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Effect of Exposure to Media Images on Perceptual Body Image Distortion and Affective Dissatisfaction

Research Question. How does exposure to these images influence how women feel about themselves and their bodies?Perceptual distortionSocial Comparison

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Effect of Exposure to Media Images on Perceptual Body Image Distortion and Affective Dissatisfaction

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    1. Effect of Exposure to Media Images on Perceptual Body Image Distortion and Affective Dissatisfaction Angie French & Blair Terrell Hanover College

    2. Research Question How does exposure to these images influence how women feel about themselves and their bodies? Perceptual distortion Social Comparison – (comparison of self to others) How does exposure to these images influence how women feel about themselves and their bodies? Perceptual distortion Social Comparison – (comparison of self to others) How does exposure to these images influence how women feel about themselves and their bodies? Perceptual distortion Social Comparison – (comparison of self to others)

    3. *Dissatisfaction means do not vary significantly across media conditions*Dissatisfaction means do not vary significantly across media conditions

    4. Participants 49 female students from Hanover College Mean age = 19 48 – Caucasian 1 – Pacific Islander

    5. Phase 1 Two weeks prior to Phase 2 Social Comparison questionnaire and personal information Frequency of Social Comparison Scale (Fujita, 1996) Determines how prone an individual is to compare herself to others Alpha = .90 Anonymity protection—code Street name + last 4 digits from SSN

    6. Phase 2 PowerPoint slide show of 30 fitness, fashion/beauty, or neutral images from popular magazines Selection criteria: --Only one model per image --3/4 length body shot --no overlaid type --no product shown (criteria from Waller, Hamilton, & Shaw, 1992) - if product was about beauty or fitness, we didn’t want that to compete with the image for their attention or send any unintended messages.- if product was about beauty or fitness, we didn’t want that to compete with the image for their attention or send any unintended messages.

    10. Adjustable Light Beam Apparatus (Thompson & Spana, 1988) Measures perceived size of cheeks, waist, and hips ofual distortion: discrepancy between perceived and actual body size of cheeks, waist, and hips Alpha = .8697 ofual distortion: discrepancy between perceived and actual body size of cheeks, waist, and hips Alpha = .8697

    11. Degree to which distortion for cheeks is the same for distortion for waist and hips; consistency, degree to which three measures are correlated Degree to which distortion for cheeks is the same for distortion for waist and hips; consistency, degree to which three measures are correlated

    12. *Dissatisfaction means do not vary significantly across media conditions*Dissatisfaction means do not vary significantly across media conditions

    13. YES Perceptual Distortion Amount of distortion varied significantly across three conditions, F (1,45) = 3.24, p < .05 The only post hoc comparison that was significant was between beauty and neutral, p < .05. Supports previous research ? Exposure to beauty images increases distortion Trend suggests something maybe there that we weren’t able to find between fitness and neutralTrend suggests something maybe there that we weren’t able to find between fitness and neutral

    14. *Dissatisfaction means do not vary significantly across media conditions *moderated by social comparison, maybe relationship between exposure and dissatisfaction exists for some people at different levels of social comparison but not for others*Dissatisfaction means do not vary significantly across media conditions *moderated by social comparison, maybe relationship between exposure and dissatisfaction exists for some people at different levels of social comparison but not for others

    15. Results cont. Blue – immune to media Purple – very affected by mediaBlue – immune to media Purple – very affected by media

    16. Discussion Two media conditions ? different effects Beauty images influence perception (distortion) Fitness images influence emotion (dissatisfaction) speculationspeculation

    17. Fitness ? Dissatisfaction Message behind the fitness images Idea of achievability But is it really achievable? Exposure ? GUILT ? Dissatisfaction Emotional Process Pause, set up next slide of imagesEmotional Process Pause, set up next slide of images

    18. Point out two or three things (arms, legs, etc.)Point out two or three things (arms, legs, etc.)

    19. Beauty ? Distortion Beauty images thinner than fitness images Less guilt because only option of attainability is to take drastic, unhealthy measures (e.g., drug use, eating disorder)

    21. Questions

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