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This chapter explores the predictive nature of biblical prophesies and their fulfillment in Jesus, the Messiah. It delves into the purpose and characteristics of genuine prophetic predictions, highlighting their relevance for people living in the modern world.
The Prophesy Fulfilled Discovering The King – Chapter 2 Predicting the King
1960’s CBS Daytime Game Show Everybody has a unique “address”… Will the real John Smith please stand up! There are over 100 J. Smith’s living in the Charleston area There are 37 John Smith’s living in the Charleston area There are 2 John E. Smith’s living in Charleston, SC in downtown Charleston: one on Rutledge Street and one on Church Street There are 2 John R. Smith’s living in Charleston, SC at 1 Bishop Gadsden Way! (Different Apartment #s) What if John R. Smith at Apt #103 had a son named John R. Smith living at the same address?
Will the real Messiah What is Jesus’ address? God wrote an “address” in history to single out His Son, the Messiah, that no one else in the history of the world – past, present, and future – could be identified with! This address can be found in the Gospel of Matthew HOW did God reveal this unique indentifer through? PROPHESY PROPHETS And WHO did God use to do this? And WHEN did God do this? OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE
PROPHESY What is prophesy?
Rather, biblical prophecies… PROPHESY: WHAT IS BIBLICAL PROPHESY? What Biblical prophesy is NOT? Biblical prophecy is not primarily about "predicting the future" or finding clues in the Bible that correspond to people or events in our own day and age! The prophets of Ancient Israel did not look into some kind of crystal ball and see events happening thousands of years after their own lifetimes. The books they wrote do not contain hidden coded messages for people living in the 20th or 21st centuries! • Mainly spoke to and were written for the people of their own time. • They challenged the people (especially their political rulers) to remain faithful to God's commandments and repent and turn back to God • They were conveyed messages from God to those who were called or commissioned by God • They were not spoken on the initiative or authority of the prophet, but by God’s initiative and by His authority. • Transmitted messages on behalf of God • Much of what was prophesized was for their own time, BUT they are also relevant for people living in the modern world. • The overall message of faith and repentance is timeless and applicable in all ages and cultures.
BILBICAL PROPHESY: WHO WERE THE PROPHETS? In the Hebrew Bible, the word for "prophet" is usually nabi' (literally: "spokesperson"; used over 300 times!), “And Jehovah said unto Moses, See, I have made thee as God to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee; and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh.”Exodus 7:1-2 • "Thus says the Lord,..." (used over 400 times in the Hebrew Bible!) • "The word of the Lord came to [someone], saying..." (over 100 times!) • "Thus shall you say to [someone],..." (43 times) • "Hear the word of the Lord,..." (37 times) • "Speak to [someone], saying..." (14 times) “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him.”Deuteronomy 18:18 (NIV)
BILBICAL PROPHESY What is predictive prophesy? a miracle of knowledge, a declaration, or description, or representation of something future, beyond the power of human discernment or understanding, and it is the highest evidence that can be given of supernatural communion with God, and of the truth of a revelation from God; given by God, proclaimed by one called of God, for the purpose of proclaiming God’s truth to advance God’s will. What is the test for genuine predictive prophesy? • Genuine prophecy involves PROPER TIMING. The oracle must significantly precede the person or event described. It must be beyond the realm of reasonable calculation so as to preclude the possibility of an “educated guess.” • The prophecy must deal in SPECIFIC DETAILS, not vague generalities which are capable of being manipulated to fit various circumstances. • The prophecy must be an EXACT FULFILLMENT, not merely a high degree of probability, must characterize the prediction. A prophet who is eighty percent accurate is no prophet at all!
PROPHESIES OF A COMING MESSIAH We need a SAVIOR, not a “SYCHIC”!! Throughout the Book of Matthew, we often read the statement, or a variation thereof, as follows: “That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Lord through the prophets” 300 The Old Testament contains over ________ references to the Messiah that were fulfilled in Jesus; ______ are major prophesices. 60 How long before the fullfillment did these prophesies occur? 450 The Old Testament was completed in ______ BC The Greek Translation, The Septuagint, was completed in ______BC 250 There was at least a 250 year gap between the prophecies written down and their fulfillment in the person of Christ!
