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The Mystery of the Mary Celeste: Crew Vanishes from Seaworthy Ship

The Mystery of the Mary Celeste: Crew Vanishes from Seaworthy Ship. The Mary Celeste is considered to be the stereotypical ghost ship.

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The Mystery of the Mary Celeste: Crew Vanishes from Seaworthy Ship

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  1. The Mystery of the Mary Celeste: Crew Vanishes from Seaworthy Ship The Mary Celeste is considered to be the stereotypical ghost ship On 4 December, 1872, a ship now known as the Mary Celeste was found adrift in the choppy seas of the Atlantic. The ship was in full sail and in sound and seaworthy condition with ample provisions, but when it was boarded it was found to be completely empty – the crew had vanished without a trace. It is a mystery that has endured for more than 135 years. The Mary Celeste was a merchant brigantine . The ship continued to sail uneventfully until her 1872 voyage from New York to Genoa. The ship’s captain was Benjamin Briggs, a man said to be a , abstainer from alcohol .Captain Briggs was also described as a brave officer who would not abandon his ship unless to save his life. On the 4 th of December, the British brigantine Dei Gratia discovered the Mary Celeste sailing aimlessly between the Azores and Portugal. Upon closer inspection, the crew of the Dei Gratia discovered that there was no one on board the Mary Celeste , and the last entry in the ship’s daily log was written on the 24 th of November . In spite of this, the ship was still in seaworthy condition, her cargo still largely intact, and her food and water supply sufficient for six months. It was also noted that the crew of the Mary Celeste had left their pipes for smoking behind. According to the explanation of the Dei Gratia ’s captain, David Morehouse, this was a sign that the crew had left the ship in a panic. Moreover, the ship’s single lifeboat, as well as her chronometer and sextant, were missing. From these bits of evidence, a possible scenario may be pieced together: Something happened on the Mary Celeste that made the captain panic, and he ordered the crew to get into the lifeboat, and abandon ship. While this may provide one plausible theory, it has not stopped the dissemination of wild rumors and speculations regarding the final fate of the crew members. Over the decades, various suggestions have been made including crew mutiny, or the murder of a drunken crew by the crew of the Dei Gratia , who found the Mary Celeste . Others have suggested death by giant octopus or squid, or that the crew came upon a derelict ship containing treasure and deserted the Mary Celeste, living happily ever after in Spain.Also some suggest an underwater earthquake or fear of explosion from alcoholic fumes made the crew abandon the ship.

  2. “If Nessie is 70 to 80 feet long, swims as fast as a motorboat and looks like a long-necked dinosaur, then we saw her.” PATRICIA DIAZ, WEEKLY WORLD NEWS — JULY 16, 1996 The Loch Ness Monster Story In the early 1930s a road opened around Loch Ness lake and sightings poured in. In 1933 the ‘Inverness Courier ‘ told the story of Mr. & Mrs MacKay’s encounter with what they called the Loch Ness Monster for the first time. Since then there have been sightings, films, and sonar recordings of unexplained phenomena that have become part of the Loch Ness Monster myth. Many of these describe a long-necked creature that resembles the plesiosaurs of prehistoric times. The encounters are usually distant sightings on the waters of the lake but among those 1000 sightings are some that are more unusual than others. There is the 1959 story of Beppo the Clown who saw the glowing eyes of Nessie underwater while engaged in a publicity stunt for his circus.There’seven one swimmer in the 70s who claimed the creature touched him, although this seems to be the only example of physical contact on record. While many people claim to have seen the Loch Ness Monster, almost as many claim to have explanations for the sightings. The people explain away the sightings as logs in the water, seals or otters at play in the lake , wind-blown waves or boats. There are also theories the monster has a supernatural or extra-terrestrial origin. The story of the monster has also attracted high profile hoaxes over the years. These hoaxes have done little to stop the army of monster hunters trying to find undeniable proof of the monster’s existence.

