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Az eload?s szerkezete. BEVEZET?S alapk?rd?sek a fejlod?s eszm?je a NKB ig?nybev?tel?vel j?r? elony?k ?s h?tr?nyokT?RT?NETE, FUNKCI?I, AZ AKTU?LIS ?GYTEHER A B?R?S?G ?SSZET?TELEPERES ELJ?R?Sfelekjoghat?s?galkalmazand? jogaz elj?r?sa B?r?s?g belso gyakorlata, ?t?lethozat
1. A Nemzetközi Bíróság, valamint annak függo és közelmúltban befejezett ügyei.
Nagy Boldizsár eloadása az ELTE Állam- és Jogtudományi Karán
2. Az eloadás szerkezete BEVEZETÉS
a fejlodés eszméje
a NKB igénybevételével járó elonyök és hátrányok
alkalmazandó jog
az eljárás
a Bíróság belso gyakorlata, ítélethozatal
végrehajtás, értelmezés, felülvizsgálat
3. Zavarbaejto kérdések * A Bíróságok számának növekedése és specializálódásuk kívánatos-e? (Tengerjogi Bíróság, Nemzetközi Büntetobíróság, törvényszékek, emberi jogi bíróságok, regionális gazdasági bíróságok, a Környezetvédelmi Bíróság ötlete)
* Fejlettebb-e egy jogrendszer, ha több ügyet visznek Bíróság elé?
* Politikai kérdések eldönthetoek-e jogi eszközökkel? (Nicaragua, Lockerbie, Nukleáris fegyverek használata, a Fal Palesztinában)
* Lehet-e az igazság szavazás tárgya?
4. Története, funkciói, függo ügyek Története
Választott bíráskodás, Alabama ügy
1899. I. hágai békekonferencia: ÁNVB
1907. XII. Hágai Egyezmény: Nemzetközi Zsákmánybíróság
1908 1918: Közép-amerikai Bíróság
1920. ÁNKB
Pereskedés: csak államok között
Tanácsadó vélemény: ENSZ szerveinek és testületeinek
Ügyek állása
ld. a képek után
5. A Bíróság épülete, a Békepalota (Peace Palace) Hága
6. Great Hall of Justice (Az igazság nagyterme) és Peter Tomka, az ICJ elnöke (2012-) Each Member of the Court receives an annual salary of US$170,080, with a special supplementary allowance of US$15,000 for the President, and, on leaving the Court, they receive annual pensions which, after a nine-year term of office, amount to US$80,00
http://www.icj-cij.org/court/index.php?p1=1&p2=2 lát: 2009. ápr 16Each Member of the Court receives an annual salary of US$170,080, with a special supplementary allowance of US$15,000 for the President, and, on leaving the Court, they receive annual pensions which, after a nine-year term of office, amount to US$80,00
http://www.icj-cij.org/court/index.php?p1=1&p2=2 lát: 2009. ápr 16
7. A Nemzetközi Bíróság függo ügyei2012 tavaszán
8. Függo peres ügyek (2012 márciusában szemlélve) Ügy Felek Tárgy kezdet/ perbeli joghatóság cselekmények
9. Függo peres ügyek (2012 márciusában szemlélve) Ügy Felek Tárgy kezdet/ perbeli joghatóság cselekmények Thaiföld 1954-ben katonai erovel elfoglalta. Manapság a templom Kamobodzsához tartozását nem vitatja, viszont állítja, hogy a környezo területre vonatkozóan nincs végleges határ
The issue escalated again when Cambodia applied for it be listed as aUnesco World Heritage site in 2008. Thailand wanted it to be a joint Thai-Cambodia listing, but eventually withdrew its objection. The decision enraged Thai nationalists and both sides began a build up of troops in the area.
In April 2009, soldiers exchanged fire across the disputed border. More serious trouble flared in February 2011, when at least eight people were killed in several days of fighting. The violence moved westwards to another set of temples in April, before shifting back to Preah Vihear, as widespread clashes forced tens of thousands to flee.
Thaiföld 1954-ben katonai erovel elfoglalta. Manapság a templom Kamobodzsához tartozását nem vitatja, viszont állítja, hogy a környezo területre vonatkozóan nincs végleges határ
The issue escalated again when Cambodia applied for it be listed as aUnesco World Heritage site in 2008. Thailand wanted it to be a joint Thai-Cambodia listing, but eventually withdrew its objection. The decision enraged Thai nationalists and both sides began a build up of troops in the area.
In April 2009, soldiers exchanged fire across the disputed border. More serious trouble flared in February 2011, when at least eight people were killed in several days of fighting. The violence moved westwards to another set of temples in April, before shifting back to Preah Vihear, as widespread clashes forced tens of thousands to flee.
10. Függo peres ügyek (2012. márciusában szemlélve) Ügy Felek Tárgy kezdet/ perbeli joghatóság cselekmények Burkina Faso Niger
This is the ninth land boundary case (excluding disputes over maritime boundaries or territorial sovereignty) to be submitted to the ICJ since 1957 and the sixth from Africa. As other African states embark on clarification of their inherited boundaries under the encouragement of the African Union Border Programme, it is possible that the ICJ may become a popular avenue for peacefully resolving other boundary disputes caused by ambiguities in the original boundary definitions.
Burkina Faso Niger
This is the ninth land boundary case (excluding disputes over maritime boundaries or territorial sovereignty) to be submitted to the ICJ since 1957 and the sixth from Africa. As other African states embark on clarification of their inherited boundaries under the encouragement of the African Union Border Programme, it is possible that the ICJ may become a popular avenue for peacefully resolving other boundary disputes caused by ambiguities in the original boundary definitions.
11. Függo peres ügyek (2012. márciusában szemlélve) Ügy Felek Tárgy kezdet/ perbeli joghatóság cselekmények Távollétében halálra ítélte egy csádi büntetobíróság az emberiesség elleni bunökkel vádolt Hissene Habré volt csádi elnököt és tizenegy lázadóvezért az állambiztonság megsértése miatt.
A tizenkét elítéltet a bíróság bunösnek találta az alkotmányos rend, a területi integritás és a biztonság megsértésében" - közölte egy bírósági illetékes. A halálraítéltek között van Mahamat Nouri tábornok, a Deby által 1990-ben eluzött Habré közeli munkatársa, illetve a Habré-kormány volt védelmi minisztere is.
Távollétében halálra ítélte egy csádi büntetobíróság az emberiesség elleni bunökkel vádolt Hissene Habré volt csádi elnököt és tizenegy lázadóvezért az állambiztonság megsértése miatt.
A tizenkét elítéltet a bíróság bunösnek találta az alkotmányos rend, a területi integritás és a biztonság megsértésében" - közölte egy bírósági illetékes. A halálraítéltek között van Mahamat Nouri tábornok, a Deby által 1990-ben eluzött Habré közeli munkatársa, illetve a Habré-kormány volt védelmi minisztere is.
