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Join us in a workshop to define your organization's purpose, set a guiding vision, and instill shared values for success. Explore the dynamic relationship between vision and behavior.
MISSION, VISION,VALUES A WORKSHOP Jennifer Davis-Allison Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE • MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP • MISSIONSTATEMENT • Definition: Missiondescribes the overarching purpose of the organization—the reason itexists. • Yourmissionstatementanswersthequestions: • Whoareyou,asanorganization? • Why do youexist? • What do youdo? • Who do youserve? • It shouldinclude: • Purpose – A sentence that describes the end result the organization seeks. Purpose statements usually include two phrases: • Aninfinitivethatindicatesachangeinstatus,suchas -- • toincrease,todecrease,toprevent,toeliminate • An identification of the problem or condition to be changed. • Business – A description of the primary means used to accomplish that purpose. This statement outlines the "business" (i.e., activities or programs) your organization chooses,inordertopursueitspurpose.Specifically,youmust answer, "What activity are we going to do to accomplish our purpose?"Businessstatementsofteninclude: • Theverb "toprovide"orlinkapurposestatementwiththe • words "by" or"through". Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE • MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP • VISIONANDVALUESSTATEMENT • Definition -- A Vision is a guiding image of success. It is pursuitof this shared image of success that inspires, motivates and guides people to worktogether. • Somecriteriatoguideindevelopingandassessingtheeffectiveness of a vision statementare: • Itanswersthequestion,“Whatwillsuccesslooklike?” • It iscompelling, • Itchallengesandinspiresthegrouptostretchitscapabilities to achieve itspurpose, • Itfocusesfirstontheclienttobeservedorimpacted, • Itdescribeswhattheorganizationwilllooklikewhen functioningeffectively. • Vision statements begin with intuition and ideas, evolve through discussionandresultinasharedsenseofdirection andmotivation. • Definition--Valuesarebeliefsthatyourorganization’smembers holdincommonandendeavortoputintopractice. • Valuesguideyourorganization’smembersinperformingtheir work. • Theyanswerthequestion --“Whatarethebasicbeliefsthatwe share as anorganization?” • Adherencetotheorganization’svalues,“walkingthetalk”, fostersindividualandorganizationalintegrity Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE • MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP • WORKSHOPGOALS • To establish mission, vision, values as the foundation for successfuldevelopmentofanorganizationandthecornerstone for effective performanceresults • Toprovideaframework fordevelopingamissionstatementfor yourorganizationorassessingtheextenttowhichyourcurrent missionstatementisalignedwiththeneedsofthoseyouserve • Toexploreandunderstandthedynamicrelationshipthatexists betweenanorganization’svisionandvaluesandthebehaviors andpracticesthatenablesuccess • WORKSHOPAGENDA • OPENING ANDINTRODUCTION • ESTABLISHINGMISSION–“WHATDOYOUDO?” • EXAMININGVISIONANDVALUES–“WHEREAREYOU GOINGANDHOWAREYOUGOINGTOGETTHERE?” • CLOSURE ANDAPPLICATION Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP WorksheetA DEFINING OURMISSION • PARTI • What is the problem(s) that (your organization) exists to solve? What need(s) does this organization exist to resolve? (i.e.homelessness) • Who is affected by theproblem? • How would the RI community be improved, changed or different if your organization’s effortsweresuccessfulinsolvingtheproblemorrespondingtotheneed? • PARTII • What is the purpose of (your organization)? (i.e. eliminatehomelessness) • Why does itexist? • Whatistheultimateoutcomeorresultyouarehopingtoachieve? PARTIII What business are you in? What do you do to fulfill your purpose? What is the broadest way in which you could state your work? (i.e. providing jobtraining) PARTIV For whom do you do this work? Who is your target population, your audience, your market? (i.e. homelessindividuals) PARTIV Wheredoyoudoyourwork?Whatareyourgeographicboundaries? (i.e.theStateofRI) Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP WorksheetB ASSESSING OURMISSION PARTI Why do you exist? (i.e.homelessness) PARTII Whataretheendresults,theoutcomesyourorganizationstrivestocreateforthecommunity? What’s your purpose? (i.e. eliminate homelessness) PARTIII What business are you in? What do you do to fulfill your purpose? What is the broadest way in which you could state your work? (i.e. providing jobtraining) PARTIV For whom doyoudothiswork?Whatisyourtargetpopulation,youraudience,yourmarket? (i.e. homelessindividuals) PARTIV Where do you do your work? What are your geographic boundaries? ? (i.e. the State ofRI) Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE • MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP • MISSION EXERCISE --DIRECTIONS • INDIVIDUALLY: • Complete the appropriate MissionWorksheet • Based on your responses to the questions asked, draft amission • statement for your organization that reflects its purpose andbusiness. • Or • Edit your current mission statement to more accurately reflect your organization’s purpose andbusiness Your Draft MissionStatement • SELECT A FEEDBACKPARTNER • Share yourresults • Use the following questions to evaluate the effectiveness of your draft missionstatement: • Could someone reading your mission statement recognize that it is your organization/agency’s mission statement and notanother’s? • How might your mission statement help your organization/agency make decisions about its priorities, actions, andresponsibilities? • Discuss your findings, issuesandconcerns(10min.) • Switch (10min.) Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP VISION-VALUESEXERCISE Vision and Values are more than just words. They can be practical, tangible tools you can use to lead your group or organization in achieving qualityresults. BACKGROUND Yourorganizationhasestablishedavisionandsetofvalues.Youwill beamemberofateamofdriversfromtheorganization.Yourteamis about to make a 500-mile trip during which it must “live” the values andworktowardachievingthevision. Study your assigned organization’s vision and values. With your team (table group members), develop two or three practices, processes,actionsorbehaviorsforeachvaluethatwillhelptheteam achievethevisionandlivethevalues. Bepreparedtodiscussyourexamplesandrationalewiththelarge group. Submitted by Partners Consortium,LLC
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP VISION-VALUESEXERCISE Organization#1 • We will become the number one small-town bus touring company by providing the most enjoyable tour routes along back-countryroads • Values • Quality • Collaboration • Innovation • Learning • Quality of Life forStaff Vision • DIRECTIONS • For each value, come up with two or three examples of thepractices, processes, actions, or behaviors that could apply to the teamor • organization to help achieve the vision and live thevalues. • Write examples on the flipchartprovided • Select aspokesperson • Present your examples and rationale to the largegroup AdaptedfromDevelopmentDimensions,Inc.,1994,Leadership:FacilitatingChange
NEW ROOTSPROVIDENCE MISSION, VISION, VALUES: AWORKSHOP VISION-VALUESEXERCISE Organization#2 • We will become the number one pet delivery company by holding all speed records for delivery trips between major citiesnationwide. • Values • Empowerment • Collaboration • Innovation • Learning • Quality of Life forStaff Vision • DIRECTIONS • For each value, come up with two or three examples of thepractices, processes, actions, or behaviors that could apply to the teamor • organization to help achieve the vision and live thevalues. • Write examples on the flipchartprovided • Select aspokesperson • Present your examples and rationale to the largegroup AdaptedfromDevelopmentDimensions,Inc.,1994,Leadership:FacilitatingChange