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consultoria marketing

Te acompau00f1o para que consigas la mejor Estrategia de Marketing Digital, para Arquitectos, Estudios de Arqutiectura e Ingenieru00edas. Conoce los detalles ;-)

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consultoria marketing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. It all started a little over 10 years ago, when I still thought that I would continue to be an Architect all my life. Suddenly, the famous crisis in the construction sector knocked on my door and I was fired, I went from directing large construction projects to staying on the street, bewildered and not knowing very well what to do with my life. Days went by and everything got worse, finding work as an architect was an impossible mission , and little by little she sensed that it would never be like before. One day, I decided that I had to take charge of my life and start doing everything I had always wanted to do, it was time to fulfill my dreams.I traveled to India where I collaborated for 6 months as an Architect at the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and for me it was a before and after. I realized that anyone can achieve what they set out to do, with a clear goal, determination and working very hard, everything you want can be achieved. oDiseño pagina web estudios de arquitectura oDiseño pagina web arquitectos ocurso Marketing Arquitectos ocurso Marketing Estudios de Arquitectura ocurso Marketing Digital Arquitectos ocurso Marketing Digital Estudios de Arquitectura oconsultoria marketing oconsultoria marketing arquitectos Visit us :- https://fuencarmona.com/

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