12. Kolumbia az USA-val együttmuködve a levegobol küzd a kolumbiai cocatermelok ellen, az o földjeiket permetezi, de átszáll (átpermermtez) ecuadroba is.
Az ecuadori farmerek már az USA-ban is kezdtek polgári pert.
=7 éve tárgyal E és K az ügyrol
Kolumbia az USA-val együttmuködve a levegobol küzd a kolumbiai cocatermelok ellen, az o földjeiket permetezi, de átszáll (átpermermtez) ecuadroba is.
Az ecuadori farmerek már az USA-ban is kezdtek polgári pert.
=7 éve tárgyal E és K az ügyrol
13. Kolumbia:
1. egy 1928-as szerz rendezte a kérdést, ezért a Bogotai paktum szerint nem viheto Bság elé - Nic: 1928 vagy érvénytelen, vagy megszunt és egyébként sem tér ki az összes vitatott kérdésre
The Court notes that, with respect to the validity of the 1928 Treaty, Nicaragua first contends that the Treaty was concluded in manifest violation of the Nicaraguan Constitution of 1911 that was in force in 1928 and, secondly, that at the time the Treaty was concluded, Nicaragua was under military occupation by the United States and was precluded from concluding treaties that ran contrary to the interests of the United States and from rejecting the conclusion of treaties that the United States demanded it to conclude. Nicaragua submits in this respect that Colombia was aware of this situation and took advantage of the US occupation of Nicaragua to extort from her the conclusion of the 1928 Treaty. Nicaragua claims that it remained under the influence of the United States even after the withdrawal of the last United States troops at the beginning of 1933.
Colombia, for its part, maintains that Nicaraguas assertion relating to the invalidity of the 1928 Treaty is unfounded. It observes that, even assuming that the 1928 Treaty was incompatible with Nicaraguas 1911 Constitution or that Nicaragua lacked competence to freely conclude treaties due to occupation by the United States, these claims were not raised during the ratification process in the Nicaraguan Congress in 1930, nor for some 50 years thereafter.
The Court recalls that Nicaragua advanced the nullity and lack of validity of the 1928 Treaty for the first time in an official declaration and White Paper published on 4 February 1980.
..the Court considers that it is clear on the face of the text of Article I that the
matter of sovereignty over the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa
Catalina has been settled by the 1928 Treaty
Ezért ezek tekintetében Kolumbia joghatósági kifogása megáll
Nicaragua azon érve, h. Kolumbia szerz. szegése szuntette meg az 1928-as
szerzodést érdektelen, mert a létrehozott szuv-t nem érintené
2. Az alávetésivel szemben Bogota erosebb mint lex spec és lex post, ha
Bogota alapján nincs- akkor 36 2 alapján nem lehet..
Ezt nem dönti el, mert az aávetési alapján sem lehetne, hisz a 3 sziget tekintetében
a bság szerint nincs vita, azok Kolumbiáé.
Csota Rica beavatkozásáról ítélet (megtagadó)
27. The Court observes that neither Article 62 of the Statute nor Article 81 of the Rules of Court specifies the capacity in which a State may seek to intervene. However, in its Judgment of 13 September 1990 on Nicaraguas Application for permission to intervene in the case concerning Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras), the Chamber of the Court considered the status of a State seeking to intervene and accepted that a State may be permitted to intervene under Article 62 of the Statute either as a non-party or as a party:
It is therefore clear that a State which is allowed to intervene in a case, does not, by reason only of being an intervener, become also a party to the case. It is true,
conversely, that, provided that there be the necessary consent by the parties to the case, the intervener is not prevented by reason of that status from itself becoming a party to the case. (Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras), Application to Intervene, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1990,
pp. 134-135, para. 99.)
28. In the opinion of the Court, the status of intervener as a party requires, in any event, the existence of a basis of jurisdiction as between the States concerned, the validity of which is established by the Court at the time when it permits intervention. However, even though Article 81 of the Rules of Court provides that the application must specify any basis of jurisdiction claimed to exist as between the State seeking to intervene and the parties to the main case, such a basis of jurisdiction is not a condition for intervention as a non-party.
1. egy 1928-as szerz rendezte a kérdést, ezért a Bogotai paktum szerint nem viheto Bság elé - Nic: 1928 vagy érvénytelen, vagy megszunt és egyébként sem tér ki az összes vitatott kérdésre
The Court notes that, with respect to the validity of the 1928 Treaty, Nicaragua first contends that the Treaty was concluded in manifest violation of the Nicaraguan Constitution of 1911 that was in force in 1928 and, secondly, that at the time the Treaty was concluded, Nicaragua was under military occupation by the United States and was precluded from concluding treaties that ran contrary to the interests of the United States and from rejecting the conclusion of treaties that the United States demanded it to conclude. Nicaragua submits in this respect that Colombia was aware of this situation and took advantage of the US occupation of Nicaragua to extort from her the conclusion of the 1928 Treaty. Nicaragua claims that it remained under the influence of the United States even after the withdrawal of the last United States troops at the beginning of 1933.
Colombia, for its part, maintains that Nicaraguas assertion relating to the invalidity of the 1928 Treaty is unfounded. It observes that, even assuming that the 1928 Treaty was incompatible with Nicaraguas 1911 Constitution or that Nicaragua lacked competence to freely conclude treaties due to occupation by the United States, these claims were not raised during the ratification process in the Nicaraguan Congress in 1930, nor for some 50 years thereafter.
The Court recalls that Nicaragua advanced the nullity and lack of validity of the 1928 Treaty for the first time in an official declaration and White Paper published on 4 February 1980.
..the Court considers that it is clear on the face of the text of Article I that the
matter of sovereignty over the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa
Catalina has been settled by the 1928 Treaty
Ezért ezek tekintetében Kolumbia joghatósági kifogása megáll
Nicaragua azon érve, h. Kolumbia szerz. szegése szuntette meg az 1928-as
szerzodést érdektelen, mert a létrehozott szuv-t nem érintené
2. Az alávetésivel szemben Bogota erosebb mint lex spec és lex post, ha
Bogota alapján nincs- akkor 36 2 alapján nem lehet..
Ezt nem dönti el, mert az aávetési alapján sem lehetne, hisz a 3 sziget tekintetében
a bság szerint nincs vita, azok Kolumbiáé.
Csota Rica beavatkozásáról ítélet (megtagadó)
27. The Court observes that neither Article 62 of the Statute nor Article 81 of the Rules of Court specifies the capacity in which a State may seek to intervene. However, in its Judgment of 13 September 1990 on Nicaraguas Application for permission to intervene in the case concerning Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras), the Chamber of the Court considered the status of a State seeking to intervene and accepted that a State may be permitted to intervene under Article 62 of the Statute either as a non-party or as a party:
It is therefore clear that a State which is allowed to intervene in a case, does not, by reason only of being an intervener, become also a party to the case. It is true,
conversely, that, provided that there be the necessary consent by the parties to the case, the intervener is not prevented by reason of that status from itself becoming a party to the case. (Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras), Application to Intervene, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1990,
pp. 134-135, para. 99.)
