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Welcome. 8 th Grade Team S.H.I.E.L.D. Team S.H.I.E.L.D Teachers. Mrs. Wood - ELA Mr. Hill - Science Mrs. D’Rozario - Math Mr. Hammann - Social Studies Ms . Pidsadnick - Spanish Mrs. Hazen- Resource. Team S.H.I.E.L.D. Administration. Ms. Prorok – Principal
Welcome 8th Grade Team S.H.I.E.L.D
Team S.H.I.E.L.D Teachers Mrs. Wood - ELA Mr. Hill - Science Mrs. D’Rozario - Math Mr. Hammann- Social Studies Ms. Pidsadnick- Spanish Mrs. Hazen- Resource
Administration Ms. Prorok – Principal Mr. Weidner– Assistant Principal Mrs. Slocum– Assistant Principal
Exploratory Team Teachers Mr. Necci & Mr. Daggett - Art Mr. Root & Mr. Tackett- Technology Mr. Pukalo, Mr. Asquith, Ms. Cashmore & Ms. Moore- Physical Education Mrs. LoBianco & Miss Gizzarelli – FACS Mrs. Landahl & Mrs. Lutz – Health Mrs. Higgins, Mr. Burch, Mr. Reagan & Mrs.Catalano, Ms. Stabell -Music
Support Services • Media Specialist – Miss Muhlbauer • Guidance Counselors • Mrs. Boberg A - K • Ms. Roth L - Z • Social Worker – Mrs. Koser • School Psychologist – Ms. Cooney • Nurse – Mrs. Strait • Attendance – Mrs. Law (Mention that parents need to write and turn in excuses) • Ameri-Corps --Miss Washburn
Child Absent? • Call attendance • Call greeter to request missing hw • Write and send in a note to Mrs. Law detailing reason for absence • Student must see teachers upon return Student is responsible for all work missed
Important Dates • September 4th Students First Day of School • October 3rd Picture Day • October 13th Columbus Day (No School) • November 7th Picture Make-up Day • November 11th Veterans Day (No School) • November 25th Parent/Student/Teacher Conference 12:00pm to 7:00pm • November 26nd Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences 7:30am to 2:00pm • November 27 – 30th Thanksgiving Break
Backpack and Draw String Bag Policy for 2014-15! • Backpacks and draw string bags are allowed to be carried to and from school, but will not be allowed to be carried from class to class throughout the school day. Thank you!
What is DASA? The Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act) was established with the broad legislative intent to provide a school environment free of discrimination and harassment. Harassment is defined as “creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being;…” “Cyber bullying” – school must deal with it even if occurred “off campus.”
Agenda/ID Card Use Important pages in the agenda and go over important information Needed for hallway travel New Agendas every 10 weeks ID Card required to borrow books from LMC ID Card required to buy lunch
The Common Core Standards for Math and ELA • Are aligned with college and work expectations • Are clear, understandable, and consistent; • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills • Build on strengths and lessons of current state standards • Are used by other top-performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society • Are evidence-based.
Math and ELA AIS Students may be placed in Academic Intervention Services this year due to last year’s test scores, grades, and/or teacher recommendations. This is required by NYS. It will focus on skill based activities & individualized technology based instruction in a small group setting.
i-Ready: a technological approach to skill enhancement in ELA & Math 1. Identifies why students are struggling . A computer based program, i-Ready adapts to each student, providing easier or harder questions depending on students’ answers to previous questions. This is especially beneficial for identifying strengths and weaknesses. i-Ready assesses student performance across the standards in reading and mathematics and gives individualized next steps for instruction. 2 . Measures growth across a student’s career . i-Ready provides a valid and reliable growth measure from year to year. 3 . Supports data-driven differentiated instruction . Based on results, i-Ready automatically provides individualized online and teacher-led instruction targeted to each student’s unique needs.
6 Shifts in ELA/Literacy • Read as much Non-Fiction as Fiction • Learn About the World by Reading • Read More Complex Material Carefully (Close Reading) • Discuss Reading (using evidence) • Writing From Sources (using evidence) • Academic Vocabulary
2014-2015 Module Implementation for ELA • NYS has introduced “Module” units as a way of successfully implementing all of the Common Core Shifts. • A “Module” is an 8 week unit of study which incorporates a fictional text and several corresponding informational texts. • These “Modules” stress high-level analysis and text dissection. • In other words, this work will be extremely challenging and require persistence in the classroom and at home. • All ELA units will be incorporate module style instruction. • These modules emphasize rigor, complex informational texts, close reading, and analytical response to literature. • In addition to the Module, ELA classrooms will continue with the Reading and Writing Workshop Philosophy, maintaining a focus on student accountability.
