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Endocrine System

Endocrine System. Endocrine System . Consists of glands that secrete substances called hormones into the blood stream. Hormones stimulate growth and other kinds of reactions such as changes in activity levels and moods. . Endocrine System. Hormones are produced by several different glands.

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Endocrine System

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  1. Endocrine System

  2. Endocrine System • Consists of glands that secrete substances called hormones into the blood stream. • Hormones stimulate growth and other kinds of reactions such as changes in activity levels and moods.

  3. Endocrine System • Hormones are produced by several different glands. • Glands include the Pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, ovaries and testes.

  4. Pituitary Gland • Called the master gland • Size of a pea. • It lies just below the hypothalamus • Examples of the many hormones it secretes are Growth hormone, prolactin, oxytocin

  5. Gigantism • Too much growth hormone…

  6. Thyroid • Thyroxin-affects body’s metabolism • Hypothyroidism-too little can cause a person to be overweight • Hyperthyroidism-too much can make a person be excitable, have difficulty sleeping or lose too much weight.

  7. Adrenal glands • Located right above kidneys • Produce adrenaline and noradrenalin. • These hormones enable a person to cope with a stressful situation. • Adrenaline plays a role in the emotions people experience. (fear and anxiety) • Noradrenalin is also a neurotransmitter.

  8. Testes and Ovaries • Produce hormones testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. • Testosterone is secreted during the prenatal period and adolescence. It influences the development of the sex organs.

  9. Estrogen aids in primary and secondary sex development. Progesterone stimulates female growth hormones, and prepares the body for pregnancy. • They both vary greatly during female cycle and are linked to Premenstrual syndrome. This can lead to depression, fatigue and irritability.

  10. Why Study hormones? • Psychologists study the sex hormones to learn about the differences in males and females, physically and mentally.

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