28. In the opinion of the Court, the status of intervener as a party requires, in any event, the existence of a basis of jurisdiction as between the States concerned, the validity of which is established by the Court at the time when it permits intervention. However, even though Article 81 of the Rules of Court provides that the application must specify any basis of jurisdiction claimed to exist as between the State seeking to intervene and the parties to the main case, such a basis of jurisdiction is not a condition for intervention as a non-party.
16. A nem távoli múltban alkotott tanácsadó véleményekCíme Tárgya Dátuma Tartalma render an advisory opinion on the following question: Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international lawrender an advisory opinion on the following question: Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law
17. However, at the NATO Summit in Bucharest which took place from 2 to 4 April 2008,
the Respondent, acting through its organs and agents, objected to the Applicant's
application to join NATO, despite the fact that the Applicant had made clear that it
would be referred to in its membership of NATO in the manner provided by paragraph
2 of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 817 (1993). The reason for the
Respondent's objection is stated to be its desire to resolve the difference between the
Parties concerning the constitutional name of the Applicant as an essential
precondition to the Applicant's NATO membership. The Respondent's objection,
which amounts to a veto, has meant that the Applicant is unable to join NATO
részlet a macedon kérelembol
However, at the NATO Summit in Bucharest which took place from 2 to 4 April 2008,
the Respondent, acting through its organs and agents, objected to the Applicant's
application to join NATO, despite the fact that the Applicant had made clear that it
would be referred to in its membership of NATO in the manner provided by paragraph
2 of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 817 (1993). The reason for the
Respondent's objection is stated to be its desire to resolve the difference between the
Parties concerning the constitutional name of the Applicant as an essential
precondition to the Applicant's NATO membership. The Respondent's objection,
which amounts to a veto, has meant that the Applicant is unable to join NATO
részlet a macedon kérelembol
18. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán) Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés The Court observes that it does not consider that it is required to take a position in this case on whether and to what extent there exists, in customary international law, a régime applicable to navigation on international rivers, either of universal scope or of a regional nature covering the geographical area in which the San Juan is situated. (Summary)
45. The Parties disagreement is greatest on the meaning of the words con objetos de comercio. For Nicaragua, this expression must be translated into French as avec des marchandises de commerce and into English as with articles of trade; in other words, the objetos in question here are objects in the concrete and material sense of the term. Consequently, the freedom of navigation guaranteed to Costa Rica by Article VI relates only to the transport of goods intended to be sold in a commercial exchange. For Costa Rica, on the contrary, the expression means in French ŕ des fins de commerce and in English for the purposes of commerce; the objetos in the original text are therefore said to be objects in the abstract sense of ends and purposes. Consequently, according to Costa Rica, the freedom of navigation given to it by the Treaty must be attributed the broadest possible scope, and in any event encompasses not only the transport of goods but also the transport of passengers, including tourists.
(Bság: Costa ricának van igaza, mert csak akkor van rételme a teljes mondatnak)
Nicaragua contends that it is important to give the words used in the Treaty the meaning they had at the time the Treaty was concluded, not their current meaning, which can be quite different, because this is the only way to remain true to the intent of the drafters of the Treaty; and determining that intent is the main task in the work of interpretation. 59. Costa Rica argues that commerce as used in the Treaty takes in any activity in pursuit of commercial purposes and includes, inter alia, the transport of passengers, tourists among them, as well as of goods.
Bság: korlátlan idore kötött szerzodésnél fel kell tételezni a fogalom alá tatozó jelentés változását keresedelmi amit ma értenek ezen, nem a XIX sz-ban turizmus is.The Court observes that it does not consider that it is required to take a position in this case on whether and to what extent there exists, in customary international law, a régime applicable to navigation on international rivers, either of universal scope or of a regional nature covering the geographical area in which the San Juan is situated. (Summary)
45. The Parties disagreement is greatest on the meaning of the words con objetos de comercio. For Nicaragua, this expression must be translated into French as avec des marchandises de commerce and into English as with articles of trade; in other words, the objetos in question here are objects in the concrete and material sense of the term. Consequently, the freedom of navigation guaranteed to Costa Rica by Article VI relates only to the transport of goods intended to be sold in a commercial exchange. For Costa Rica, on the contrary, the expression means in French ŕ des fins de commerce and in English for the purposes of commerce; the objetos in the original text are therefore said to be objects in the abstract sense of ends and purposes. Consequently, according to Costa Rica, the freedom of navigation given to it by the Treaty must be attributed the broadest possible scope, and in any event encompasses not only the transport of goods but also the transport of passengers, including tourists.
(Bság: Costa ricának van igaza, mert csak akkor van rételme a teljes mondatnak)
Nicaragua contends that it is important to give the words used in the Treaty the meaning they had at the time the Treaty was concluded, not their current meaning, which can be quite different, because this is the only way to remain true to the intent of the drafters of the Treaty; and determining that intent is the main task in the work of interpretation. 59. Costa Rica argues that commerce as used in the Treaty takes in any activity in pursuit of commercial purposes and includes, inter alia, the transport of passengers, tourists among them, as well as of goods.
Bság: korlátlan idore kötött szerzodésnél fel kell tételezni a fogalom alá tatozó jelentés változását keresedelmi amit ma értenek ezen, nem a XIX sz-ban turizmus is.
19. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán) Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés The Court observes that it does not consider that it is required to take a position in this case on whether and to what extent there exists, in customary international law, a régime applicable to navigation on international rivers, either of universal scope or of a regional nature covering the geographical area in which the San Juan is situated. (Summary)
45. The Parties disagreement is greatest on the meaning of the words con objetos de comercio. For Nicaragua, this expression must be translated into French as avec des marchandises de commerce and into English as with articles of trade; in other words, the objetos in question here are objects in the concrete and material sense of the term. Consequently, the freedom of navigation guaranteed to Costa Rica by Article VI relates only to the transport of goods intended to be sold in a commercial exchange. For Costa Rica, on the contrary, the expression means in French ŕ des fins de commerce and in English for the purposes of commerce; the objetos in the original text are therefore said to be objects in the abstract sense of ends and purposes. Consequently, according to Costa Rica, the freedom of navigation given to it by the Treaty must be attributed the broadest possible scope, and in any event encompasses not only the transport of goods but also the transport of passengers, including tourists.
(Bság: Costa ricának van igaza, mert csak akkor van rételme a teljes mondatnak)
Nicaragua contends that it is important to give the words used in the Treaty the meaning they had at the time the Treaty was concluded, not their current meaning, which can be quite different, because this is the only way to remain true to the intent of the drafters of the Treaty; and determining that intent is the main task in the work of interpretation. 59. Costa Rica argues that commerce as used in the Treaty takes in any activity in pursuit of commercial purposes and includes, inter alia, the transport of passengers, tourists among them, as well as of goods.
