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Reconstruction. Problems. The South’s economy was in ruins – everyone was poor. What was the future for two million “freedmen?” The South was angry over the outcome of the war. . Essential Question. What major problems faced the American South during the post-Civil War period? .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reconstruction

  2. Problems • The South’s economy • was in ruins – everyone was poor. • What was the future for two million “freedmen?” • The South was angry over the outcome of the war.

  3. Essential Question • What major problems faced the American South during the post-Civil War period?

  4. The Freedmen’s Bureau • A bureau is like an agency that has a specific mission. • Provided basic needs (food, housing, clothing) for the newly freed slave. • Primary focus was education!

  5. Sharecropping and Tenant Farming • Tenant Farming: with slave labor no longer available, many plantation owners chose to rent out parcels of land to tenant farmers (people who were often former slaves). • Sharecropping: a variation on tenant farming in which farmers worked a parcel of land in exchange for a share of the crop, a cabin, seeds, tools, mules, etc.

  6. Reconstruction Era Amendments • 13th – abolished slavery in the United States • 14th – citizenship rights to freedmen • 15th – gave black males the right to vote

  7. Henry McNeal Turner • 32 black legislators were elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 1867. • The most prominent of these legislators was Henry McNeal Turner.

  8. Ku Klux Klan • Began in 1867 in Tennessee consisting mostly of Confederate veterans. • White supremacy/terrorist organization that intimated freed blacks and white Republicans.

  9. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags • Carpetbaggers: Northerners who came to the South to take advantageof the poor condition of the Southern economy • Scalawags: a white Southerner who disagreed with the white majority.

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