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Learn about American isolationism post-WWI, the Great Depression, Mussolini's rise to power, Hitler's background, and the Weimar Republic in this engaging social studies lecture. Explore the impact of physical and political isolation during this tumultuous era.
8th grade honors social studies Mrs. Singer Quarter 3: Week 3
Agenda • Look on the bulletin board and see what you'll need today. • Remember: ALL electronics in your backpack, backpacks against your wall! • CNN10 • WWII Vocabulary • American Isolationism
Why did America feel the need to isolate ourselves following WWI? • The Great Depression (HUGE economic trouble) • The Dust Bowl (caused big agricultural problems, loss of farming jobs, etc.) • Physical isolation from Europe • Just finished WWI (we're tired, didn't want to fight) 5. Mournful time for those lost in WWI
Agenda • Look on the bulletin board and see what you'll need today. • Remember: ALL electronics in your backpack, backpacks against your wall! • Hitler and Mussolini lecture and notes • Break • CNN10 • Appeasement Soapstone
Post WWI Italy • Italy sided with Great Britain and France during WWI, and waspromised certain territories at the end of the WWI; they were not given all that they were promised. • This caused a rise in Italian nationalism; Italians were upset. • Inspired by the Russian revolution, workers went on strike, took over factories and seized land. Italy was on a downward spiral; trade declined, taxes rose, and the government fell apart.
Benito Mussolini • Son of a blacksmith and a teacher • Went to Catholic boarding school but was kicked out because of behavior issues • Became a teacher • Wrote for a newspaper • Actually started off as a Socialist • During WWI, Mussolini turned to extreme nationalism and Fascism • WWI vet; badly wounded • Coined the term "Fascism" • Promised to end corruption and restore order; wanted to revive the greatness of Rome
Mussolini Rises • Gets all his followers in combat squads (most of which are veterans too), and they all wear black shirts, hence history will call Mussolini's group of followers "The Black Shirts," and a reign of terror begins. • It was a violent uprising against socialists and the democratic government. • Intense intimidation and violence: rape, murder, and beatings.
Mussolini comes to Power • In 1922 thousands of Fascists, led by Mussolini, march to Rome and demand that their king do something to address the chaos in Italy: either step down, or name a Prime Minster and take a back seat. • The king names Mussolini as Prime Minister of Italy. • By 1925, by rigging elections, top Italian officials are all Fascistparty members. • The Pope and Mussolini come to an agreement called "The Lateran Accords"; the Pope doesn't say anything about what's happening in Mussolini's Italy, and Mussolini declares Vatican City as Its own entity/country. • All Mussolini's critics/enemies were jailed or killed.
Mussolini's Economy • The economy was brought under full state control. Leaders of businesses, labor, industry, agriculture and trade were all party members. • Favored the upper class; workers were not allowed to strike, and their wages kept low.
Fascist Italy • THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN ONE'S LIFE WAS THE STATE (ITALY) • Propaganda glorified Mussolini • Men were called to the army, women were called to be mothers and grow Italy's population • School texts books were changed to reflect new ideals • Children were taught Roman history, sang political songs, marched in political parades, and had to chant: "Mussolini is always right." • By the time WWII comes around, Mussolini's children of Italy are ready to fight and die for him.
Who was Hitler? • Born in Austria • Average student • He wanted to be an artist, but his application was denied :( • His parents pass away soon after • Laboror by day, also paints postcards • Was a runner/messenger during WWI; was very brave • Gets interested in antisemitism, falls into that culture/world • Joins Nazi party; realizes he is a great public speaker • Tries to over through the government; fails • Goes to jail and writes "Mein Kampf," basically the blueprint for his plans regarding the Nazi party and the Jews.
Post WWI Germany • After WWI, the German Kaiser (king) stepped down and Germany formed a democratic government in the city of Weimar; it was called the Weimar Republic. • The Weimar Republic was led by a Chancellor (like a president or prime minister)
Weimar Republic • The Weimar Republic never really stood a chance as a long-term government because there were too many arguing political parties with varying strong opinions. • The Weimar Republic was led by the moderate party, the Democratic Socialists. • Communists were mad at the DSs for not promoting radical changes. • Conservative parties attacked the DSs for being too liberaland weak. They wanted a strong leader.
Post WWI Germany • Germans associated the Weimar Republic with the Treaty of Versailles, so they were eager to replace it. • Bitter, Germans began to look for someone to blame for their economic and political hardships: the Jewish poplation. • Germany had to pay WWI reparations, and to do this, theysimply printed more money causing "hyperinflation."Germans were miserable. • In 1922, something that cost a German 100 Marks would cost around a million marks in 1923!
Beer Hall Putsch • Hilter's first attempt to gain controll of Germany; tried to overthrow the Weimar Republic. • Plan was to kidnap a few top government officials, rally a crowd gathering at a local beer hall, declare "revolution!", have various WWI heros and their followers march to Berlin, and forably overthrow the Weimar Republic. • The plan doesn't succeed; not all the WWI heros were fully onboard, and the time between the events at the beer hall and the march to Berlin were too far apart, and the putsch failed. • Goes to jail and writes his book: "Mein Kampf."
Hitler's Beliefs • Full of extreme nationalism, racism, and antisemitism. • Germans belonged to a supiror race; Aryan race. • Racial Darwinism/Racial Hyarchy (Germans were on top then other Europeans, Slavs-Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Czech, Bulgaria, Yugoslavea-and Jews, viewed as their own Race/ethnicity, were last). • Jews had long been purcicuted, for hundreds of years, in Europe. Just as we see a lot of racial intolorace today, in Europe there has historically been a lot of relgious intolorace (Prodestant vs. Catholic, Prodestant & Catholics vs. Judism, Jews vs. Muslims vs Prodestants & Catholics...) • Germany needed to expand her empire • All German problems could be traced back to the Jews.
Hitler comes to Power • In 1932 Hitler wins the election and becomes Chancellor. Promised Germany an end to WWI payments, create jobs, rearm the military, etc. • The next month there is a fire at the Reichstag (Germany's Capital building) • Hitler plays it up, makes it a HUGE deal, and quickly finds the people whosupposedly committed the crime. They just happen to be communists (facists hate communists). Hitler's prisonors are thrown into his newly constructed camp.
Hitler comes to Power • With all the drama of the fire, the members of the Reichstag vote to give Hitler unlimited power (we call it "The Enabling Act") • Hitler sends all those who oppose him to his concentration camps.
Agenda • Look on the bulletin board and see what you'll need today. • Remember: ALL electronics in your backpack, backpacks against your wall! • 8 minutes to review your notes (quietly, by yourself) • Quiz • CNN 10