Bság: korlátlan idore kötött szerzodésnél fel kell tételezni a fogalom alá tatozó jelentés változását keresedelmi amit ma értenek ezen, nem a XIX sz-ban turizmus is.The Court observes that it does not consider that it is required to take a position in this case on whether and to what extent there exists, in customary international law, a régime applicable to navigation on international rivers, either of universal scope or of a regional nature covering the geographical area in which the San Juan is situated. (Summary)
45. The Parties disagreement is greatest on the meaning of the words con objetos de comercio. For Nicaragua, this expression must be translated into French as avec des marchandises de commerce and into English as with articles of trade; in other words, the objetos in question here are objects in the concrete and material sense of the term. Consequently, the freedom of navigation guaranteed to Costa Rica by Article VI relates only to the transport of goods intended to be sold in a commercial exchange. For Costa Rica, on the contrary, the expression means in French ŕ des fins de commerce and in English for the purposes of commerce; the objetos in the original text are therefore said to be objects in the abstract sense of ends and purposes. Consequently, according to Costa Rica, the freedom of navigation given to it by the Treaty must be attributed the broadest possible scope, and in any event encompasses not only the transport of goods but also the transport of passengers, including tourists.
(Bság: Costa ricának van igaza, mert csak akkor van rételme a teljes mondatnak)
Nicaragua contends that it is important to give the words used in the Treaty the meaning they had at the time the Treaty was concluded, not their current meaning, which can be quite different, because this is the only way to remain true to the intent of the drafters of the Treaty; and determining that intent is the main task in the work of interpretation. 59. Costa Rica argues that commerce as used in the Treaty takes in any activity in pursuit of commercial purposes and includes, inter alia, the transport of passengers, tourists among them, as well as of goods.
Bság: korlátlan idore kötött szerzodésnél fel kell tételezni a fogalom alá tatozó jelentés változását keresedelmi amit ma értenek ezen, nem a XIX sz-ban turizmus is.
20. A bírák 15 bíró, 9 évre választják oket
Az ENSZ Közgyulése és Biztonsági Tanácsa párhuzamosan, egymástól függetlenül választja oket.
Jelölésük: Államok, de nem csak saját állampolgáraikat.
Politikai alkudozás.
Követelmények: legmagasabb bírói állás betöltésére kvalifikáltság, vagy elismert jogtudós mivolt (Statútum, 2. cikk)
Kizárás: ha korábban fél képviseloje, ügyvédje vagy tanácsadója. (17 (2) cikk)
Elnök, alelnök: 3 évre (2003 Shi, 2006 Higgins, 2009 Owada)
A Bíróság összetétele tükrözze a nagy kultúrákat és a világ fo jogrendszereit (9. cikk)
Ad hoc bíró: ha a félnek nincs állampolgára a bírák körében. Nem feltétlenül saját állampolgárt választanak
21. A Bíróság összetétele 2012 tavaszán (a 2011 novemberi választásokat követoen) Név Szül. év Országa Elso megvál. Megbiz
lejár Megj
Jiuyong, SHI 1926 Kína 1994 2012
Abdul G. Koroma 1943 Sierra-Leone 1994 2012
Elhagyták a Bíróságot
Oda 1924 Japán 1976 2003
Herczegh Géza 1929 Magyar-ország 1993 2003 Manfred Lachs helyére került be. 1994-ben újra megválasztották
Carl-August Fleischhauer 1930 Német-ország 1994 2003
Újonnan választották
Hisashi Owada 1932 Japán 2003 2012
Bruno Simma 1941 Németo. 2003 2012
Peter Tomka 1956 Szlovákia 2003 2012
2006 Ujraválasztották:
Rosalin Higgins
Elhagyta a Bíróságot:
José Francisco Rezek 1944 Brazilia 1997 2006
Pieter J Koojmans 1933 Hollandia 1997 2006
Nabil Elaraby 1935 Egypt 2001 2006
Vladen V vereschchetin 1932 Oroszország 1995 2006
Választás: 2005 november 7.
Mohammed Bennouna 1943 Marokkó
Kenneth Keith 1937 Új-Zéland
Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor 1941 Mexikó
Leonid Skotnikov 1951 Oroszország
While the Security Council also elected Mr. Yusuf (Somalia) in the first round, the General Assembly instead elected as the fifth member Ms. Defensor-Santiage ( Philippines), who in the Council had received only 5 votes (8 being the required majority). After the Republic of the Congo withdrew the candidacy of Sayeman Bula-Bula after the third ballot, Mr. Yusuf could be elected in a fourth round of balloting against Miriam Defensor-Santiago ( Philippines) and Maurice Kamto (Cameroon).
Név Szül. év Országa Elso megvál. Megbiz
lejár Megj
Jiuyong, SHI 1926 Kína 1994 2012
Abdul G. Koroma 1943 Sierra-Leone 1994 2012
Elhagyták a Bíróságot
Oda 1924 Japán 1976 2003
Herczegh Géza 1929 Magyar-ország 1993 2003 Manfred Lachs helyére került be. 1994-ben újra megválasztották
Carl-August Fleischhauer 1930 Német-ország 1994 2003
Újonnan választották
Hisashi Owada 1932 Japán 2003 2012
Bruno Simma 1941 Németo. 2003 2012
Peter Tomka 1956 Szlovákia 2003 2012
2006 Ujraválasztották:
Rosalin Higgins
Elhagyta a Bíróságot:
José Francisco Rezek 1944 Brazilia 1997 2006
Pieter J Koojmans 1933 Hollandia 1997 2006
Nabil Elaraby 1935 Egypt 2001 2006
Vladen V vereschchetin 1932 Oroszország 1995 2006
Választás: 2005 november 7.
Mohammed Bennouna 1943 Marokkó
Kenneth Keith 1937 Új-Zéland
Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor 1941 Mexikó
Leonid Skotnikov 1951 Oroszország
While the Security Council also elected Mr. Yusuf (Somalia) in the first round, the General Assembly instead elected as the fifth member Ms. Defensor-Santiage ( Philippines), who in the Council had received only 5 votes (8 being the required majority). After the Republic of the Congo withdrew the candidacy of Sayeman Bula-Bula after the third ballot, Mr. Yusuf could be elected in a fourth round of balloting against Miriam Defensor-Santiago ( Philippines) and Maurice Kamto (Cameroon).
22. Peres ügyek A felek
Csak államok lehetnek.
(1) Különmegállapodás u.n. "compromis alapján amelyben adott ügyet adott kérdéseket a Bíróság elé bocsátanak.