Want to accept a get rich quick offer? Why can’t these “prophesies” be fullfilled in another world leader, like John Kennedy, Rev. M.L. King, Gandhi, Pope John Paul, etc.? Yes, one could find one or two prophecies fulfilled in other men, but not all 60 major prophecies! If you can, in fact, find someone, other than Jesus, living or dead, who can fulfill only half of the predictions concerning Messiah, the Christian Victory Publishing Company of Denver will give you a $1,000 reward!
Science Speaks by Peter Stoner (Moody Press, 1963) “The manuscript for Science Speaks has been carefully reviewed by a committee of the American Scientific Affiliation members and by the Executive Council of the same group and has been found to be dependable and accurate in regard to the scientific material presented. The mathematical analysis included is based upon principles of probability which are thoroughly sound and Professor Stoner has applied these principles in a proper and convincing way.” Forward by D. Harold Hartzler, PhD, of the American Scientific Affiliation, Goshen College
COINCIDENCE IS RULED OUT! Stoner says that by using the modern science of probability, in reference to eight prophecies, “we find that the chance that any man might have lived down to the present time and fulfilled all eight prophecies is 1 in 1017 That’s 1 chance in 100,000,000,000,000,000 • Born at Bethlehem • Preceeded by a messenger • Enter Jerusalem on a donkey • Betrayed by a friend & hands and feet pierced • Sold for 30 pieces of silver • Money to be thrown in God’s House and price given for Potter’s Field • Speechless before accusers • Crucified with thieves
Want to buy a lottery ticket? What are your chances for winning the $550 million Mega Millions Jackpot? That’s 1 chance in 175,223,510 From the Harvard School of Public Health: -- Dying from a bee sting: 1 in 6.1 million. -- Dying from a lightning strike: 1 in 3 million. From U.S. Hole in One, which insures golf prizes for holes in one: -- An amateur golfer making a hole in one on a par-3 hole: 1 in 12,500. -- A golfer hitting a hole in one on consecutive par-3 holes: 1 in about 156 million. From a 2011 State Farm study on collisions between vehicles and deer: -- Hitting a deer with a vehicle in Hawaii, the state where State Farm says deer-vehicle collisions are least likely: 1 in 6,267. From the National Weather Service: -- Being struck by lightning over an 80-year lifetime: 1 in 10,000. From the Florida Museum of Natural History, based on U.S. beach injury statistics: -- Drowning and other beach-related fatalities: 1 in 2 million. -- Being attacked by a shark: 1 in 11.5 million.
…while blindfolded, pick the one electron painted red among 10157 electrons COINCIDENCE IS REALLY RULED OUT!!!!!!!! Stoner considers 48 prophecies and says, “we find the chance that any one man fulfilled all 48 prophecies to be 1 in 10157!” That’s 1 chance in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 A silver dollar is too large to use for this illustration! We must use an electron, one of the smallest objects known (a sub-atomic particle). It is so small that it will take 2.5 times 1015 of them laid side by side to make a line, single file one inch long. If we were going to count the electrons in this line I” long, and we counted 250 each minute, and if we counted them day and night, it would take us 19,000,000 years to count just the 1” line of electrons. If we had 1 cubic inch of these electrons and we tried to count them at the same rate (250/minute), it would take us 19,000,000 time 19,000,000 time 19,000,000 years or 6.9 time 1021 years!
Matthew 1:1-17 General Observations Just in the first 2 chapters of Matthew, we are told that Jesus Christ fulfills 11 Old Testament prophecies! Matthew Reference Fulfillment OT Prophecy 1:1 Born of the seed of Abraham Genesis 22:18 1:1; 9:27; 15:22; 20:30-31 Born of the House of David Jeremiah 23:5 1:2 Born of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 1:2 Born of the house of Isaac Genesis 21:12 1:2 Born of the house of Jacob Num. 24:17 1:18-23 Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 2:3-6 Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 2:1, 11 Presented gifts Psalm 72:10 2:13-15 Brought out of Egypt Hosea 11:1 2:16-18 Herod kills the children Jeremiah 31:15 2:22-23 Home in Nazareth Judges 13:5 Matthew tells us of 42 fulfilled prophecies in the life and ministry of Jesus!
PETER PROCLAIMS THE PROMISE… Acts 3:17-26 “Now, fellow Israelites, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that His Messiah would suffer. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that He may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. Heaven must receive Him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as He promised long ago through His holy prophets. For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like Me from among your own people; you must listen to everything He tells you. Anyone who does not listen to Him will be completely cut off from their people.’ “Indeed, beginning with Samuel, all the prophets who have spoken have foretold these days. And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’ When God raised up His servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.”