  3. The tomb was opened on 29 November 1922. George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, financial backer of the excavation team who was present at the tomb's opening, died on 5 April 1923 after a mosquito bite became infected; he died 4 months and 7 days after the opening of the tomb. King Tut's Curse The curse of the pharaohs is a curse believed by some to be cast upon any person who disturbs the mummy of an Ancient Egyptian person, especially a pharaoh. This curse, which does not differentiate between thieves and archaeologists, allegedly can cause bad luck, illness or death. Since the mid-20th century, many authors and documentaries have argued that the curse is 'real' in the sense of being caused by scientifically explicable causes such as bacteria or radiation. However, some suggest that Egyptian curses are primarily a cultural, not exclusively scientific, phenomenon. The "Curse of the Pharaoh," is also known as the King Tut's Curse. Ever since King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, stories circulated that those who dared violate the boy king's final resting place faced a terrible curse. The people who allegedly died because of the curse are the following: 1. GEORGE HERBERT, 5TH EARL OF CARNARVON 2. SIR BRUCE INGHAM 3. GEORGE JAY GOULD 4. AUBREY HERBERT 5. HUGH EVELYN-WHITE 6. AARON EMBER 7. RICHARD BETHELL 8. SIR ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS REID 9. JAMES HENRY BREASTED 10. HOWARD CARTER Most of them had a mysterious, inexplicable illness or an accident.

  4. The letter from hell… Jack the Ripper The name Jack the Ripper has been heard in many shows and movies, pertaining to the serial killer who murdered 11 women in London’s east end in the late 1800′s but was never identified. Most of his victims were making a living on the streets of London .Their throats were slashed. The culprit responsible for the murders of the women took place within a mile of each other. Despite countless investigations claiming definitive evidence of the brutal killer's identity, his name and motive are still unkown. The moniker "Jack the Ripper" originates from a letter written by an unknown person at the time of the attacks. Adding to the mystery of the affair is the fact that several letters were sent by the killer to the London Metropolitan Police Service, also known as the Scotland Yard, taunting officers about his gruesome activities and speculating on murders to come. Various theories about Jack the Ripper's identity have been produced over the past several decades, which include claims accusing the famous Victorian painter Walter Sickert, a Polish migrant and even the grandson of Queen Victoria. Since 1888, more than 100 suspects have been named. When Jack the Ripper's murders suddenly stopped, in the fall of 1888, London citizens wanted answers that would not come, even more than a century later. Jack the Ripper has been the topic of news stories for more than 120 years, and will likely continue to be for decades to come.

  5. The Bermuda Triangle The Leviathan sea triangle… You won't find it on any official map, and if you're sailing in the Atlantic, you're likely not to even notice when you cross its vague boundaries. Nevertheless, the Bermuda Triangle — also sometimes known as the Devil's Triangle — for decades has been the subject of numerous books, TV programs, newspaper and magazine articles and websites, and inspired plenty of dread and fascination. To believers in the Triangle, which lies roughly between the Bahamas, Bermuda and the east coast of the U.S., it's a very real place where numerous ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. To skeptics, who point to the lack of data proving that the area has any unusual number of lost craft, it's an example of how pseudoscience and popular culture can influence the unwary to believe in ideas that have no real basis in fact. One of the big dilemmas of solving the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is that there's no general agreement on where exactly it is. Triangle writers have used a number of supernatural concepts to explain the events. One explanation pins the blame on leftover technology from the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. Compass problems are one of the cited phrases in many Triangle incidents One of the most cited explanations in official inquiries as to the loss of any aircraft or vessel is human error.

  6. The Crying boy paintings ‘Careless people put the blame on the painting.It was untouched by the flames because of the material it was made.But that’s one side of the story’ In the 1950s, a series of over 60 portraits were painted by Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin, each depicting a teary eyed – and often impoverished looking – child. The rather sad collection of paintings had been inspired by the devastating events of World War II, with each portrayed child wearing a gloomy, even haunted, expression. Despite the upsetting subject matter, these paintings proved popular in Italy and beyond, with over 50,000 print copies sold in the UK. No doubt the downcast faces of the children resonated with those still recovering from the horrors of World War II. Right up until the early eighties, such paintings were still being widely reproduced and bought, however this changed once people began to perceive evil behind those traumatised, innocent eyes. Despite their generic, mass produced nature, these paintings have since gained notoriety as the ‘Crying Boy Paintings’, linked by some to a series of creepy occurrences in the 1980s, and still capable of causing a shiver to this day. Ron and May Hall, from Rotherham, had lived in their home for 27 years but suddenly it burned down. They believed the fire was caused by the ‘cursed’ painting rather than their oven. The painting reportedly remained untouched by the flames which had ripped through the home. Following the Hall fire, others came forward with their own experiences of the Crying Boy Paintings, which ranged from suffering feelings of depression to untimely deaths. One woman from the Isle-of-Wight claimed she had tried to burn the painting, only to find it couldn’t be destroyed…