Examples of Module Questioning • Pre-Module Questioning: • In “The Gettysburg Address,” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? • Questioning with Module Implementation: • “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year 1776. According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? • Module style questions are TEXT-DEPENDENT
ELA The NYS assessment will be given April 14-16, 2015 All ELA classes will continue with Reading & Writing workshop, Module implementation, and CCLS Every student will be expected to READ, RECORD, and REFLECT—at HOME—EVERY DAY!
Summer Reading Novel • Students were to read TWO novels this summer, fill out a calendar, and write a book review. • All information was handed out at the end of 7th grade • The reading calendar and book review should be complete and ready to hand in on September 5th, 2014. • The Summer Reading Packet is available on my website
8th Grade Science: Mr. Hill • Daily materials: 3 Ring Binder w/dividers, Pencil, Folder • Resources: Electronic, NYS Review Books, Textbooks • Topics: Chemistry, Physics, Engineering • Grading: Homework 10% Classwork 5% Labs & Projects 35% Tests & Quizes 50% • Assessments: Local Midterm & Final NYS 8th Grade Science Exam
Units Unit 1: Reconstruction and Civil Rights Unit 2: Industrialization and Immigration Unit 3: America Looks Overseas Unit 4: The 1920s and Great Depression Unit 5: World War II Unit 6: The Cold War Unit 7: Entering a New Millennium **Progress Reports are sent home EVERY week** Social Studies Course Description This year 8th grade students will continue their study of American History beginning with Reconstruction. Our curriculum will take us through the rest of the 19th century then through the entire 20th century and up to the modern era. Unit Test Thematic/DBQ Essay
Math This year in 8th grade Math, the students will learn the Common Core Curriculum Standards. • * Scientific Calculators will be used in class and on the NYS test. • * NYS State Assessment will be at the end of April • AIS will available for students that need extra help and we will be using iReady. • Each unit the students will be given a new student workbook. They will contain notes, practice problems, and homework.
Foreign Language • This is the second of a two year Foreign Language program. The concepts studied this year will build on knowledge learned in 7th grade. • Passing the class and a Proficiency Exam will fulfill the Foreign Language graduation requirement earning one High School credit. • There will be 6 assessments administered throughout the year that are aligned with the exam in June.
Resource • Mrs. Hazen is the Resource teacher for the grade 8 SHIELD team. • I will be in academic classes to offer support to students and teachers.
Team Homework Policy • Check your child’s agenda • Homework is posted in each classroom and students are expected to record assignments in their agendas. • Homework policies vary per subject.
Parent Portal • We encourage all parents to use Parent-Portal to keep up with your child’s grades. • Usernames and passwords are available through Mrs. Franklin in the Guidance Office.
After School Program BEGINS SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 Is composed of two components: Academic Program: • Work on homework, project, or a quiet place to read. Recreation Program: • Various athletics and games. *Permission slips are necessary for all after school activities. Forms will be available at the Main Office, the Greeter’s Desk or on the Pioneer homepage. *Reminder-- Students failing 2 or more subjects will NOT be able to attend after school recreation. Eligibility will be updated each 5 week marking period.
Student Involvement Opportunities • Leo Club • Recreation Program • Student Council • Newspaper Club • Safe School Ambassadors • Musical • Junior FFA • Running Club *8th Grade Trip to Washington DC • Modified Sports • Science Olympiad • Chess Club • Certified Babysitting • Training • Dance Class • Panther Productions • Marching Band • Yearbook Club
FYI • On the table you will find…. • A full list of teacher contacts • The team supply list • ELA Summer Reading Packets *Email is the best way to contact us*
Forms • To be picked up this evening and returned to home base teacher as soon as possible: • Media Consent Form • After-School Program • Student Residency Form • Parent Volunteer Form • Free and Reduced Lunch Form • Right to Know Form (Asbestos, Pesticides, etc.) • Pride T-Shirt Form • You may and turn in completed forms to homeroom teacher before you leave.
Thank you for coming! Questions/Comments/Concerns?