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Spanish 2 BELL WORK. Term 4 2013-2014. S2 OH NO! #1 11/3 Copy and underline the words you know and cognates:. Artículo II
Spanish 2 BELL WORK Term 4 2013-2014
S2 OH NO! #1 11/3 Copy and underline the words you know and cognates: • Artículo II • Sección. 1. El Poder ejecutivo será conferido a un Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Desempeñará su Cargo durante un Período de cuatro Años y, juntamente con el Vicepresidente designado para el mismo Período, será elegido de la siguiente manera. . . • Solo las Personas que sean Ciudadanas por nacimiento o que hayan sido Ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos al tiempo de adoptarse esta Constitución, serán elegibles para el Cargo de Presidente; tampoco será elegible una persona que no haya cumplido treinta y cinco Años de edad y que no haya Residido durante catorce Años en los Estados Unidos.
Article II • Section. 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows . . . . • No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
S2 Oh no! #2 17/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Presidente • Noun (mf) • President • The chief officer of a branch of government, corporation, board of trustees, university, or similar body. • From Latin praesidentum "president, governor," noun use of present participle of praesidere "to act as head or chief" • Related: • Presidir • (v) To preside • Vicepresidente • (nmf) Vice president • La presidencia • (nf) Presidency • Presidencial • (aj) Presidential
S2 Oh no!#3 18/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Cargo • Noun (m) • Charge, office, responsibility • A position of authority, duty, or trust given to a person, as in a government or corporation. • From Latin officium "service, kindness, favor; official duty, function, business; ceremonial observance," literally "work-doing," from ops "power, might, abundance, means" + stem of facere "do, perform". • Related: • Encargar • (v) To place in charge of • El (La) encargado(a) • (nmf) Person in charge • Encargado • (aj) In charge
S2 Oh no!#4 19/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Año • Noun (m) • Year • The period of time during which Earth completes a single revolution around the sun, consisting of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds of mean solar time. In the Gregorian calendar the year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 and is divided into 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 or 366 days. Also called calendar year. • From Latin hornus "of this year." • Related: • Añejar • (v) To age • El anuario • (nm) Yearbook • El cumpleaños • (nm) Birthday • El aniversario • (nm) Anniversary
S2 Oh no! #5 20/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Juntamente • Adverb • Together, jointly • In combination or partnership. • From Latin iunctus "united, connected, associated," past participle of iungere "join" • Related: • Junto • (aj) Together • La junta • (nf) Meeting • Adjunto • (aj) Attached • La conjunción • (nf) Conjunction
S2 Oh no!#6 21/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • La siguentemanera • Phrasal verb • As follows • As will be stated next. Used to introduce a specified enumeration, explanation, or command. • From Vulgar Latin *manaria (source of Spanish manera, Portuguese maneira, Italian maniera), from fem. of Latin manuarius "belonging to the hand," from manus "hand" • Related: • Seguir • (v) To continue, to follow • Conseguir • (v) To get • Proseguir • (v) To proceed • En seguida • (av) Immediately, right away • Siguiente • (aj) Next
Seguir: to continue, to follow • Yosigo • Túsigues • Ella, él, Ud. sigue • Nosotrosseguimos • Vosotrosseguís • Ella, ellos, Uds. siguen
S2 Oh no!#7 24/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Ciudadano(a) • Noun (mf) • Citizen • A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. • From Latin civitatem; in Late Latin sometimes citatemoriginally "citizenship, condition or rights of a citizen, membership in the community," later "community of citizens, state, commonwealth" • Related: • La ciudad • (nf) City • La ciudadanía • (nf) Citizenship • La ciudadela • (nf) Citadel • A fortress in a commanding position in or near a city.
S2 Oh no!#8 25/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Nacimiento • Noun (m) • Birth • The emergence and separation of offspring from the body of the mother. • From Latin fors "chance" • Related: • Nacer • (v) To be born • El natalicio • (nm) Date of birth • El renacimiento • (nm) Rebirth • La nacionalidad • (nf) Nationality
S2 Oh no!#9 26/3 Copy, translate into English, write the part of speech and define: • Tiempo • Noun (m) • Time; season/ weather • A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. • From Latin temporalis "of a time, but for a time, temporary," from tempus "time, season, proper time or season," • Related: • Temporal • (aj) Temporary, provisional • La temporada • (nf) Season • La tempestad • (nf) Storm, tempest
S2 Oh no! #10 27/3 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • Adoptarse • Verb • To adopt • To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child. • To vote to accept: adopt a resolution. • From Latin adoptare "take by choice, choose for oneself, select, choose" (especially a child). • Related: • La adopción • (nf) Adoption • Adoptivo • (aj) Adoptive
S2 Oh no! #11 28/3 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • Elegibles • Adjective • Eligible • Qualified or entitled to be chosen. • From Late Latin eligibilis "that may be chosen," from Latin eligere "choose" • Related: • La elegibilidad • (nf) Eligibility • El elegido • (nm) The chosen • Electivo • (aj) Elective • Of or relating to a selection by vote. • Permitting or involving a choice; optional.
S2 Oh no!#12 31/3 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • Constitución • Noun (f) • Constitution • The fundamental law of the United States, framed in 1787, ratified in 1789, and variously amended since then. • From Latin constitutionem"act of settling, settled condition, anything arranged or settled upon, regulation, order, ordinance" • Related: • Constituir • (v) To constitute • Reconstituir • (v) To reconstitute • El (La) constituyente • (nmf) Constituent • A resident of a district or member of a group represented by an elected official.
S2 Oh no! #13 1/4 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • América • Noun (f) • America • The United States. Also the A·mer·i·casThe landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America. • From Modern Latin Americanus, after Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) who made two trips to the New World as a navigator and claimed to have discovered it. His published works put forward the idea that it was a new continent, and he was first to call it Novus Mundus "New World." Amerigo is more easily Latinized than Vespucci. • Related: • La americana • (nf) Jacket • Americanizar • (v) To americanize • Americano(a) • (adj) American
S2 Oh no! #14 2/4 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • Período • Noun (m) • Period, term • A period of time that is assigned to a person to serve. • From Latin terminus "end, boundary line." • Related: • El períodolectivo • (nm) School term • Periódico • (aj) Periodic • El periódico • (nm) Newspaper; periodical • A publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day.
S2 Oh no! #15 3/4 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • Designado • Adjective • Designated, chosen • To select and set aside for a duty, an office, or a purpose. • From Latin designare "mark out, devise, choose, designate, appoint," from de- "out" + signare "to mark," from signum "a mark, sign" • Related: • Designar • (v) To designate, to plan • El designio • (nm) design, plan, scheme
S2 Oh no! #16 4/4 Copy, write the part of speech, translate into English, and define: • Cumplido • Adverb • Attained; completed • Succeeded in reaching. • Latin attingere had a wide range of meanings, including "to attack, to strike, to appropriate, to manage," all somehow suggested by the literal sense "to touch." • Related: • Incumplir • (v) To leave incomplete • Incumplido • (aj/av) Uncompleted • Cumplidor • (aj) Referring to someone who keeps his word or promises