  7. Barney and Betty Hill “I asked them to be with my husband but they said that they would finish the tests more quickly if we were separated”. On the night of 19 September 1961, an American couple called Betty and barney Hill were driving home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire from a holiday. At some point, they both observed a bright light moving in a strange way in the sky. As it got closer, they saw it was a spacecraft. Barney stopped in the middle of the road , stepped out of the car and with his binoculars , saw between 8 and 11 humanoid figures looking out of the windows of the flying object. Then they heard a loud mechanical sound and felt a weird sensation in their bodies. The couple lost control of their actions and they were taken back to the spaceship by the humanoids to be examined. The examiners tried to pull Betty’s teeth out . Betty explained to them that only her husband’s teeth could be pulled out, because he was wearing false teeth. The humanoids were also confused they Betty and Barney were different colors.Barney was black and Betty was shite. During the examinations, the beings removed Betty and Barney’s clothes, plucked strands of their hair, took clippings of their nails and scraped their skin. Each sample was placed on a clear material, not unlike a glass slide. Needles, connected to long wires, probed their heads, arms, legs and spines. One large needle, around 4 to 6 inches long, was inserted into Betty’s belly. This pregnancy test left her twisting in pain. Throughout, a being Barney and Betty called “the leader” watched from the side. The couple returned home with no memory of the abduction but they lost two hours and their watches didn’t work. Soon afterwards, they were having strange dreams. They went into hypnosis, and they revealed the events of that night. What really happened that night? Maybe the couple was very tired and under stress or perhaps this was the first more serious case of alien abduction.

  8. The Moai statues of Easter Island Ancient Rock Art In the Southern Pacific Ocean, a remote volcanic island looms out of the sea with giant stone statues. The Easter Island Statues. So who put these giant stone heads on Easter Island and what was their purpose? The mind gets confused to think that humans from a stone age civilization could carve such massive statues from rock and transport them around the island, one thousand years ago. A stunning archaeological discovery was made in May 2012, where archaeologists excavated around the statues to discover the Easter Island heads have bodies! What purpose do they have? Archaeologists suggest that the statues were a representation of the Polynesian people’s ancestors. TheMoai statues face away from the sea and towards the villages, by way of watching over the people.

  9. Who was DB Cooper? It is said DB Cooper lit a cigarette and ordered a bourbon and soda before revealing the bomb… One afternoon a day before Thanksgiving in 1971, a guy calling himself Dan Cooper boarded Northwest Airlines flight #305 in Portland bound for Seattle. He was wearing a dark suit and a black tie and was described as a business-executive type. While in the air, he opened his brief case showing a bomb to the flight attendant and hijacked the plane. The plane landed in Seattle where he demanded 200K in cash, four parachutes and food for the crew before releasing all the passengers. His demand was accpeted. With only three pilots and one flight attendant left on board, they took off from Seattle heading south while it was dark and lightly raining. In the 45 minutes after takeoff, Cooper sent the flight attendant to the cockpit while opening the parachute, tied the bank bag full of twenty dollar bills to himself, lowered the rear stairs and somewhere north of Portland jumped into the night!!!! Nine years later in 1980 a young boy named Brian Ingram was digging a fire pit in the sand at a place called Tena Bar. He uncovered lots of cash below the surface, with rubber bands still intact. There was a total of $5800, the Cooper serial numbers matched, and the first evidence since 1971 came to light. The FBI searched and analyzed the beach, the river was dredged by Cooper Hunters and the theories on how the money got there supercharged the Legend of D.B. Cooper. It is said DB Cooper lit a cigarette and ordered a bourbon and soda before revealing the bomb in his briefcase with which he threatened to blow up Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305, en route from Portland to Seattle.He has become a legend .Decades passed, D.B. Cooper became famous in book, movie and song.

  10. The Nazca Geoglyphs A giant map for the aliens? The geoglyphs, more commonly known as the Nazca Lines, were first spotted in 1939 when a pilot flew over the Nasca planes of the Peruvian coastal highlands. The geoglyphs fall into two categories: the first group represents natural objects, such as animals, birds and insects. A second group is made from lines and more basic shapes such as spirals, triangle and rectangles. Archaeologists suggest that the ancient people used simple tools to construct the lines. All of the drawings were said to have been drawn using a single line, that never crosses itself, and were believed to be an appeal to the gods to bring rain. The huge images, which include hundreds of animals and complex mazes in the Nazca desert, can only clearly be seen for the air giving rise to a number of explanations as to who they were intended for. Were there only to please the ancient Gods or be seen by alien in outer space?

