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Citizen Engagement in Kenya’s young Decentralization. Citizen Engagement Workshop Session on Kenya's decentralization program Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum May 19, 2016 Panelists: Chris Finch, Al Kags, Annette Omolo
Citizen Engagement in Kenya’s young Decentralization Citizen Engagement Workshop Session on Kenya's decentralization program Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum May 19, 2016 Panelists: Chris Finch, Al Kags, Annette Omolo Kenya Accountable Devolution team members: Annette Omolo, Philip Jespersen, Jane Kiringai, Lucy Musira, Jens Christensen, Muratha Kinuthia, Peter Lilford, Tina Owour, Lisa Schmidt
Changing Context: Three years into an ambitious devolution...
County govts face dual task: 1. build new county institutions and 2. deliver services In a challenging context • Rapid political, fiscal and administrative decentralization, among most ambitious in the world. • High public expectations and visibility • US$3 billion per year transferred national counties Establishing new county institutions and systems … • Strengthening core systems (e.g., planning, PFM, HR, M&E) • National government capacity support …while simultaneously delivering county services • Health, agriculture, urban, local infrastructure, etc
Key feature of Kenya’s devolution is strong focus on citizen engagement (2010 Constitution, laws) Disclosure of information: Citizen right to information; clear fiscal reporting and citizen access to timely accurate information on budgets, government programs and results; Responsiveness and answerability: Accountability in financial matters. Independent Commissions to oversee implementation of constitutional provisions, handle citizen complaints Public consultation and decision making: Public shall be engaged in budget and policy formulation, planning and social service delivery priority setting
World Bank support in 5 devolution focus areas M&E, Performance mgmt & open data As part of Kenya devolution collaboration... Fiscal Knowledge Program Social accountability and citizen engagement Public Financial Management and Human Resources Devolved sector support and knowledge management
Government/CSOs partnering with WB to build enabling environment for citizen engagement Key strands on Citizen Engagement enabling environment • Analytical work policy reforms, guidelines • Sub-national PFM and social accountability • County performance and open data • Results-based financing • Strengthening social accountability in projects
1. Analysis, policy advice on participation • Inputs to devolution legal framework • Working paper series with Kenya School of Government and MoDP • Public Participation Guidelines -- MoDP
2. Sub-national PFM and social accountability Building capacity of county officials on CE in planning, budgeting, investments PFM Classroom Training (KSG) Technical Assistance on PFM Participatory Budgeting
3. County performance and open data www.kenya.opencounty.org (still under development) www.devolutionhub.or.ke
3. (cont’d) County performance and open data • Core county indicators: • Budget implementation • Development results • Service delivery • County capacity (APA) • Data sources (official statistics): • Controller of Budget • Kenya National Bureau of Statistics • Line ministries • Linking data producers and users: • MoUs
4. Results-based financing (performance grants) Kenya Devolution Support Program: a $200m Program-for-Results credit to GoK Objective: strengthen national & county institutions for devolved service delivery $200 m World Bank credit to supplement existing NCBF resources $160 m to counties through new Capacity & Performance Grants $40 m to national government to strengthen devolution support (guidelines, training, in-county TA) Government-led and executed Covers four years – FY16/17 to FY19/20 Complements existing devolution capacity building Approved March 2016
4. Results-based financing (performance grants) Kenya Devolution Support Program $200 million OBJECTIVE: Strengthened institutions for devolved service delivery • $40m for national government results : • Guidelines, systems • Training modules • In-county TA • Audits • Peer-to-peer $160m for county govt results - via Capacity & Performance Grants transferred to counties - for capacity building and investments Public Financial Management Planning and M&E Human resources management Civic education and public participation
Elements of our approach • Focus during time of transition • Focus on development results: how SA/CE contributes • Focus on government institutions and systems • WB comparative advantage • CE/SA through the lens of government capacity and systems • SA/CE embedded within broader decentralization and public sector reforms: PFM, governance, M&E, inclusion • Essential – very limited chance to sustain standalone CE • Depends on people, but habits & incentives can impede • Tapping into global experience
Questions and next steps • Focus on Government systems vs. Civil society • Focus on institutional capacity vs. service delivery? • Linking with demand-side initiatives: • Other partners and actors often have much larger programs and resources working with civil society, but not always aligned with ”supply side” initiatives • Enhancing CSO capacity to build grassroots constituencies, build coalitions, reach under-served areas. on building roots and reaching underserved areas
Links: Kenya devolution & social accountability County Public Participation Guidelines launched by the Ministry of Devolution and Council of Governors April 27, 2016 (and hosted on the Ministry’s website): http://www.devolutionplanning.go.ke/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/County-Public-Participation.pdf Feature Story: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2015/04/30/public-participation-central-to-kenyas-ambitious-devolution Video overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZftTUupPW8 http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/video/2015/04/30/public-participation-central-to-kenyas-devolution Kenya Social Accountability Working Papers: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/docadvancesearch/docs?query=&sType=2&aType=2&disclDate=3&projectId=P150237&sortDesc=repnb_derived_srt&sortType=asc Six Case Studies of Local Participation in Kenya: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2013/10/19152069/six-case-studies-local-participation-kenya-lessons-local-authority-service-delivery-action-plan-lasdap-constituency-development-fund-cdf-water-action-groups-wags-vol-2-2 Kenya Open Data Initiative – government data portal: https://www.opendata.go.ke Kenya Open County portal(still under development). A joint initiative of the Council of Governors and the Open Institute (supported by the WB) www.kenya.opencounty.org GPF Learning Series: Accountable Devolution Program in Kenya: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/PUBLICSECTORANDGOVERNANCE/Resources/285741-1343934891414/9059_GPFLearningSeries_Kenya_Web.pdf