(2) joghatósági záradék valamely szerzodésben
(3) alávetési nyilatkozat a Statutum 36 cikkének 2. bekezdése szerint. Az ugyanilyent tevovel szemben az átfedés terjedelméig van joghatóság (2008: 66 állam)
(4) forum prorogatum ráutaló magatartással elfogadás Australia (22 March 2002)
Austria (19 May 1971)
Barbados (1 August 1980)
Belgium (17 June 1958)
Botswana (16 March 1970)
Bulgaria (21 June 1992)
Cambodia (19 September 1957)
Cameroon (3 March 1994)
Canada (10 May 1994)
Costa Rica (20 February 1973)
Cote d'Ivoire (29 September 2001)
Cyprus (3 September 2002)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (8 February 1989)
Denmark (10 December 1956)
Djibouti (2 September 2005)
Dominica, Commonwealth of (31 March 2006)
Dominican Republic (30 September 1924)
Egypt (22 July 1957)
Estonia (31 October 1991)
Finland (25 June 1958)
Gambia (22 June 1966)
Georgia (20 June 1995)
Greece (10 January 1994)
Guinea, Republic of (4 December 1998)
Guinea-Bissau (7 August 1989)
Haiti (4 October 1921)
Honduras (6 June 1986)
Hungary (22 October 1992)
Australia (22 March 2002)
Austria (19 May 1971)
Barbados (1 August 1980)
Belgium (17 June 1958)
Botswana (16 March 1970)
Bulgaria (21 June 1992)
Cambodia (19 September 1957)
Cameroon (3 March 1994)
Canada (10 May 1994)
Costa Rica (20 February 1973)
Cote d'Ivoire (29 September 2001)
Cyprus (3 September 2002)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (8 February 1989)
Denmark (10 December 1956)
Djibouti (2 September 2005)
Dominica, Commonwealth of (31 March 2006)
Dominican Republic (30 September 1924)
Egypt (22 July 1957)
Estonia (31 October 1991)
Finland (25 June 1958)
Gambia (22 June 1966)
Georgia (20 June 1995)
Greece (10 January 1994)
Guinea, Republic of (4 December 1998)
Guinea-Bissau (7 August 1989)
Haiti (4 October 1921)
Honduras (6 June 1986)
Hungary (22 October 1992)
23. A joghatóságot elfogadó magyar nyilatkozat és korlátai Nyilatkozat a hágai Nemzetközi Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságának elismerésérol
A Magyar Köztársaság ipso facto és külön megállapodás nélkül, a viszonosság feltételével minden olyan állammal szemben, amely ugyanezt a kötelezettséget vállalja, ezennel elismeri a hágai Nemzetközi Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságát a Bíróság Alapszabálya 36. cikke (2) bekezdésével összhangban valamennyi, a jelen Nyilatkozatot követoen felmerülo tényekbol vagy helyzetekbol eredo jogvita tekintetében, kivéve:
a) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek esetében az abban részes felek a vita békés rendezésének más módjában állapodtak meg vagy állapodnak meg;
b) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek a nemzetközi jog értelmében a Magyar Köztársaság kizárólagos belso joghatósága alá tartoznak;
c) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek ellenségeskedésekkel, háborúval, fegyveres összetuzésekkel, egyénileg vagy kollektíven gyakorolt önvédelemmel, vagy az Egyesült Nemzetek határozata vagy javaslata alapján történo feladat végrehajtásával, vagy más hasonló, a Magyar Köztársaságot érinto akcióval, intézkedéssel vagy helyzettel jelenleg vagy a jövoben összefüggenek;
d) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek tekintetében a Nemzetközi Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságát a vitában részes bármely fél kizárólag az adott jogvita tekintetében ismerte el, illetoleg, amelyek tekintetében a vitában részes bármely fél a vitának a Bíróság elé történo utalására vonatkozó kérelmét a Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságának elismerésére vonatkozó elfogadó nyilatkozatát követo 12 hónap eltelte elott tette meg.
A Magyar Köztársaság Kormánya fenntartja magának a jogot, hogy az Egyesült Nemzetek fotitkárához intézett írásbeli közlés útján 6 hónapos hatálybalépési határidot megállapítva módosítsa, kiegészítse vagy visszavonja a fent említett, vagy esetleg a késobbiekben teendo bármely fenntartását.
Ez a Nyilatkozat a megszüntetésére irányuló közlést követo 6 hónappal hatályát veszti.Nyilatkozat a hágai Nemzetközi Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságának elismerésérol
A Magyar Köztársaság ipso facto és külön megállapodás nélkül, a viszonosság feltételével minden olyan állammal szemben, amely ugyanezt a kötelezettséget vállalja, ezennel elismeri a hágai Nemzetközi Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságát a Bíróság Alapszabálya 36. cikke (2) bekezdésével összhangban valamennyi, a jelen Nyilatkozatot követoen felmerülo tényekbol vagy helyzetekbol eredo jogvita tekintetében, kivéve:
a) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek esetében az abban részes felek a vita békés rendezésének más módjában állapodtak meg vagy állapodnak meg;
b) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek a nemzetközi jog értelmében a Magyar Köztársaság kizárólagos belso joghatósága alá tartoznak;
c) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek ellenségeskedésekkel, háborúval, fegyveres összetuzésekkel, egyénileg vagy kollektíven gyakorolt önvédelemmel, vagy az Egyesült Nemzetek határozata vagy javaslata alapján történo feladat végrehajtásával, vagy más hasonló, a Magyar Köztársaságot érinto akcióval, intézkedéssel vagy helyzettel jelenleg vagy a jövoben összefüggenek;
d) azokat a jogvitákat, amelyek tekintetében a Nemzetközi Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságát a vitában részes bármely fél kizárólag az adott jogvita tekintetében ismerte el, illetoleg, amelyek tekintetében a vitában részes bármely fél a vitának a Bíróság elé történo utalására vonatkozó kérelmét a Bíróság kötelezo joghatóságának elismerésére vonatkozó elfogadó nyilatkozatát követo 12 hónap eltelte elott tette meg.
A Magyar Köztársaság Kormánya fenntartja magának a jogot, hogy az Egyesült Nemzetek fotitkárához intézett írásbeli közlés útján 6 hónapos hatálybalépési határidot megállapítva módosítsa, kiegészítse vagy visszavonja a fent említett, vagy esetleg a késobbiekben teendo bármely fenntartását.
Ez a Nyilatkozat a megszüntetésére irányuló közlést követo 6 hónappal hatályát veszti.
24. Harmadik fél bevonása és annak korlátai A Monetary gold ügy bonyolult, mert az 1943-ban a németek által Rómából elvitt albán arany sorsáról szól. A kérdés az a Németországot megszálló három hatalom (US, UK, és Fr) kinek szolgáltassa ki: Albániának, Olaszországnak (az albán államosítások kártérítéseképpen) vagy UK-nak a Korfu szoros ügyben megítélt kártérítés fejében.
Maga a felperes vonja kétségbe, hogy a bság eljárhat. (Azért indította az ügyet, mert A Monetary gold ügy bonyolult, mert az 1943-ban a németek által Rómából elvitt albán arany sorsáról szól. A kérdés az a Németországot megszálló három hatalom (US, UK, és Fr) kinek szolgáltassa ki: Albániának, Olaszországnak (az albán államosítások kártérítéseképpen) vagy UK-nak a Korfu szoros ügyben megítélt kártérítés fejében.