  11. The valley of the Roses Coma for a whole year- Life in the future Paul Amadeus Dienach was a Swiss-Austrian teacher with delicate health. Dienach travelled to Greece in the Autumn of 1922, after having recovered from a one-year coma . During his time in Greece, Dienach taught French and German language lessons at the university. Amongst his students was George Papahatzis, a student that Dienach  appeared to favour. It is believed that Dienacheventually  died in Athens, Greece, during 1924. Before Paul Dienach died, he entrusted Papahatzis with  his diary. Without telling Papahatzis what the notes were, he left him with the simple instructions that he should use the documents to improve his German by translating them from German to Greek. Papahatzis did as he asked. As he progressed with translations, he soon realized the notes were actually his diary… from the future! Dienach is thought to have suffered from Encephalitis lethargica, a strange neurological disease. The first time Dienach fell into a lethargic sleep it was for 15 minutes. The second time it was for a whole year… During this year that Dienach was in a coma in a Geneva hospital, he claimed to have entered the body of another person, Andreas Northam, who lived in the year 3906 AD. Once he recovered from his coma, Dienach didn’t talk to anyone about his remarkable experience because he thought everyone would think he was crazy. However, what he did do was write down the entirety of his memory relating to what he had seen of the future. Dienach describes everything he experienced of the environment and people of the year .In his memoires, he claims that the people of the future fully understood his medical situation, and they told Dienach as many things as they could in relation to the historical events that took place between the 21st and 39th century. By reading Dienach’s story and visions, we have an important peek into the future in relation to mankind, our planet, and our evolution… Dienach’sstory was published in book for in the 1920s as “The Valley of the Roses” .The book has recently been re-published but has still not yet translated from the original Greek.

  12. The Philadelphia project When experiments go completely wrong.. Tales of the Philadelphia Experiment involves covert U.S. Navy operations that led to time travel, teleportation, and mangled flesh. Albert Einstein and Nicola tesla were said to be involved in the experiments. According to urban legends, two separate and completely different Philadelphia Experiments took place. Both, however, involved the same vessel, the USS Eldridge. What happened in each of these alleged experiments, and what evidence is there to support the rumors? Two separate sets of bizarre events make up the "Philadelphia Experiment." Both revolve around a Navy Destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, with the events taking place on two separate days in the summer and fall of 1943. In the first experiment, an alleged method of electrical field manipulation allowed the USS Eldridge to be rendered invisible on July 22, 1943 in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The second rumored experiment was the teleportation and small-scale time travel (with the ship sent a few seconds in the past) of the USS Eldridge from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to Norfolk, Virginia, on October 28, 1943. Horrible tales of mangled seamen and sailors stuck within the metal of the USS Eldridge often accompany this experiment, with the USS Eldrige reappearing seconds later in the waters around Philadelphia.

  13. The Winchester house You can build anything with money .. The story of the Winchester House began in September 1839 with the birth of a girl called Sarah and as she reached maturity, she became the belle of the city. At the same time that Sarah was growing up, a young man was also maturing in another New Haven family. The young man’s name was William Wirt Winchester .In 1857, he took over a firm which made the Volcanic Repeater, a rifle that used a lever mechanism to load bullets into the breech. This kind of gun was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Indian people at that time. It became the first true repeating rifle and a favourite among the Northern troops at the outbreak of the Civil War. Money began to pour in and Oliver Winchester soon amassed a large fortune from government contracts and private sales. Some years later, on July 15, 1866, Sarah gave birth to a daughter .Just a short time later ,the infant died .Sarah was so unhappy. Then, another tragedy struck. William died on March 7, 1881. As a result of his death, Sarah inherited over $20 million dollars, an incredible sum, especially in those days. To recover for the loss of her beloved , she started séances and asked her husband and other spirits for advice . She felt guilty that all her money came from the deaths of so many people because of the guns her company had sold. She believed that she was guided by the hand of her dead husband and she did not stop traveling until she reached the Santa Clara Valley in 1884. Here, she found a six room home under construction She hired local workers and craftsmen and for the next 36 years, they built and rebuilt, altered and changed and constructed and demolished one section of the house after another. She kept 22 carpenters at work, year around, 24 hours each day.  The sounds of hammers and saws sounded throughout the day and night. Why did she do that? She believed that by building , demolishing and re-building the house , she would confuse the bad spirits that came after her because of their deaths . The architecture of the house was insane . Windows were made on the floor, doors led to nowhere, staircases led to ceilings! Sarah died and now the house is open to visitors to see what the huge house looks like.

