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Join us for a joyous worship service filled with music, prayers, and a meaningful sermon. Experience the power of community and find peace in the presence of God.
Prelude “Prelude No. 5, in D major” from 24 Preludes and Fugues, Op. 87 by Dmitri Shostakovich
Call to Worship • (Adapted from Amos 9:14-15)
Hymn NCH #3 Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works
Many and great, O God, are your works, Maker of earth and sky; Your hands have set the heavens with stars, your fingers spread the mountains and plains. Lo, at your word the waters were formed; deep seas obey your voice.
Grant unto us communion with you, O star abiding One; Come unto us and dwell with us: with you are found the gifts of life. Bless us with life that has no end, eternal life with you.
Many and great, O God, are your works, maker of earth and sky, maker of us, all of us - gathered here and elsewhere. Flow through this place and this world with your love and presence. Guide us closer to you and the next right thing to do.
First Lesson Psalm 121NRSV
Gospel Reading John 3:1-8 Aramaic English New Testament
Musical Praise • “Have You Seen My Jesus?” • by Douglas E. Wagner
Hymn • NCH #501 • We Are Dancing Sarah’s Circle
We are dancing Sarah's circle,. . . sisters, brothers, all. Here we seek and find our story, . . . sisters, brothers, all. We will all do our own naming, . . . sisters, brothers, all.
Every round a generation, . . . sisters, brothers, all. On and on the circle's moving, . . . sisters, brothers, all.
The Lords Prayer/ The Prayer of Jesus
Musical Praise • “Real Peace” • Words & Music by James Ahrend
We praise thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; in grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before thee, we come and adore thee, We bless thy holy name, glad praises we sing. Amen.
Closing Hymn Shalom, Chaverim! Farewell, Good Friends! ~see insert~
Choral Blessing “May the Road” • Traditional Irish Blessing • Setting by James Ahrend, 2001