, 0/96 tested Pt 7: 33% (7R complete, RR77 {34}, 34/) Pt 8: 100%, 162/162 tested Experiments and surface building converters not included above. Next Short Circuits Tests: Oct 2006 : UA63, UJ63 (Pt 6L) {42, 6} Nov 2006 : RR57, UJ56 (Pt 5R) {47, 15} Total ready for Hardware commissioning : 430 / 960 not including closed orbit converters
LHC Power Converters Number of Converters: 1720 Total Current :1860 kA Underground volume 1700 m3 SR volume 300 m3
Power Converter Tolerances for LHC Precision Control
During 2007: fully commission 4 sectors and partially commission other 4 Hand over machine to operations 1st Nov.2007 During 2008: (re)commission all sectors to 100% in the first 3 months. Hand over machine to operations on 1st April 2008 Summary of Hardware Commissioning Goals
Fastest Safe Path to low intensity collisions Commission essential safety systems Commission essential beam instrumentation Commission essential hardware systems Perform measurements to check: Polarities and R1/R2 anomalies Aperture Field characteristics Skip non-essential Mop up in interleafed MD Could also do in MD: First part of ramp ***** Get a handle on reproducibility etc. 450 GeV Run
First Turn 450 GeV Commissioning for 7 TeV
Time Given an operational efficiency of 60%, this gives an elapsed time of about 26 days.
Staged commissioning plan for protons Stage I IV II III Hardwarecommissioning Beam commissioning 43 bunchoperation 75ns ops 25ns ops Install Phase II and MKB 25ns ops II Machine checkout No beam Beam Beam • Pilot physics run • First collisions • 43 bunches, no crossing angle, no squeeze, moderate intensities • Push performance (156 bunches, partial squeeze in 1 and 5, push intensity) • 75ns operation • Establish multi-bunch operation, moderate intensities • Relaxed machine parameters (squeeze and crossing angle) • Push squeeze and crossing angle • 25ns operation I • Nominal crossing angle • Push squeeze • Increase intensity to 50% nominal • 25ns operation II • Push towards nominal performance
Possible Beam Parameter Evolution at 7TeV/beam Considered to be an all-out maximum with the hardware as installed
Summary • LHC is approaching completion. • LHC commissioning is prepared (in detail.) • 450 GeV collisions run in 2007. • LHC collisions at 7 TeV in 2008 (possible luminosities, around 1033 cm-2 s-1). • Finalised plan after the 450 GeV run • More physics