  14. Poltergeist phenomena Noisy ghosts may be psychokinetic phenomena rather than hauntings What is a Poltergeist? Poltergeist is a German word meaning "noisy spirit." It describes many effects such as knocks on walls, objects thrown about by unseen hands, furniture moved, and other occurrences. These manifestations were long thought to be the mischievous pranks of spirits or, more frightening, the malevolent works of demons.  Current research indicates, however, that poltergeist activity may have nothing to do with ghosts or spirits. Since the activity seems to center around an individual, it is believed that it is caused by the subconscious mind of that individual. It is, in effect, psychokinetic activity, moving objects solely by the power of the mind. The individual is often under emotional, psychological or physical stress (even going through puberty). What Are Poltergeist Effects? Poltergeist effects  can include rappings on walls and floors, the physical movement of objects, effects on lights and other electric appliances. There can even the manifestation of physical phenomena such as water dripping inexplicably from ceilings where no pipes are hidden, and small fires breaking out. Thanks largely to the work of parapsychologist William G. Roll in the 1950s and '60s, they are now commonly understood to be psychokinetic manifestations produced by living persons. How Common Are Poltergeists? Poltergeist agents are very often adolescents, but not always. It seems true that some adolescents under the combined stresses of growing up and the hormonal changes occurring during puberty can produce poltergeist activity, but adults under stress can be agents as well - especially, perhaps, if they have unresolved stresses from childhood.

  15. Stonehenge: Mystery on the Salisbury Plain Walk in the footsteps of your Neolithic ancestors at Stonehenge – one of the wonders of the world and the best-known prehistoric monument in Europe, 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury in Wiltshire, England. Stonehenge, in many peoples' minds, is the most mysterious place in the world. In ancient times, when all the stones were standing, there was a ring of rock in the sky as well as on the ground. Who built it? We know almost nothing about who built Stonehenge and why. A popular theory advanced in the 19th century was that the Druids, a people that existed in Britain before the Roman conquest, had built it as a temple. Modern archaeological techniqueshave dated Stonehenge and we now know that it was completed at least 1,000 years before the Druids came to power. If Druids used Stonehenge for their ceremonies, they got the site secondhand. Despite this, modern Druids have laid claim to Stonehenge. An annual ceremony takes place at the ring of rocks during summer solstice, one of the Stonehenge's astronomical alignments. How did the makers move these massive rocks many miles? In 1136 in his History of the Kings of Britain Geoffrey of Mammoth suggested that the movement of these huge stones was done through the magic of Merlin the wizard. More likely, however, the builders moved them by dragging them on wooden sledges.

  16. The sailing stones "People like a mystery — they like an unanswered question." For years, scientists have been puzzled by the mysterious "sailing stones" of Death Valley. Located in a remote area of California's Death Valley National Park, the heavy stones appear to move across the dried lake bed known as Racetrack Playa, leaving a trail behind them in the cracked mud. The rocks' apparent movement has been blamed on everything from space aliens and magnetic fields to pranksters. But no one has actually seen the rocks move, which only adds to the mystery. Scientists have tried to solve the puzzle of the sailing stones for decades. Some researchers thought that dust devils- small whirlwinds - might move the rocks, some of which weigh as much as 700 lbs. (318 kilograms). Other researchers believed the strong winds that frequently whip across the vast lake bed could cause the rocks to slide across the ground. These and other theories were eventually disproved, leaving scientists without an explanation. In some cases the rocks' trails were measured to be as long as 250 meters. Some of the trails formed a graceful curve, while other trails created a straight line, then an abrupt shift to the left or right, which further baffled researchers. Eventually, scientists proved that the rocks move because of ice conditions on the ground, making the rocks slide. Nonetheless, some visitors to Death Valley seem to prefer more occult explanations for the sailing stones. "People always ask, 'What do you think causes them to move?' But if you try to explain, they don't always want to hear the answers," van Valkenburg, a scientist, said. "People like a mystery — they like an unanswered question."

