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SERVICEPOINT 4.0 . Entering Children into a household By NH-HMIS. Data Quality Issue to be addressed: Children should only be reported in the individual reporting categories if they are an unaccompanied youth or in a children-only household (such as a juvenile parent and child).
SERVICEPOINT 4.0 Entering Children into a household By NH-HMIS
Data Quality Issue to be addressed: Children should only be reported in the individual reporting categories if they are an unaccompanied youth or in a children-only household (such as a juvenile parent and child). Unexplained children in an individual reporting category can compromise data quality for that reporting category. This issue can also cause the data to be deemed unusable for AHAR.
How to address this Data Quality Issue The unexplained children in an individual reporting category can as simple as an incorrect Date of Birth, compare the HMIS client record to the intake paper work. The issue(s) could be the clients service transactions and/or entry/exit records were not entered in under the Head of Household. You will also need to check Shelterpoint to make sure the child was checked in under the Head of Household. You will need to delete the clients service transactions and/or entry/exit records and add them back in under the head of household. When a service transaction (shelter stay) was entered, it was entered as if the client was an individual, so that client is being counted both in the Family shelter count (which is correct) and in as an individual (which is incorrect). Please be sure to use backdate mode to be sure the changes will be picked up
How to address this Data Quality Issue -Continued Note: Households must be established in ClientPoint before making reservations for or checking in Families. Adding children or when a child is born while in a program is a complicated situation. Even when adding a new child per HMIS guidelines, it appears that while the family may represent correctly, service transactions still need to be altered. To fix past errors, edit each head of household and remove the previous stay need that didn’t have the new child and add it back using the correct dates and with all current household members. Next, open up the child’s info and make the service transaction date reflect the child’s date of birth making sure that this change did not included all other household members. Refer to the examples on the following pages
When adding the entry record be sure to include the other household members, in this example Tammy is the HoH (Head of Household) and Kim is the daughter, be sure to “click” the check box to the left of the daughter (Kim) to include her in the Entry/Exit
If child entered after (or with) (head of household) hoh and entry/exit was not entered through head of household (see screen shots on next slide)do the following: 1. Delete child’s entry/exit record 2. Go to head of households entry and enter child through hoh entry (click child’s name or use dropdown) using child’s entry date. 3. Click on pencil next to child’s entry to complete.
We see in this Entry record only the Head of Households name, this is incorrect See the pull down menu, and message on screen indicating no other members included.
We see in this Entry record only the Head of Households name and the daugher, this is correct
Excellent indicator that a family has been checked in correctly, look for the “Group ID” See there is a group id for the Smith Family, but not one for the Jones Family
When checking in the Head of Household, also check in other Household members in Shelter point
When adding a member after the fact you must, in Shelter point, click on Head of household then go to the bottom of the screen and “check in additional family member” to be given the option of adding the new family member. If you need to delete, use trash can
If child entered after (or with) hoh and shelter stay was not entered through the head of household do the following: 1. Delete child’s shelter stay (click on child name in shelter and delete using trash can at bottom of screen 2. Click on hoh name in shelter 3. Click on "check in additional family member” 4. Check in child using child’s entry date.
Here we see “Kim” the daughters service transaction, if you edit, via the pencil, see next slide
We see the service only has the daughters name, this is incorrect
Here we are looking at Baby Smith’s Service Transactions, note the Head of Household Is listed, this is correct.
Thank you! Donna Curley, HMIS Project Manager d.curley@harborhomes.org http://nh-hmis.org