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Comparative Analysis of Catchment Basin Specific Pollutant Limits Under the WFD

This study evaluates and compares the limits of catchment basin specific pollutants set by Member States under the Water Framework Directive (WFD), highlighting the need for harmonization to enhance ecological status assessments. Data from 22 Member States is analyzed to identify discrepancies and propose a way forward for better comparability.

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Comparative Analysis of Catchment Basin Specific Pollutant Limits Under the WFD

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  1. Comparison of Limits of Catchment Basin Specific Pollutants under the WFD Jens Arle, Ulrich Claussen & Patrick Müller Federal Environment Agency Section for the Protection of the Marine Environment

  2. Introduction • Legislative Background (WFD) Fundamental change from pollution control to ensuring ecosystem integrity • Aim of the activity • Evaluation andComparisonofthelimitsofCatchmentBasinSpecificPollutantssetby Member States underthe WFD

  3. Methods • Data of HTML Factsheets of 22 Member States • reported under WISE until Oct. 2010 • Analysis using MS Excel for direct comparison of the values

  4. Limits of River Catchment Basin Specific Pollutants

  5. Limits of Lake Catchment Basin Specific Pollutants

  6. Limits of Catchment Basin Specific Pollutants in Transitional Waters

  7. Limits of Catchment Basin Specific Pollutants in Coastal Waters

  8. Conclusion • Large number of Catchment Basin Specific Pollutants were used for the Description of Good/Moderate Boundary for Ecological status • Where limits were comparable unexpected high differences became evident • Harmonisation among Member States seems necessary to achieve better comparability of ecological status assessment under the WFD

  9. Way forward DE aims at presentation of consolidated drafts at ECOSTAT (3) 2011 including a proposal for future work • MS are asked for comments and possible additions to the 1st drafts including outstanding information on G/M Boundaries for supporting elements and River Basin Specific Pollutants • For MS who did not report through WISE the interpretation could be made that no limits are in place. DE invites MS concerned to deliver such information or inform DE on reasons if such information would not be made available • Proposed Deadline for MS comments and provision of (additional) information is 31st May 2011 to be sent to jens.arle@uba.de

  10. Thankyouforyourattention!

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