  17. “…In a single day and night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea.” - Plato The Atlantis Out of all of the mysteries of ancient history, the lost City of Atlantis is considered to be the most intriguing, the most puzzling, and the most profound. The legend of Atlantis is – most likely – mythical in nature. This amazing island-based nation was originally mentioned in the dialogues of Plato. These refer to the conversations that occurred between Hermocrates, Critias, Socrates, and Timeaus. In responding about ideal societies to Socrates, Critias discusses Atlantis, the lost city. In speaking of the Atlantis event, Critias states: “Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which, though strange, is certainly true….” This very quote has intrigued individuals throughout history. Is the Atlantis lost empire story true? Did the unfortunate Atlantis event really happen? Is the legend of Atlantis historically factual? The lost City of Atlantis has been, is, and continues to be one of the most questioned greatest unsolved mysteries of all time. What Did Plato Write about The Characteristics of The Lost City of Atlantis? Plato described the lost City of Atlantis as a highly advanced and immensely powerful empire that sank within the ocean in just one night and one day around the year of 9,600 B.C. The ancient people of Greece were heavily divided on whether the story held historical significance or if it was merely a literature-based metaphor. The island that held the Atlantis lost empire was described as being exceptionally large. What Do Scientists Say about the Existence of the Atlantis Empire? In all actuality, very few science professionals believe in the story of the Atlantis empire. Robert Ballard, who is an ocean explorer and known for his discovery of the Titanic wreckage in the year of 1985, has actually stated that the story holds any truth. He went on to say, though, that the Legend of Atlantis is considered to be “logical” due to the natural cataclysmic events that have happened throughout the course of history, such as the eruptions of volcanoes and immense floods. For example, approximately 3,600 years past, a massive eruption of a volcano resulted in immense devastation to the Santorini Island, located near Greece. The people that lived there were highly advanced; however, they suddenly disappeared after the eruption. Therefore, the possibility exists, but no solid evidence has established that the lost City of Atlantis existed.

  18. Man without a Country: Who Was The Mystery Man from Taured? A passport from a non- existent country… One of the most confusing events of the 20th Century did not involve flying saucers, conspiracy theories, a criminal act, or even strange creature sightings. It took place on a normal day in one of the most mundane places one could imagine: Airport. Yet to this day, no one knows exactly what happened there, or why one average business traveller became the heart of an enigma largely forgotten by our modern world. The year 1954 was hotter than normal in Tokyo, but at Haneda Airport it was business as usual.Asthe crowd made its way through customs, a smartly-dressed middle-aged Caucasian man stepped up and told officials this was just a normal business trip . His primary language was French, yet he spoke Japanese and several other languages. In his wallet there was a variety of currencies from various European countries, as if to verify his frequent flyer tendencies. When they asked him for his country of origin, things became strange. He casually stated that he was from Taured, on the border between France and Spain. The officials told him that Taured didn’t exist, but he presented them with his passport—issued by the nonexistent country of Taured—which also showed visa stamps corroborating his previous business travels to Japan and other countries. Yet when they called the company he said he was having a meeting with, they had never heard of him or his company ever before that moment. The hotel he had reserved a room at ,had no reservation for such a person, and the bank listed on his checkbook appeared not to exist. The following morning, the mystery deepened. Taured’s one and only known resident completely vanished from his hotel room which had been guarded by immigration officials all night long. And to make matters worse, all of his personal documents—including his passport and drivers license issued by the mystery country—vanished from the airport’s security room. Police and airport officials searched in vain for the mysterious man. It was as if the whole encounter had never actually happened. Surprisingly, misplaced travelers such as the business man from Taured have appeared on many occasions. Did these men fall backward through time or pass through dimensions? Or were they simply perpetrating a hoax or mentally ill?

  19. Some stories indicate the Hanging Gardens towered kilometres into the air. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The hanging gardens of Babylon were built where Iraq is today but their exact location is unknown because there is no evidence whether they really existed or not. They were attributed to the king Nebuchadnezzar the second in 580 BC. But how did they build such huge gardens, some of which were hanging in the sky hundred metres from the ground ? The materials that they needed to build the gardens were not in the area around . Probably they baked mud with water to make bricks. One legend says that the gardens were built as a gift for the king’s wife, Queen Amytis. He built them for her because she missed the green valleys of her homeland. Water was taken from the river Euphrates . There was a large irrigation system and there were waterfalls on the buildings. According to the legend, king Xerxes destroyed the Gardens and there was no evidence left behind for their existence until nowadays. Still, it is regarded as one of the ancient seven wonders on Earth.