Maga a felperes vonja kétségbe, hogy a bság eljárhat. (Azért indította az ügyet, mert
25. Harmadik fél beavatkozása
26. Ideiglenes intézkedés A 40-es szám forása: Owada különvéleménye a Kamb-Tha ideigl int. végzéshezA 40-es szám forása: Owada különvéleménye a Kamb-Tha ideigl int. végzéshez
27. Pergátló kifogás: Of the 113 contentious cases, some have later been withdrawn. Ninety-seven judgments have been issued since 1946. Among those, 44 ? nearly half ? have required separate hearings on jurisdictional issues.
Article 79 and decided to introduce a strict time-limit, requiring preliminary objections to be made as soon as possible, and not later than three months after the delivery of the memorial (Article 79 (1)). The three-month time-limit applies to all cases submitted to the Court after 1 February 2001.
Rosalyn Higgin beszéde az ENSZ közgyulése elott, 2008 okt 31
http://www.icj-cij.org/presscom/files/1/14841.pdf látogatva 2009 ápr 17.Of the 113 contentious cases, some have later been withdrawn. Ninety-seven judgments have been issued since 1946. Among those, 44 ? nearly half ? have required separate hearings on jurisdictional issues.
Article 79 and decided to introduce a strict time-limit, requiring preliminary objections to be made as soon as possible, and not later than three months after the delivery of the memorial (Article 79 (1)). The three-month time-limit applies to all cases submitted to the Court after 1 February 2001.
Rosalyn Higgin beszéde az ENSZ közgyulése elott, 2008 okt 31
http://www.icj-cij.org/presscom/files/1/14841.pdf látogatva 2009 ápr 17.
28. Az eljárás Írásbeli szakasz
Kereset, ellenkereset, válasz, viszontválasz
Szóbeli szakasz
A meghallgatás szerepe
A Bíróság ítéletalkotási gyakorlata
mérlegelés a színfalak mögött
A közelmúltbeli practice directions (útmutató a feleknek) célja az eljárás felgyorsítása
29. Felülvizsgálat (Perújrafelvétel) Új, dönto (meghatározó) jelentoségu tény jutott valamelyik fél tudomására, amely az ítélet meghozatala idején mind a Bíróság, mind a felek számára ismeretlen volt.
Az ítélet meghozatalát követo 10 éven belül, max. 6 hónappal az új tény felfedezését követoen lehet kezdeményezni.
De: nem lehet, ha a fél gondatlansága miatt nem ismerte meg a tényt
30. Végrehajtás Statútum 59. Cikk: Az ítélet a felekre nézve kötelezo (res iudicata).
ENSZ Alapokmány 94. § (2): Ha az egyik fél nem hajtja végre az ítéletbol fakadó kötelezettségeit, a másik fél a BT-hez fordulhat, amely ajánlást vagy határozatot hoz
31. Tanácsadó vélemény A tanácsadó vélemény-kérési eljárás csak nemzetközi szervezeteknek áll nyitva.
Eddig 26 darab, 2012-ben 0 függoben. Viszont két jelentos a közelmúltban (Az elfoglalt területen épített fal (2004); Koszovó függetlenségi nyilatkozata (2010))
Egyre kevesebbet kérnek.
Jelenleg csak az ENSZ 6 szerve és 16 szakosított intézménye kérhet tanácsadó véleményt.
Kérdés: alkalmas eszköz lehet-e a tanácsadó vélemény a nemzetközi jog egységének a megorzésére? 2000.Es évtized: 2 db. Fal, Koszovo
90-es 3 db ENSZ rapporteur immunitása, nukleáris fegyver (2x)
80-as: 5 db WHO székhely, admin bság ítélet felülvizsglat, (2x), PLO és a székhelyegyezmény, Mazilu eset (fogvatartott Un rapportuer)2000.Es évtized: 2 db. Fal, Koszovo
90-es 3 db ENSZ rapporteur immunitása, nukleáris fegyver (2x)
80-as: 5 db WHO székhely, admin bság ítélet felülvizsglat, (2x), PLO és a székhelyegyezmény, Mazilu eset (fogvatartott Un rapportuer)
32. Értékelés A Bírósághoz kapcsolódó (belso)
Vívmányok: Feladatok problémák
1. Szélesebb részvétel, fejlettek, 1. Több forrás kell
2. Több a függo ügy 2. Áramvonalasítani
a munkamódszert
3. Jobb tájékoztatás
A Bíróság a nemzetközi kapcsolatokban
Vívmányok, érdemek Feladat
1. Fontos vitákat megold, nyugvópontra juttat 1. A Bíróságok elterjedésével járó töredezettség veszély
2. Méltóságteljes visszavonulásra ad lehetoséget
3. Értelmezi és fejleszti a nemzetközi jogot
4. Bizonyítja, hogy a nemzetközi kapcsolatok egy része állhat a jog uralma alatt
33. Köszönöm a figyelmüket!Nagy Boldizsárwww.nagyboldizsar.hunagyboldi@ajk.elte.hu+36 1 2426313
34. Függelék ügyek a félmúltból
35. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán) Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés Finds that the French Republic, by not giving the Republic of Djibouti the reasons for its refusal to execute the letter rogatory presented by the latter on 3 November 2004, failed to comply with its international obligation under Article 17 of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the two Parties, signed in Djibouti on 27 September 1986, and that its finding of this violation constitutes appropriate satisfaction;
Malaysia states in its written pleadings that it has an original title to Pulau Batu Puteh of long standing. Pulau Batu Puteh is, and has always been, part of the Malaysian State of Johor. Nothing has happened to displace Malaysias sovereignty over it. Singapores presence on the island for the sole purpose of constructing and maintaining a lighthouse there ? with the permission of the territorial sovereign ? is insufficient to vest sovereignty in it. Malaysia further says that the island could not at any relevant time be considered as terra nullius and hence susceptible to acquisition through occupation. Singapore claims that the selection of Pedra Branca as the site for building of the lighthouse with the authorization of the British Crown, a process which started in 1847, constituted a classic taking of possession ŕ titre de souverain. According to Singapore, title to the island was acquired by the British Crown in accordance with the legal principles of that time and has since been maintained by the British Crown and its lawful successor, the Republic of Singapore
____________________________.Finds that the French Republic, by not giving the Republic of Djibouti the reasons for its refusal to execute the letter rogatory presented by the latter on 3 November 2004, failed to comply with its international obligation under Article 17 of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the two Parties, signed in Djibouti on 27 September 1986, and that its finding of this violation constitutes appropriate satisfaction;
Malaysia states in its written pleadings that it has an original title to Pulau Batu Puteh of long standing. Pulau Batu Puteh is, and has always been, part of the Malaysian State of Johor. Nothing has happened to displace Malaysias sovereignty over it. Singapores presence on the island for the sole purpose of constructing and maintaining a lighthouse there ? with the permission of the territorial sovereign ? is insufficient to vest sovereignty in it. Malaysia further says that the island could not at any relevant time be considered as terra nullius and hence susceptible to acquisition through occupation. Singapore claims that the selection of Pedra Branca as the site for building of the lighthouse with the authorization of the British Crown, a process which started in 1847, constituted a classic taking of possession ŕ titre de souverain. According to Singapore, title to the island was acquired by the British Crown in accordance with the legal principles of that time and has since been maintained by the British Crown and its lawful successor, the Republic of Singapore
36. Az igények és a döntés
37. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán) Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés Sem a gyarmati úti possidetis sem az effectivités alapján nem lehet dönteni. 2001-et választják dönto pillanatnak
Having considered the arguments and evidence put forward by the Parties, the Court finds that the effectivités invoked by Honduras evidenced an intention and will to act as sovereign and constitute a modest but real display of authority over the four islands. Although it has not been established that the four islands are of economic or strategic importance and in spite of the scarcity of acts of State authority, Honduras has shown a sufficient overall pattern of conduct to demonstrate its intention to act as sovereign in respect of Bobel Cay, Savanna Cay, Port Royal Cay and South Cay. The Court further notes that those Honduran activities qualifying as effectivités which can be assumed to have come to the knowledge of Nicaragua did not elicit any protest on the part of the latter. With regard to Nicaragua, the Court has found no proof of intention or will to act as sovereign, and no proof of any actual exercise or display of authority over the islands.
