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Westward Expansion 1860-1900

Westward Expansion 1860-1900. Most states are east of the Mississippi River. Western Territories are already populated by the Native Americans. Frontier. Boundary between settled and the unsettled lands . Indians already living on the Frontier. Closed in 1890 . Westward Expansion 1860-1900.

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Westward Expansion 1860-1900

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  1. Westward Expansion 1860-1900 • Most states are east of the Mississippi River. • Western Territories are already populated by the Native Americans.

  2. Frontier • Boundary between settled and the unsettled lands. • Indians already living on the Frontier. • Closed in 1890.

  3. Westward Expansion 1860-1900 • Push and Pull factors: Events or conditions that force or attract people to move. • Push = force • Pull = attract

  4. Push Factors • Civil War displaces many people. • Prices on goods are high. • Lack of Freedom.

  5. Pull factors • Freedom from the Law. • Second chance financially. • Free/Cheap land.

  6. Frontier Thesis • Historian Frederick Jackson Turner (1893) • Frontier was essential and central in the development of the United States. • The true point of view of this nation is not the Atlantic Coast, it is the Great West.

  7. Homestead Act of 1862 • Signed by Lincoln. • Could have 160 acres of land for small fee • 21 years old • Citizens or becoming citizens. • Live there five years first.

  8. Pacific Railway Acts 1862-1864 • Gave ten square miles of land on each side of the track for each mile of track laid. • 175,000,000 acres of public land.

  9. Pacific Railway Acts 1862-1864 • Railroads sold land at a profit. • Railroads were a new way to move west. • Less tax money needed to support the railroads.

  10. Time Zones • 1884 27 nations make an agreement • 24 time zones created • Used to this day. • Adopted by the railroads. • Trains moved fast enough to create a problem setting a schedule.

  11. Morrill Land Grant Act 1862 • Gave states millions of acres of land that they could sell to raise money. • Money went to the founding of colleges specializing on agriculture.

  12. Immigration • Old Immigration: Prior to 1880: • Protestants from Northern and Western Europe. • Skilled tradesmen, not poor. • New Immigration: After 1880: • Southern and Eastern Europe • Poor and unskilled.

  13. Bessemer Process • Henry Bessemer 1850’s England • Adopted by US factories • Method of steel production • Created high grade, light weight steel production. • 1890’s US was out producing England

  14. Changes due to Steel • Steel allows for • Skyscrapers • Suspension Bridges • Improved rail lines

  15. Laissez-Faire • Adam Smith 1776 • Wealth of Nations • Hands off • Philosophy from 1776-1890???

  16. Collective Bargaining • Workers negotiating for wages and better working conditions. • Thousands of strikes 1880s 1890s

  17. Labor Relations • Labor Unions begin to form • Strikes become more and more common • AFL • Knights of Labor

  18. Economic Philosphies • Socialism: Favoring public ownership of the property and wealth of a nation rather than private ownership. • Communist Manifesto: • 1848 Karl Marx, Friederich Engels

  19. Labor Relations • Most Americans reject socialism and communism because they threaten: • Free enterprise • Private property • Individual liberty

  20. Populists • New political party that demanded radical changes in federal and social policies. Strength of the party lay in the American Farmer.

  21. Populists • Increased circulation of money. • Free silver. • A progressive income tax. • Govt. ownership of communication and transportation system. • Eight hour work day.

  22. Populist Legacy • The nation changed from an agricultural nation to an industrial nation, and the silver movement died along with Populism. Many populist ideas were revived in the Progressive Movement.

  23. Imperialism • Empire building: having colonies. • US started after 1890. • Had been doing it all along, but not in foreign areas.

  24. Influence of Sea Power Upon History • Alfred Thayer Mahan • Modern, steel hulled, steam powered navy. • Coaling stations around the world. • Canal through Panama.

  25. Splendid Little War • 1898 • United States v. Spain • Spanish American War • Cuban revolt sparked US interest. • De Lome Letter critical of Pres. McKinley.

  26. Splendid Little War • Yellow Journalism helped Cause the War. • Large headlines • Colored comics • Sensational Stories.

  27. Rival Editors • William Randolph Hearst: • “you furnish the pictures and I will furnish the war.” • Joseph Pulitzer

  28. Teddy Roosevelt • Resigned as Asst. Sec. of the Navy. • Organized the Rough Riders. • Yellow press made him the hero of San Juan Hill.

  29. Treaty of Paris 1898 • Spanish give up Puerto Rico, and Guam to the United States. • Cuba is independent. • Philippines sold to US $20 million. • America is an Imperial Power.

  30. Philippine Insurrection • Attempt to throw the US out. • Lasted Three Years. • 4,000 Us soldiers dead/ 200,000 Filipinos. • Emilo Aguinaldo led Guerillas.

  31. Philippine Insurrection • Our treatment of the Filipinos departed from American principals. (self govt., majority rule) • McKinley was afraid a European Country might try to colonize the Philippines.

  32. Insular Cases • Supreme Court Case • New possessions are not fully a part of the US. • People there are not entitled to Constitutional Rights. • Constitution does not follow the flag.

  33. Panama Canal • Ferdinand de Lesseps made the first attempt to build a canal across the isthmus of Panama.(1879) • Had built the Suez Canal in 1869. • Tried to build a sea level canal.

  34. Panama Canal • Canal Zone: • 10 mile wide strip of land. • $10 million paid. • $250,000 rent per year. • 51 miles long.

  35. Panama Canal • 51 miles long. • Saves ships 8,000 miles. • 10 years to build. (1904-1914) • Cost $400 million to build.

  36. William McKinley • Elected President in 1896. • Reelected in 1900 • Assassinated September 5,1901 • Leon Czolosz: Anarchist • Roosevelt becomes President.

  37. Theodore Roosevelt • Republican • Hero of San Juan Hill • Asst. Sec of the Navy • Police Commissioner NYC. • Gov. of New York

  38. Theodore Roosevelt • Became President at age 42. • Foreign Policy: Big Stick: Wanted to get the US involved in world affairs. Wanted a strong Navy.

  39. Roosevelt Corollary • US will not seek territorial aggression. We seek peace with all nations. We may have to step into countries to protect our rights.

  40. TR as peacemaker • Won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in helping end the Russo-Japanese War.

  41. Classical Liberalism • A political belief in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the state.  In its economic form, it advocates a respect for private property and free markets.

  42. Modern American liberalism • A form of liberalism that stems from progressive ideals. National prosperity requires government management of the macroeconomy, to keep unemployment low, inflation in check, and growth high. Government intervention and regulation is necessary to insure equality and public safety.

  43. Progressive Era 1890-1920 • Goals and Beliefs: • Govt. Should be more accountable to the people. • Govt. should curb the power and influence of wealthy interests,

  44. Progressive Era 1890-1920 3) Govt. Powers should be expanded so lives of the citizens would be improved. 4) Govt. should become more efficient and less corrupt.

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