  20. Why Do So Many People Still Want to Believe in Bigfoot? The appeal of the mythical, wild man holds strong.. Bigfoot Sixty years ago this fall, Bigfoot first stepped into the public consciousness. “Giant footprints puzzle residents,” a headline in the Humboldt Times announced. The small Northern California newspaper reported that a road construction crew had discovered humanlike footprints that were a massive 16 inches long. The paper was the first to give the mysterious animal that made the prints its memorable moniker—“Bigfoot”—and the creature has been stomping through the American imagination ever since. The most recent sighting, in June 2018, was by a woman in Florida who reported a creature that looked like “a large pile of soggy grass.” Other evidence in the database includes supposed Bigfoot scat, nests and noises. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, it may not make a sound—but it seems someone will report that a Bigfoot knocked it over. “Interest in the existence of the creature is at an all-time high,” the paleontologist Darren Naish has observed, even though “there’s nothing even close to compelling as goes the evidence.” By that point, more important evidence had entered the Bigfoot file. In 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin filmed a few seconds of a hairy creature walking on two legs by the same Bluff Creek—the most famous and contested piece of Bigfoot “evidence” to this day.

  21. The Mothman Convincing Stories Of People Who Saw The Mothman In Real Life The Mothman Haunted Point Pleasant Prior To The Silver Bridge Collapse About 85 miles away from Point Pleasant in Clendenin,West Virginia. Five grave diggers heard a rustling in the trees overhead and looked up to find what they claimed was a flying man directly above them. Over the next few days, more reports started trickling in. Two volunteer firemen described a "large bird with red eyes." At least a hundred reports from people of all ages circulated throughout Point Pleasant between November of 1966 and December of 1967, describing a monster that was able to ascend straight up into the air “like a helicopter.” All of the witnesses described the same bird-man with glowing, hypnotic red eyes and the wings of a bat. Mary Hyre, a reporter at the time of the Mothman sightings, received over 500 phone calls, not only about this mysterious creature, but also strange lights in the sky, electrical interference, mysterious humming sounds, and UFO sightings. Then, on December 15, 1967, a year after the Mothman sightings began, tragedy struck. During rush hour traffic, the Silver Bridge collapsed, 46 people died, and the Mothman disappeared. The Mothman Saved The Lives Of Miners In Freiburg, Germany On September 10, 1978, a group of miners in Freiburg, Germany came face to face with a seemingly headless creature with glowing red eyes on its chest blocking the mine’s entrance. At first they thought it was a man in a trench coat, but they quickly realized it was not coat, but unfurled large black wings. The men remained in the mine entrance, stunned and staring at the creature, until it let out a bloodcurdling screech that sent the miners scrambling out. About an hour later, the men felt a seismic rumble and witnessed a plume of dust shoot from the mine as it collapsed. If the men had gone to their stations in the mine as usual, the majority of them would have died. It appeared as though what they dubbed the "Freiburg Shrieker" saved their lives.

  22. The Web Driver Torso Thousands and thousands of videos, uploaded nearly every day. Each one is the same, structure-wise: 10 slides of shapes, shown over 11 seconds, over various random tones. Nobody has a clue what the videos are supposed to be, much less who is uploading them or why. The last upload was on 26 October 2018 and then the uploading suddenly stopped. Could it be because people on the internet went crazy about this channel? The channel has uploaded over a dozen bizarre videos. The eeriness of the videos means they might feel closer to "numbers stations," radio frequencies that carried spy codes during the cold war. Attempts to contact the creator have proven useless. Everyone has theories, of course. Some are even outlandish: maybe the videos are someone's attempts to communicate with aliens? It doesn't help that among the 77,000+ videos uploaded by Webdriver Torso, there will occasionally be abnormalities. For example, there is one video of the Eiffel Tower amidst the thousands of videos of random blue and red shapes. The YouTube channel has even commented once: "Matei is highly intelligent.“ ...nobody knows what the crap that means, either. Watching the tons of videos uploaded by the station doesn't really help.