Nincs uti possidetis, vagy hagyományos tengeri határ
The most logical and widely practised approach is first to draw provisionally an
equidistance line and then to consider whether that line must be adjusted in the light of the existence of special circumstances mondta már Quatar-Bahreinben
It states that the use of a bisector ? the line formed by bisecting the angle created by thelinear approximations of coastlines ? has proved to be a viable substitute method in certaincircumstances where equidistance is not possible or appropriate. The justification for theapplication of the bisector method in maritime delimitation lies in the configuration of andrelationship between the relevant coastal fronts and the maritime areas to be delimited. In instanceswhere, as in the present case, any base points that could be determined by the Court are inherentlyunstable, the bisector method may be seen as an approximation of the equidistance method. Like
equidistance, the bisector method is a geometrical approach that can be used to give legal effect tothecriterion long held to be as equitable as it is simple, namely that in principle, while
having regard to the special circumstances of the case, one should aim at an equal division of areas where the maritime projections of the coasts of the States . . .converge and overlap
Az általános partvonalat vette alapul, arra állított egyenlo távolság-egyenest
Thus, a Honduran coastal front running to Punta Patuca and a Nicaraguan coastal front running to Wouhnta are in the Courts view the relevant coasts for purposes of drawing the bisector. This resulting bisector line has an azimuth of 70° 14' 41.25".
Sem a gyarmati úti possidetis sem az effectivités alapján nem lehet dönteni. 2001-et választják dönto pillanatnak
Having considered the arguments and evidence put forward by the Parties, the Court finds that the effectivités invoked by Honduras evidenced an intention and will to act as sovereign and constitute a modest but real display of authority over the four islands. Although it has not been established that the four islands are of economic or strategic importance and in spite of the scarcity of acts of State authority, Honduras has shown a sufficient overall pattern of conduct to demonstrate its intention to act as sovereign in respect of Bobel Cay, Savanna Cay, Port Royal Cay and South Cay. The Court further notes that those Honduran activities qualifying as effectivités which can be assumed to have come to the knowledge of Nicaragua did not elicit any protest on the part of the latter. With regard to Nicaragua, the Court has found no proof of intention or will to act as sovereign, and no proof of any actual exercise or display of authority over the islands.
Nincs uti possidetis, vagy hagyományos tengeri határ
The most logical and widely practised approach is first to draw provisionally an
equidistance line and then to consider whether that line must be adjusted in the light of the existence of special circumstances mondta már Quatar-Bahreinben
It states that the use of a bisector ? the line formed by bisecting the angle created by thelinear approximations of coastlines ? has proved to be a viable substitute method in certaincircumstances where equidistance is not possible or appropriate. The justification for theapplication of the bisector method in maritime delimitation lies in the configuration of andrelationship between the relevant coastal fronts and the maritime areas to be delimited. In instanceswhere, as in the present case, any base points that could be determined by the Court are inherentlyunstable, the bisector method may be seen as an approximation of the equidistance method. Like
equidistance, the bisector method is a geometrical approach that can be used to give legal effect tothecriterion long held to be as equitable as it is simple, namely that in principle, while
having regard to the special circumstances of the case, one should aim at an equal division of areas where the maritime projections of the coasts of the States . . .converge and overlap
Az általános partvonalat vette alapul, arra állított egyenlo távolság-egyenest
Thus, a Honduran coastal front running to Punta Patuca and a Nicaraguan coastal front running to Wouhnta are in the Courts view the relevant coasts for purposes of drawing the bisector. This resulting bisector line has an azimuth of 70° 14' 41.25".
38. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán) Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés Sem a gyarmati úti possidetis sem az effectivités alapján nem lehet dönteni. 2001-et választják dönto pillanatnak
Having considered the arguments and evidence put forward by the Parties, the Court finds that the effectivités invoked by Honduras evidenced an intention and will to act as sovereign and constitute a modest but real display of authority over the four islands. Although it has not been established that the four islands are of economic or strategic importance and in spite of the scarcity of acts of State authority, Honduras has shown a sufficient overall pattern of conduct to demonstrate its intention to act as sovereign in respect of Bobel Cay, Savanna Cay, Port Royal Cay and South Cay. The Court further notes that those Honduran activities qualifying as effectivités which can be assumed to have come to the knowledge of Nicaragua did not elicit any protest on the part of the latter. With regard to Nicaragua, the Court has found no proof of intention or will to act as sovereign, and no proof of any actual exercise or display of authority over the islands.
Nincs uti possidetis, vagy hagyományos tengeri határ
The most logical and widely practised approach is first to draw provisionally an
equidistance line and then to consider whether that line must be adjusted in the light of the existence of special circumstances mondta már Quatar-Bahreinben
It states that the use of a bisector ? the line formed by bisecting the angle created by thelinear approximations of coastlines ? has proved to be a viable substitute method in certaincircumstances where equidistance is not possible or appropriate. The justification for theapplication of the bisector method in maritime delimitation lies in the configuration of andrelationship between the relevant coastal fronts and the maritime areas to be delimited. In instanceswhere, as in the present case, any base points that could be determined by the Court are inherentlyunstable, the bisector method may be seen as an approximation of the equidistance method. Like
equidistance, the bisector method is a geometrical approach that can be used to give legal effect tothecriterion long held to be as equitable as it is simple, namely that in principle, while
having regard to the special circumstances of the case, one should aim at an equal division of areas where the maritime projections of the coasts of the States . . .converge and overlap
Az általános partvonalat vette alapul, arra állított egyenlo távolság-egyenest
Thus, a Honduran coastal front running to Punta Patuca and a Nicaraguan coastal front running to Wouhnta are in the Courts view the relevant coasts for purposes of drawing the bisector. This resulting bisector line has an azimuth of 70° 14' 41.25".
