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Data Collection: Enhancing Response Rates & Limiting Errors

Learn how to minimize sampling, noncoverage, nonresponse, response, and office errors to enhance data collection. Understand error types, causes, and reduction methods. Discover ways to boost response rates for more accurate insights.

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Data Collection: Enhancing Response Rates & Limiting Errors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data Collection: Enhancing Response Rates & Limiting Errors Chapter 10

  2. Types of Error • Sampling error • Noncoverage error • Nonresponse error • Response error • Office error

  3. Sampling Error • What is sampling error? • How can it be reduced?

  4. Noncoverage Error • “Failure to include some elements of the defined target population in the sampling frame” • How can it be reduced?

  5. Nonresponse Error • What is it? • Two main sources • Refusals • Methods • Types of people • Reasons • Not-at-homes • Callbacks

  6. Response Error • Response is given, but is inaccurate • To reduce, ask questions: • Does respondent understand question? • Does respondent know the answer? • Is respondent willing to provide true answer? • Will wording of question cause bias?

  7. Office Errors • Editing • Coding • Analyzing • Monitor TOTAL error

  8. Response Rates • Basic calculating equation: • Web-based and mail equation: • Telephone surveys equation:

  9. Improving Response Rates • Make it interesting • Survey length • Guarantee confidentiality or Anonymity • Interviewer training • Personalization • Response incentives • Follow-up surveys

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