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Enhancing Grid Operations for Efficient Infrastructure Management

Explore the core of grid operations focusing on infrastructure maintenance, challenges, and objectives to meet user needs within project constraints. Discover essential task areas and coordination for seamless operation.

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Enhancing Grid Operations for Efficient Infrastructure Management

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  1. Core operations a Jeremy Coles GridPP28 17th April 2012 b

  2. Core operations Jeremy Coles GridPP28 17th April 2012 It evolves – don’t get too angry if you disagree! It is not about dressing things up

  3. Overview Without spoiling the plot…. • The rest of today’s talks and discussion are concerned with the ‘core’ of grid operations. These are the things upon which smooth growth and day-to-day work rely. • The main objective is obvious: to continue to develop and maintain a stable infrastructure that meets the needs of the user community within the constraints of the project • There are many areas which challenge our ability to deliver on such an objective including: • Problems with hardware • Instabilities in or non-functioning “upgrades” to middleware • Understanding and clearly sharing what needs to be done • Strange user behavior and evolving requirements • Misuse of, and balancing usage of, resources • Divergent/Convergent or parallel political objectives - Understanding and optimising usage and distribution of funds

  4. WP-C in the GridPP4 proposal Grid Deployment, Operations and Support Coordination across Grid operational tasks including infrastructure wide monitoring, data handling, security, release management, training, documenting and support of institute based system administrators. The GridPP “Ops-Team” and NGI-based operations will be essential for the coherent and secure operation of a UK Grid. The support for data handling is mission-critical for the efficient extraction of physics results. The project made provision for 8 posts that will, in addition to the required sysadmin work, take specific national responsibilities in the core Grid Operations team. In addition to these 8, there are several others who contribute effort to this core by way of site wide coordination or via EGI joint funded work. These posts are also expected to work closely with the experiments to meet their needs. There are other ops team members who represent other work packages in the project such as storage, data management ….

  5. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout4 • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  6. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. a b … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  7. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  8. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  9. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  10. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  11. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  12. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  13. The core areas • Core grid services/Monitoring/Regional tools • Security • Documentation/website • Wider VO services • Staged rollout • Ticket follow-up • On-duty • Accounting • Interoperation We came up with a structure that took the following as important task areas each of which ought to be “owned” or coordinated by someone in the ops team. … most of these will be covered by the task coordinator in the talks in this session or later

  14. Why discuss these now!? • The current tasks are the first iteration of what we think is needed … it is useful to show you the main concerns, developments and/or plans for each area so that you can help us improve the scope, priorities and content • We may have missed things that are or will become important • The activities are “feeling” their way to what is needed. Things may need to be put back in context to avoid simply “making work” for little benefit… and outside scrutiny and wider discussion is useful in identifying what the project needs at this stage (for where it needs to be later). Is it useful. Does it help?

  15. Do we have the right answer? PLEASE share your thoughts during the discussions that follow the talks. If you think something is too nebulous, you think it is ill defined, generally a waste of time, you think we’ve got it right, or you have better ideas then say! If you are a sysadmin and need something done better then explain it. ….PHONE A FRIEND!

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