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Learn about the predominant causes of death in neurology and respiratory systems, including epilepsy, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, meningitis, tumors, and respiratory conditions. Understand the clinical presentations, autopsy findings, and mortality rates associated with these fatal conditions.

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  1. CNS The most common causes of death are: • Epilepsy • Subarachnoid hemorrhage • Intracerebral hemorrhage • Meningitis • tumours

  2. Epilepsy • Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy is a term used when a person with epilepsy suddenly dies, , in whom a postmortem examination fails to uncover a gross anatomical, toxicological or environmental cause of death. • Death in an epileptic patient could be by asphyxia during a fit in bed when the face is pressed into the pillow. • Also it may cause due to traumatic deaths because of fits occurring when pt in some vulnerable position. • Antiepileptic drug overdose

  3. Autopsy • Should always include a search for bites on the tip and distal tongue which suggest fit. • Examination of Brain is essential : to search for any cause of post-traumatic epilepsy • On Heart Ex : patchy myocardial fibrosis caused by episodic hypoxia from apnea from fits .

  4. Subarachnoid hemorrhage • SAH is a very serious neurological emergeny and it is the fourth most common intracranial cause of death. • This may occur spontaneously, or may result from head injury. • 85% of spontaneous SAH is caused by rupture of “saccular” berry aneurysms. • Aneurysms are usually found at bifurcation of the cerebral arteries,particulary in the region of circle of willis.

  5. SAH typically presentswith a sudden sever “thunderclap” headache (often occipital) which lasts for hours or even days,sometimes accompanied by vomiting • There may be loss of consciousness at the onset. • Any rise in the blood pressure will cause rupture of the apex of the aneurysm also occurs after: Emotions, exercise, alcohol, sexual intercourse, and direct trauma to the neck… • Most cases of death are due to vasospasm following the rupture .

  6. Autopsy • Point of bleeding in the circle of Willis more dense at the base of the brain especially basal cisterns. • Bright red in fresh blood , brown in older bleeding.

  7. Intracranial hemorrhage • ICH is bleeding directly into the brain parenchyma itself • The most common cause is hypertentionby damaging the small intracerebralarterioles,or acute rise in BP which cause rupture of penetrating arteries • Other causes include trauma,use of anticoagulants,use of drugs like cocaine or amphetamines,vascularmalformation,or hemorrhage in an underlying brain tumor.

  8. autopsy • Deep hemorrhage anywhere within the hemisphere. • Rupture inside the ventricular system. • Sever contrecoup lesions : large hematomas in one or both hemisphere.

  9. Meningitis • Mortality rate 5% in children,25% in neonates • The severity depends on the causative organism.Eg: untreated TB meningitis is fatal in a few weeks. • The patient may have chills, high fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting,headaches or weakness. Petechiae appear on the body in 75% of cases. • In 10% of the cases there is a rapidly progressive course with toxemia, shock, and collapse. The individual may die in less than 10 hrs from the onset of symptoms. • Sometimes, a person who is walking around will collapse and die. At autopsy pt will be found to have meningococcemia.

  10. Meningitis • Autopsy a diffuse (widespread) inflammation of the pia-arachnoid area. Neutrophil,leucocytes tend to have migrated to the cerebrospinal fluid and the base of the brain + cranial nerves + spinal cord, may be surrounded with pus as may the meningeal vessels. • There may be cyanosis,petichiae,and purpura of the skin,acute bilateral hemorrhagic adrenal necrosis

  11. Tumors • High mortality rate associated with grade 4 glioma(glioblastoma multiform) • 20% of glioma survive for 1 year.

  12. Respiratory system • Sudden death due to disease of RS comprises only a small proportion of all sudden deaths. • The common causes of sudden death include: • Pulmonary thromboembolisim. • Asthma • Penumonia • Hemoptysis

  13. Pulmonary embolism • It is a Major cause of sudden death in RS. • It is a common mode of death in patients with cancer and stroke and remains the most common cause of death in pregnancy • 75% of PE arise from the propagation of lower limb DVT • Predisposing factors include immobility,pregnancy,trauma,surgery… • As result a small emboli break off and impact in the peripheral branches of pulmonary arteries infarction. • Massive emboli occlude major pulmonary vessels.

  14. Bronchial asthma • Death occurs suddenly, with no findings at autopsy except in chronic asthma state. • some cases are apparent due to status asthmaticus, others due to drug overdose • Drugs: theophylline and sympathomimetic agents  ventricular fibrillation.

  15. Hemoptysis • Rare. • pulmonary tuberculosis • bronchial tumors rarely cause a fatal hemoptysis, unless major vessel is eroded. The bleeding causes death by sudden filling of the larynx with blood,causing asphxia

  16. Done by : SAEED KHATEEB D3 Thank You

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