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Learn about the PBI model and how it promotes collaboration and decision-making across colleges and district offices. Discover the benefits of cooperation and explore tools for data-based planning and budgeting.
PBI Summit(Planning and Budget Integration Model) August 27, 2010
Competition and Cooperation • As separate colleges, we compete. • As a district, we try to work together.
Competition and Cooperation • Is competing for budget dollars a zero-sum game, where one player’s gain is another’s loss?
Competition and Cooperation • If that’s true, there’s no reason to cooperate.
Competition and Cooperation • It’s not a zero-sum game.
Competition and Cooperation • Some decisions must be made district-wide. • District-wide cooperation allows successful strategies that aren’t possible in a purely competitive environment. • Everyone benefits.
Competition and Cooperation • District-wide cooperation helps students. • About 20% or 6,100 Peralta students per semester take classes at more than one college, so cooperation among colleges is important.
Competition and Cooperation • How do you create a district-wide planning environment in which there can be cooperation without fear of being taken advantage of?
PBIM • Establish a representative, transparent structure with appropriate authority to facilitate district-wide decision-making: PBIM
What is PBIM? • Committee structure that streamlines and clarifies collaborative planning and decision-making. • Has official status, includes faculty, staff, administration. • Fulfills Strategic Plan vision of coordination and collaboration leading to decision making at the district level. • Is a work in progress.
Background • Implemented in August 2009 based on recommendation of Chancellor’s Working Group to improve effectiveness of district-wide advisory committees. • CWG represented Colleges, Academic Senates, PFT, Classified Senates, Local 1021 and administrators.
Goals • Integrate planning and budgeting across colleges and district offices. • Utilize expertise of the colleges to focus on key concerns. • Support a culture of collaboration. • Provide transparent process of recommendations leading to decision-making.
PBIM Agenda Items • College projects that have district-wide impact. • District Service Center projects that have college impact.
How Does An Item Get on the Agenda? • Colleges request it. • Committee members identify it. • District Service Centers suggest it.
What Doesn’t happen in PBIM? • College-specific projects. • District Service Center projects that are part of district scope or that don’t impact colleges.
Lines of Authority • In general, decision-making should be at college level whenever possible. • Occasionally, things are decided by the Chancellor. • PBIM has authority to advise, coordinate, and facilitate planning and budgeting.
Accreditation • PBIM answers the Accreditation recommendation that the colleges and district establish a coordinated planning and budgeting system that delineates functional responsibilities and provides a clear process for decision-making.
Subject-Matter Committees • Seek collaborative solutions. • Provide feedback to colleges. • Ensure consistency between college requests and existing projects. • Emphasize program reviews and unit plans for planning and decision-making. • Use Institutional Research tools to make data-based decisions (BI tool, Web sites, CRI).
Data Tools – BI Dashboards • BI tool. Dashboards with data updated daily from PeopleSoft. • If you don’t have an account, there is now a generic faculty account that you can access from an on-campus, wired connection: • http://pbiweb/analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard • Username: facultyBI • Password: bidata2010
Data Tools –Web Sites • IR Web site contains enrollment data, cohort tracking data, Fact Books, external databases, and much more! • http://eperalta.org/wp/indev • Or go to Peralta home page, click on Service Centers, click on Institutional Research.
PBI Web Site • The PBI Web Site provides the latest information on PBI activities. • http://eperalta.org/wp/pbi • Or go to Peralta home page, click on Service Centers, click on Peralta Planning and Budget Integration Model.
Data Tools – Course Ranking Index • The CRI formula combines 6 factors that measure the value of a course into a single measure that can be used to rank courses by importance. • The factors: FTES, Productivity, indicators for Basic Skills, Transfer, CTE, and Degree. • The CRI is on a spreadsheet with data for all Peralta courses for F09-S10.
Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) • Make recommendations to Chancellor and get response before Chancellor takes action. • Recommend educational and resource priorities to Chancellor. • Help find solutions for unresolved issues between colleges and district offices or among the colleges.
Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) • Provide oversight for Strategic Plan. • Track recommendations.
Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) • Check consistency with strategic and educational plans. • Recommend prioritization of plans across subject areas and colleges. • Identify funding approaches.
PBIM Operating Principles • District-wide perspective • Shared agreements for collaborative solutions • Consistent committee participation • Adherence to calendar • Ongoing two-way communication • Transparent, open process
Committee Facilitation Teams • Chair, possibly Co-chair • Facilitator • Recorder • Note taker
Chair • Ensures that committee delivers recommendations for items it considers. • In coordination with SMT and Chair of PBC, develops timeline to deliver recommendations. • Provides status reports to SMT. • Ensures task focus and achievement of milestones. • Provides input at meetings; observes and supports Facilitator.
Facilitator • Works with Chair on timeline of meetings and activities to deliver recommendations. • Develops meeting agendas. • Moderates meetings to ensure participation and task accomplishment . • Works with committee members to implement PBI Operating Principles.
Recorder • Keeps record of discussions on flip chart, wall chart, or electronic equivalent, enabling group to track progress. • Reviews summary notes to ensure that major agreements and decisions are well-documented.
Note Taker • Documents key decisions, points of agreement and follow-up steps. • Note taker can be the facilitator, recorder, a committee member or someone else.
College Presidents – 1 per committee • Deliver planning inputs from colleges early in planning process (program reviews, unit plans, unit plan summaries). • Ensure coordination with SMT. • Provide updates to college shared governance bodies.
Example: Smart Classrooms • After planning phase, each college finalizes Smart Classroom plan, including requested equipment, projected costs, and infrastructure issues. • College plans are sent to the PBI Technology Committee. • Technology Committee reviews for feasibility and coordination among the colleges.
Example: Smart Classrooms • Technology Committee hands off to Facilities and Education Committees. • Facilities Committee reviews needs that are facilities related, makes recommendations, and sends to the Education Committee and Planning and Budgeting Council.
Example: Smart Classrooms • Education Committee considers training needs for end users and district-wide consistency of educational aspects. Then forwards proposal to the Planning and Budgeting Council. • Planning and Budget Council reviews budget and makes recommendation to Chancellor. • Chancellor makes final decision and, if necessary, takes to the Board of Trustees for action.
Example: Faculty Hiring • In fall semester, each college sets a prioritized list of needed full-time faculty positions. • Colleges present request lists to Education Committee and document method of prioritizing positions. • Education Committee establishes criteria and prioritizes college lists into a single district prioritized list, which it then forwards to PBC.
Example: Faculty Hiring • PBC reviews recommendations from Education Committee. • Vice Chancellor of Finance, with assistance from Vice Chancellor of Educational Services, provides PBC with funding information.
Example: Faculty Hiring • PBC takes proposed list of faculty hiring, factors in budget availability, and finalizes recommendation to the Chancellor for faculty hiring. • Chancellor takes action on recommendations and directs Office of Human Resources to post positions for hire.
Cooperation and Competition • With PBIM in place, the colleges are better able to cooperate and compete simultaneously.
Cooperation and Competition • A Wise Man …