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Update on the Transition of the Research Networks: David Loughton CBE (RWH) Emma Patterson (WM LTFL) 22 November 2013. Delivering clinical research to make patients, and the NHS, better. Summary. Host’s perspective of transition! Why transition is necessary? Progress to date Next steps
Update on the Transition of the Research Networks: David Loughton CBE (RWH)Emma Patterson (WM LTFL)22 November 2013 Delivering clinical research to make patients, and the NHS, better
Summary Host’s perspective of transition! Why transition is necessary? Progress to date Next steps What it means to you! Any questions?
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO you? ‘Business as usual!’ – no change on the ground Improved support service (pre grant support) – Closer working with regional CTUs, RDS and AHSN Collaborative regional working – more attractive to CIs Access to a flexible workforce – eliminate boundaries between Trusts/sectors/networks Region-wide standard service Regional peer support
Transition – A Host’s Perspective David Loughton CBE Chief Executive
HOSTS ANNOUNCED: THE ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON NHS TRUST APPOINTED AS THE LOCAL HOST OF THE NIHR CLINICAL RESEARCH NETWORK “Through the host selection process we set out to identify Trusts and Foundation Trusts that were passionate about the contribution that clinical research can make to patient care and that would work collaboratively with other NHS providers to translate that passion into the effective delivery of studies across the whole area” – Jonathan Sheffield, NIHR CE
WHY HOST THE WM LCRN? The Royal Wolverhampton NHS (RWT) Trust has a Strong history and culture of innovation and service improvement:
WHY HOST THE WM LCRN? Commitment to Research & Innovation: R&I is central to the Trust’s future strategy Clinical and managerial staff have a clear understanding that engagement in research drives up clinical standards RWT fully supports the delivery of research to improve patient care and clinical outcomes Recognised the need for reconfiguration as a result of the governance review – complexity of network structures, funding streams and a lack of transparency
VISION FOR THE LCRN Ensure clear and equitable funding with investment used to stimulate and underpin research success – overseen by Trust Board but Directed by the CD & COO Recognition of the need for local delivery and local expert knowledge - Researchers to maintain contact with local and valued staff Building on the successes of all member organisations improve performance, speed and quality of delivery
THROUGH TRANSITION: Providing a dedicated Project Team to support the delivery of the Transition with the ownership and commitment of the Trust Board Maintaining stability for NIHR staff within the region; committed to no redundancies and minimal disruption to delivery staff (aiming for permanent contracts) Work in partnership with the region’s Trusts & existing Networks to continue delivering ‘business as usual’ against the HLOs
Update on the Transition of the Research Networks: Emma Patterson
TIME FOR CHANGE Transition is a product of our success, it is important that we change to ensure we can continue to deliver clinical research to make patients, and the NHS, better
5 x Cancer 1 x Mental Health 2 x Diabetes (partial coverage) 1 x Stroke 1 x Primary Care 1 x Medicines for Children 1 x DeNDRoN (studies only) 3 x CLRNs Integrating the Networks
28 Trusts 23 CCGs - 950+ GPs 3 Local Area Teams (LATs) Public Health, Social Enterprises, Prisons….. Supporting our Partners:
Clinical Research Network West Midlands WHAT’S DONE • Hosts selected – Royal Wolverhampton Hospital • Approach to clinical specialties, themes and operational division approved • Core role outlines released (CD & COO out to advert) • LPMS Specification released – (Edge, REDA & RWT i-web system) • Branding Finalised
MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE: Host Chief Executive Host Executive Director LCRN Clinical Director LCRN Chief Operating Officer LCRN Research Specialty Leads LCRN Research Delivery Divisional Managers/Teams LCRN Research Delivery Cross – Cutting Team LCRN Support Team LCRN Industry Operations Manager
CLINICAL SPECIALTIES: • The LCRN Clinical Research Specialty Lead (CRSL) will engage with clinical research communities through Local Clinical Research Specialty Groups (CRSG), be responsible for oversight of the performance of the specialty portfolio • Each local CRSG will be led by a Clinical Research Specialty Lead (CRSL) play an active role in the national Specialty Group for each Specialty • One CRSL from those leading specialties within a Division will be appointed as Clinical Research Lead for that Division and report to the LCRN CD
RESEARCH DELIVERY DIVISIONS: • Operational delivery of the LCRN portfolio managed through six nationally determined research delivery divisions, each encompassing a number of specialties • Managed by a Research Delivery Manager, each Manager will form national networks of operational expertise, led nationally by a Research Delivery Director for the Division • LCRN Research Delivery Managers will report to the LCRN Chief Operating Officer and be responsible for the delivery of NIHR CRN portfolio studies
RESEARCH DELIVERY CROSS -DIVISIONAL TEAM • Research Delivery Cross-Divisional Team will undertake delivery activities that support all clinical specialties. Activities will include the provision of: • A LCRN research advice service • A single point of contact service for Life Sciences Industry • A Lead LCRN service and Coordinated Network Support service, in-line with national standards • The NIHR Coordinated system for gaining NHS Permission (CSP) • Coordination of the Research Passport Scheme
LCRN SUPPORT TEAM: • The LCRN will have a Support Team to manage local operational arrangements. This team will be required to support and deliver the following functions and systems: • Support functions including (some of these functions may be encompassed within research delivery roles): • LCRN administration • Information management • Workforce development • Communications • Patient carer and public involvement and engagement • Finance • CRN systems, including information systems (for example, the CSP Module for NHS Permissions, CPMS and LPMS)
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? Nationally • Developing proposals for coordinating centre function delivery 2014/2015 (9 – 1) • LCRN Contract with DH for sign off: draft Operating Framework, Assurance Framework and Terms of Reference to support transition plans • Integrating of systems to support the new LCRNS (CPMS, Performance Reporting, Finance systems) • Agreeing what the Directorate for each Division will look like (resource, roles, support for LCRNs etc)
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? Locally • Working with Host, existing networks to identify optimum management & delivery structure (consultative) • Identifying areas for harmonisation, improvement (and where necessary), change – PPI, Industry, RM&G, Training & Workforce Development • Working in collaboration with existing Network Leadership teams, stakeholders (inc PPI) and partner organisations • Agreeing how best to communicate and engage with you and the wider stakeholders! • Transition Plan: Management and Governance structures are in place for 1st April
Working with the LTFL through transition: Reporting line to Trust Executive Board CONFIRMED Interim arrangements' for Partnership, Operational Management and Clinical Advisory Groups ESTABLISHED Transition Plan guided by the Operating & Performance Framework – SUBMITTED 25th November Stability for current NIHR-funded resource Ensure COO & CD in post for 1st January 2014 Submission of the 2014/15 Annual Plan – 31st January 2014 Formal LCRN Governance Structure, Branding and Agreements with Trusts in place by 1 April 2014
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO you? • ‘Business as usual!’ – no change on the ground • Collaborative regional working – more attractive to CIs • Access to a flexible workforce – eliminate boundaries between Trusts/sectors/networks • Region-wide standard service • Regional peer support
ANY QUESTIONS? Delivering clinical research to make patients, and the NHS, better