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Copala Earthquake Data - Guerrero, Mexico

Contains detailed seismic data from the Copala earthquake in Guerrero, Mexico, including station information, accelerometer details, and earthquake specifics.

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Copala Earthquake Data - Guerrero, Mexico

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  1.   Col                          ColCol  1. 1*************************************40*************************************80  2.                       INSTITUTO DE INGENIERIA, UNAM   3.                 Coordinacion de Instrumentacion Sismica   4.            Ciudad Universitaria, Apartado Postal 70-472, Mexico, D.F.   5. Tel. (525)5622-3412, Fax. (525)5616-1514, e-mail: isismica@pumas.iingen.unam.mx   6. ********************************************************************************   7. MEXICAN STANDARD ACCELERATION FILE  8. FORMAT VERSION                         : 2.0   9. FILE NAME                              : COPL9509.141  10. DATE AND TIME OF CREATION              : September 25, 1995/14:38:13  11. REF. ACCELERATION CATALOG, SMIS 1995   : NUM. REG. 1355/PAG. 146  12.  13.  14. ================================================================================  15. INFORMATION ABOUT THE STATION 16. STATION NAME                           : COPALA  17. STATION CODE                           : COPL  18. LOCATION OF THE STATION                : Federal ElementarySchool 19.                                        : "Otilio Montano"  20.                                        : Copala, Guerrero  21.                                        :  22.                                        :  23. GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES OF THE STATION  : 16.605 LAT. N  24.                                        : 98.974 LONG. W  25. ALTITUDE (meters)                      : 40  26. SOIL TYPE                              : Weathered Granite Gneiss 27.                                        :  28.                                        :  29. INSTITUTION IN CHARGE OF ITS OPERATION : Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM  30.                                        : Coordinacion de Instrumentacion Sismica  31.  32. ================================================================================  33. INFORMATION ABOUT THE ACCELEROGRAPH 34. ACCELEROGRAPH MODEL                    : DCA-333  35. SERIAL NUMBER                          : 201  36. NUMBER OF CHANNELS                     : 3  37. ORIENTATION C1-C6 (bearing;orientation): /V/N90E/N00E  38. ORIENTATION C7-C12 (bear.;orientation) :  39. SAMPLING SPEED, C1-C6 (samples/sec)    : /100/100/100  40. SAMPLING SPEED, C7-C12 (samples/sec)   :  41. SENSORS FULL SCALE, C1-C6, (g)         : /2/2/2  42. SENSORS FULL SCALE, C7-C12, (g)        :  43. SENSORS NAT. FREQUENCY C1-C6, (Hz)     : /30.0/30.0/30.0  44. SENSORS NAT. FREQUENCY, C7-C12, (Hz)   :  45. SENSORS DAMPING, C1-C6                 : /0.71/0.72/0.78  46. SENSORS DAMPING, C7-C12                :  47. SAMPLING INTERVAL, C1-C6, (sec)        : /0.01/0.01/0.01  48. SAMPLING INTERVAL, C7-C12, (sec)       :  49. TRIGGER THRESHOLD C1-C6, (Gal)         : /3/3/3  50. TRIGGER THRESHOLD, C7-C12, (Gal)       :  51. PRE-EVENT MEMORY (sec)                 : 3.62  52. POST-EVENT MEMORY (sec)                : 15  53.  54.  55. ================================================================================  56. INFORMATION ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE 57. DATE OF THE EARTHQUAKE (GMT)           : September 14, 1995  58. EPICENTRAL TIME (GMT)                  : 14:04:31  59. MAGNITUDE(S)                           : /Mb=6.5/Ms=7.2/Mw=7.4  60. EPICENTER LOCATION                     : 16.830 LAT. N  61.                                        : 98.647 LONG. W  62. FOCAL DEPTH (km)                       : 21  63. INFORMATION SOURCE                     : Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM  64.                                        : Servicio Sismologico Nacional  65.  66. ================================================================================  67. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS RECORD 68. TIME OF THE FIRST SAMPLE (GMT)         : 14:04:32.25  69. RECORDING TIME PRECISION (sec)         : 0.01  70. RECORD DURATION (sec), C1-C6           : /63.15/63.15/63.15  71. RECORD DURATION (sec), C7-C12          :  72. TOTAL No. OF SAMPLES, C1-C6            : /6315/6315/6315  73. TOTAL No. OF SAMPLES, C7-C12           :  74. PEAK ACCELERATION (Gal), C1-C6         : /46.42/68.91/77.04  75. PEAK ACCELERATION,C1-C6, AT SAMPLE No. : /1246/1326/1223  76. PEAK ACCELERATION (Gal), C7-C12        :  77. PEAK ACCELERATION,C7-C12, AT SAMPLE No.:  78. UNITS OF THE DATA                      : Gal (cm/sec/sec)  79. DECIMATION FACTOR                      : 1  80. DATA FORMAT (FORTRAN,10 fields/sample) : 3F10.2  81.  82.  83. ================================================================================  84. QUALITY OF THE ACCELEROGRAM 85. Complete digital record withcorrectabsolute time.  86.  87.  88. ================================================================================  89. COMMENTS:  90. Thisearthquakeproducedsignificantdamage in the epicentral area. Themost 91. affectedtownswere San Luis Acatlan, Axoyu, Igualapa, and Ometepec onthe Costa  92. Chica. 200 houseswereseverelydamaged. About 50 injuries werereported.  93. Theearthquakewasalsostronglyfelt in Mexico City butproducedlittledamage.  94.  95.  96.  97.  98.  99. 100. 101. 102. 103 104. ================================================================================ 105.   ACCELERATION DATA: 106. ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 107.  CHANNEL-1 CHANNEL-2 CHANNEL-3 CHANNEL-4 CHANNEL-5 CHANNEL-6 CHANNEL-7 CHANNEL-8 108.          V      N90E      N00E 109. ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 110.       0.06      0.04      0.03 111.       0.06      0.04      0.03 112.      -0.42     -0.44      0.03 Mexican Standard Acceleration File, ASA v 2.0

  2. Mexican Seismological Service (SSN) National Network of Broadband Seismological Observatories

  3. Mexican Seismological Service (SSN) Broadband Seismological Stations and Recording Post

  4. Mexican Seismological Service (SSN) Information system on the SSN website

  5. Accelerograph Network IINGEN network accelerographic stations

  6. Accelerograph Network Free field accelerographic station

  7. Mexican Seismic Network Stage 1 Mexican Seismic Network Stage 2 Accelerographic Station Accelerographic Station Epicenter Epicenter S wave P wave S wave P wave Focus Focus

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