  23. The Curious Case of the Pollock Sisters Life after life… In the small town of Hexham in England, on May 5th of 1957, two girls named Jacqueline and Joanna Pollock were hit by a car while walking to church with a friend. It was absolutely devastating to their parents, John and Florence. The grief stricken couple wanted nothing more than to have them back, especially John. He even declared that they would have another set of girls soon, but no one actually believed him. However, just as he had willed it, a year later Florence gave birth to a set of twin girls, which they named Gillian and Jennifer. In spite of his Catholic faith, John had told Florence that the girls would be reborn in this way. Not surprisingly, she had been a bit skeptical throughout her pregnancy, but right away they both began to notice rather unmistakable signs that there prayers had indeed been answered. It was as though the girls did more than just resemble their departed sisters. Jennifer had a very distinct white line across her forehead in the exact same spot that Jacqueline had a scar. She also had the same birthmark as that of Jacqueline. It was all quite uncanny. So, John and Florence grew more and more convinced that Jennifer and Gillian were actually Jacqueline and Joanna reborn. As the twins grew up, their parents continued to notice more and more things that seemed to prove their theory. The family moved to Whitley Bay when the two were still just babies. Then, at age four, when they returned to Hexham, Jennifer and Gillian pointed out landmarks that Jacqueline and Joanna had been familiar with. Like the school they had formerly attended. The girls were also able to correctly name the dolls and stuffed animals that belonged to them in their former lives. The twins even had recurring nightmares about being run over by a car. It was so obvious to John and Florence that Jennifer was really Jacqueline and Gillian was really Joanna. Jennifer was even dependent on Gillian because Joanna had been five years older than Jacqueline. Then, all of the sudden, one day everything changed when the girls turned five and the memories of their past lives just faded away. Although this may just have all been part of the false hope of grieving parents, stories like this seem to lend a lot of credibility to the notion of reincarnation.

  24. The Overtoun Bridge All the dogs have leapt from the Exact Same Spot !! About a half-hour’s drive north of the Scottish city of Glasgow there’s a 19th century castle called Overtoun House. In the 160 years it’s been around, the estate has served as a movie set, a maternity hospital and a place of recovery for Allied soldiers during WWII. With that sort of history, you’d think supernatural activity would abound — but you’d be mistaken. That honor goes to the nearby Overtoun Bridge, which was a mostly harmless structure for decades after it was built in 1895. In the 1950s, though, people started calling it “The Bridge of Death.” That’s because dogs had started leaping off the bridge to their deaths, apparently without reason. Fifty dogs have died after making the jump in the past 50 years. During that period, another 600 dogs have made the leap and survived. That’s a rate of one kamikaze-pooch a month. (Some of these canine survivors were only too happy to jump a second time as soon as the opportunity presented itself.) There are some patterns among these terrifying jumps, which end on the jagged rocks under the bridge. All the dogs that jumped were long-nosed breeds, those traditionally used for hunting for their exceptional sense of smell. And all the dogs reportedly jumped from the same spot — between the last two ramparts on the right side of the bridge — and always on a clear, sunny day. “My final verdict,” writes Dr. Sands, “is one of misadventure to find smelly mice rather than suicide.”

  25. Cydonia , the face of Mars Mars is a weird place, and has long been a source of optical illusions. Here: You see the famed Face on Mars, as seen by NASA's Viking spacecraft in 1976. When the Viking 1 mission returned photos of the Martian surface in 1976, the image of a rocky face in the Cydonia region captured the public eye. Was it a trick of light and shadows? A remnant of an ancient civilization? Let's take a look at this intriguing landform. Although NASA scientists quickly determined that the face was created by tricks of light and shadows, the imaginative public seized on the idea that it did not form naturally. Some people believe that the face is the remnant of an alien civilization, suggesting that other rocky outcroppings in the area may be a crumbling extraterrestrial city. Since 1976, the face has appeared in a number of popular culture references citing it as an indication of life on Mars at some stage of the planet's history. Books, movies and television have all taken part in speculation on the "true" origin of the Martian rubble. On April 1998, NASA's Mars Global Surveyor took more detailed images of the face. Other high resolution images subsequently taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the European Space Agency's Mars Express revealed that original analysis of the images was correct; the suggestion of a face is an optical illusion revealed only as the light hits the surface and wells of the rocks at specific angles.

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