Sem a gyarmati úti possidetis sem az effectivités alapján nem lehet dönteni. 2001-et választják dönto pillanatnak
Having considered the arguments and evidence put forward by the Parties, the Court finds that the effectivités invoked by Honduras evidenced an intention and will to act as sovereign and constitute a modest but real display of authority over the four islands. Although it has not been established that the four islands are of economic or strategic importance and in spite of the scarcity of acts of State authority, Honduras has shown a sufficient overall pattern of conduct to demonstrate its intention to act as sovereign in respect of Bobel Cay, Savanna Cay, Port Royal Cay and South Cay. The Court further notes that those Honduran activities qualifying as effectivités which can be assumed to have come to the knowledge of Nicaragua did not elicit any protest on the part of the latter. With regard to Nicaragua, the Court has found no proof of intention or will to act as sovereign, and no proof of any actual exercise or display of authority over the islands.
Nincs uti possidetis, vagy hagyományos tengeri határ
The most logical and widely practised approach is first to draw provisionally an
equidistance line and then to consider whether that line must be adjusted in the light of the existence of special circumstances mondta már Quatar-Bahreinben
It states that the use of a bisector ? the line formed by bisecting the angle created by thelinear approximations of coastlines ? has proved to be a viable substitute method in certaincircumstances where equidistance is not possible or appropriate. The justification for theapplication of the bisector method in maritime delimitation lies in the configuration of andrelationship between the relevant coastal fronts and the maritime areas to be delimited. In instanceswhere, as in the present case, any base points that could be determined by the Court are inherentlyunstable, the bisector method may be seen as an approximation of the equidistance method. Like
equidistance, the bisector method is a geometrical approach that can be used to give legal effect tothecriterion long held to be as equitable as it is simple, namely that in principle, while
having regard to the special circumstances of the case, one should aim at an equal division of areas where the maritime projections of the coasts of the States . . .converge and overlap
Az általános partvonalat vette alapul, arra állított egyenlo távolság-egyenest
Thus, a Honduran coastal front running to Punta Patuca and a Nicaraguan coastal front running to Wouhnta are in the Courts view the relevant coasts for purposes of drawing the bisector. This resulting bisector line has an azimuth of 70° 14' 41.25".
39. Az eredeti igények és az ítélet Torres Bernardez ad hoc bíró szerint (Honduras) szerint nem igazságos mert 8 fokkal kedvezobb Nicaraguának, mint az középvonal lenneTorres Bernardez ad hoc bíró szerint (Honduras) szerint nem igazságos mert 8 fokkal kedvezobb Nicaraguának, mint az középvonal lenne
40. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán)Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés Parra-Aranguren egészségi okokra hivatkozva kimentette magát (a szóbelit még meghallgatta de a döntéshozatalból kimaradt.)
Buergenthal a másik o feltehetoen érdekelt volt valamelyik félnél.Parra-Aranguren egészségi okokra hivatkozva kimentette magát (a szóbelit még meghallgatta de a döntéshozatalból kimaradt.)
Buergenthal a másik o feltehetoen érdekelt volt valamelyik félnél.
41. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2010 tavaszán) Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés Finds that the French Republic, by not giving the Republic of Djibouti the reasons for its refusal to execute the letter rogatory presented by the latter on 3 November 2004, failed to comply with its international obligation under Article 17 of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the two Parties, signed in Djibouti on 27 September 1986, and that its finding of this violation constitutes appropriate satisfaction;
Malaysia states in its written pleadings that it has an original title to Pulau Batu Puteh of long standing. Pulau Batu Puteh is, and has always been, part of the Malaysian State of Johor. Nothing has happened to displace Malaysias sovereignty over it. Singapores presence on the island for the sole purpose of constructing and maintaining a lighthouse there ? with the permission of the territorial sovereign ? is insufficient to vest sovereignty in it. Malaysia further says that the island could not at any relevant time be considered as terra nullius and hence susceptible to acquisition through occupation. Singapore claims that the selection of Pedra Branca as the site for building of the lighthouse with the authorization of the British Crown, a process which started in 1847, constituted a classic taking of possession ŕ titre de souverain. According to Singapore, title to the island was acquired by the British Crown in accordance with the legal principles of that time and has since been maintained by the British Crown and its lawful successor, the Republic of Singapore
____________________________.Finds that the French Republic, by not giving the Republic of Djibouti the reasons for its refusal to execute the letter rogatory presented by the latter on 3 November 2004, failed to comply with its international obligation under Article 17 of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the two Parties, signed in Djibouti on 27 September 1986, and that its finding of this violation constitutes appropriate satisfaction;
Malaysia states in its written pleadings that it has an original title to Pulau Batu Puteh of long standing. Pulau Batu Puteh is, and has always been, part of the Malaysian State of Johor. Nothing has happened to displace Malaysias sovereignty over it. Singapores presence on the island for the sole purpose of constructing and maintaining a lighthouse there ? with the permission of the territorial sovereign ? is insufficient to vest sovereignty in it. Malaysia further says that the island could not at any relevant time be considered as terra nullius and hence susceptible to acquisition through occupation. Singapore claims that the selection of Pedra Branca as the site for building of the lighthouse with the authorization of the British Crown, a process which started in 1847, constituted a classic taking of possession ŕ titre de souverain. According to Singapore, title to the island was acquired by the British Crown in accordance with the legal principles of that time and has since been maintained by the British Crown and its lawful successor, the Republic of Singapore
42. A közelmúltban befejezett peres ügyek (2009 tavaszán)Ügy Felek Tárgy Idopont Döntés 26. In the original Applications instituting proceedings in this group of cases, Serbia and
Montenegro invoked as the title of jurisdiction of the Court in each case Article IX of the Genocide
Convention; in five cases it invoked its own acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court under the
optional clause of Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute, together with that of the respondent State;
and in two of the cases, it also invoked a bilateral treaty between the respondent State concerned
and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The Applications of Serbia and Montenegro of 29 April 1999
asserted, at least by implication, that the Court was then open to Serbia and Montenegro, under Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Courts Statute, on the basis that it was a Member of the United
Nations and thus a party to the Courts Statute, by virtue of Article 93, paragraph 1, of the Charter.
Subsequently, this was in fact expressly stated in the Memorial filed by Serbia and Montenegro.
26. In the original Applications instituting proceedings in this group of cases, Serbia and
Montenegro invoked as the title of jurisdiction of the Court in each case Article IX of the Genocide
Convention; in five cases it invoked its own acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court under the
optional clause of Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute, together with that of the respondent State;
and in two of the cases, it also invoked a bilateral treaty between the respondent State concerned
and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The Applications of Serbia and Montenegro of 29 April 1999
asserted, at least by implication, that the Court was then open to Serbia and Montenegro, under Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Courts Statute, on the basis that it was a Member of the United
Nations and thus a party to the Courts Statute, by virtue of Article 93, paragraph 1, of the Charter.
Subsequently, this was in fact expressly stated in the Memorial filed by Serbia and Montenegro.