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IATA Positions for Consideration & Action by IVATF Summary of Flimsy. 13 July 2011 IVATF - Montreal. IATA General Positions Operational Issues. Airspace should not be closed when contaminated by volcanic ash.
IATA Positions for Consideration & Action by IVATF Summary of Flimsy 13 July 2011 IVATF - Montreal
IATA General PositionsOperational Issues • Airspace should not be closed when contaminated by volcanic ash. • The decision to operate in areas affected by contaminated volcanic ash should be left to the airlines.
IATA General Positions Administrative Issues • Develop and implement ICAO Region Contingency ATM Plans • IATA requires development of a progressive global standard in harmony with ICAO Annex’s but recognizes this may involve interim steps to allow for the implementation of individual regional technology or other capability advances
Observed Ash - Reporting • VAAC Procedure for en route hazard reporting • Use one Lower threshold at conceptual visible ash of 2 mg/m3 • Met Office in METAR • For inclusion in a METAR, use a lower threshold at conceptual visible ash of 2 mg/m3; (exclude any reference to residual ash)
VAAC Procedures • An agreed set of VAAC procedures should be drafted which will ensure consistency and performance measurements and support new standards for inclusion in Annex 3 • Metrics will be created for compliance of the above mentioned standard.
VAAC Forecast OutputConcentration Charts • The longer term goal is the production of accurate concentration charts with demonstrated accuracies acceptable to the industry. • In the meantime - immediately, label the concentration charts posted on the VAAC websites as “Experimental” until such time the evidence can validate their accuracy. • Change current concentration levels to two levels, 2 mg/m3 & 4 mg/m3 • Until such time a VAAC can demonstrate that it is capable of producing concentration charts to the accuracy level, or better, of the London / Toulouse VAACs, then other VAACs should not post concentration level charts on their website. • Until best practice performance measurements are available, London / Toulouse to present their current benchmark level of accuracy.
VAAC Forecast OutputVolcanic Ash Advisory (VAA/VAG) Info • VAA/VAG output to become standardized from all VAACs • The output format presented is similar from all VAACs and conforms to a clearly newly defined standard • All VAACs have a consistent lower threshold on their charts • Short term: one Lower threshold at conceptual visible ash of 4 mg/m3 • Medium term: two threshold, additional 2nd higher, tbd threshold. • Eventual introduction of 3 hour time step forecast • 24 to 36 hour forecast for longer term planning
VAAC Forecast OutputVolcanic Ash Advisory (VAA/VAG) Info(continued) • Eliminate individual VAAC imposed buffers and replace with defined levels of confidence in VA forecasts • Introduce a structured forecast narrative into the VAA (using yet to be agreed defined language) • Source term parameters (e.g. time of eruption / volume of ash / height of plume, etc.) and level of confidence • Additional observational data used and level of confidence • Forecast method(s) used accompanied with level of confidence
Sulfur Dioxide • Short term: areas of discernable SO2 separate from ash should not be included in VAAC products • Medium term: agreed concentration lower threshold before any SO2 product be introduced
Additional Operator Requirements & Process • Note: All VAA information must be capable of being sent as a CSV or some other agreed file protocol to operators • The VAAC produced Volcanic Ash Advisory/ Volcanic Ash Graphic (VAA / VAG) are used by airline operators in their risk assessment process. • Operators often support their decision process by incorporating other available information in addition to (VAA / VAG)
SIGMETs • Observational data should be used in both the VAA and the VA SIGMET • Although it is recognized that the SIGMET is an ATM product, it is essential that the VA SIGMET remains synchronized with the information from the VAA at all times (comment - need to consider the timeframe of updated information and SIGMET is designed to be quick, so SIGMET needs to distinguish if different) • Agreement should be sought to develop the SIGMET Advisory (multi-FIR SIGMETS issued by Regional MWO’s Centres). When developed they need to be synchronized with the VAA • A recommended approach for synchronizing the VAA with the VA SIGMET is via a Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) process
NOTAMs & Danger Areas • NOTAMS should not be used to close airspace when contaminated by volcanic ash • The ASHTAM/NOTAM is redundant with the VA SIGMET, counterproductive and can be confusing; therefore a review should be conducted with regard to the relevance of continued issuance. • The (TEMPORARY) DANGER AREA is redundant and counterproductive and should be eliminated with respect to operations in volcanic ash.
Additional Actions to Support IATA Recommendations AIR SUB GROUP • Produce OEM accepted figure for a threshold value which would represent a safety hazard to aircraft in flight and on the ground. SCI SUB GROUP • Further work to develop a dispersion model with demonstrated accuracies acceptable to the industry. ATM SUB GROUP • Develop additional CDM requirements and processes for volcanic ash hazard identification.
Additional Actions to Support IATA Recommendations ICAO/WMO • Audit by ICAO/WMO of each VAAC to determine: • Examination of the remote sensing capabilities • Ability and structure for receiving, displaying and delivering information • Compliance to agreed practices ANSP’s • Automatic sending of AIREPs to operators or made available on-line
Additional Actions to Support IATA Recommendations IOSA • The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) program is an internationally recognized and accepted system for accessing the operational management of the control systems of the operator. IOSA is based on quality audit principles & structured to ensure a standardized audit with consistent results. • Having recently added SMS provisions (alligned with ICAO SMS requirements) to the audit, further promotes the implementation of the proper foundation for an effective SMS program. • It is proposed by IATA that the IOSA audit program be amended to included risk assessment with relation to operations in airspace contaminated by volcanic ash.