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X-ray polarimetry at INAF. Paolo Soffitta IAPS/INAF (Rome, Italy). IAPS/INAF : Enrico Costa, Sergio Fabiani , Fabio Muleri , Alda Rubini , Paolo Soffitta. INFN-Pisa : Ronaldo Bellazzini , Alessandro Brez , Massimo Minuti , Michele Pinchera , Gloria Spandre.
X-ray polarimetryat INAF Paolo Soffitta IAPS/INAF (Rome, Italy) IAPS/INAF : Enrico Costa, Sergio Fabiani , Fabio Muleri , AldaRubini, Paolo Soffitta. INFN-Pisa : Ronaldo Bellazzini, Alessandro Brez, Massimo Minuti, Michele Pinchera, Gloria Spandre.
Why X-ray Astrophysical Polarimetry ? Polarization from celestial sources may derive from: • Emission processes themselves: cyclotron, synchrotron, non-thermal bremsstrahlung (Westfold, 1959; Gnedin & Sunyaev, 1974; Rees, 1975 • Scattering on aspherical accreting plasmas: disks, blobs, columns. (Rees, 1975; Sunyaev & Titarchuk, 1985; Mészáros, P. et al. 1988) • Vacuum polarization and birefringence through extreme magnetic fields (Gnedin et al., 1978; Ventura, 1979; Mészáros & Ventura, 1979)
Astrophysics with XIPE 2.1 Acceleration phenomena – Supernova Remnants – Pulsar Wind Nebulae – Jets – mQSOs – Blazars& Radiogalaxies – Magnetic reconnection - solar flares 2.2 Emission in strong magnetic fields – Accreting White Dwarfs – Millisecond X-ray pulsars – Accreting X-ray pulsars
2.3 Scattering in aspherical situations – X-ray binaries – Radio-quiet AGNs – X-ray reflection nebulae Fundamental physics with XIPE 3.1 QED in strong magnetic fields 3.2 General Relativity in extreme gravity fields 3.3 Quantum Gravity 3.4 Search for axion-like particles
Modern polarimeters dedicated to X-ray Astronomy exploit the photoelectric effect resolving most of the problems connected with Thomson/Bragg polarimeter. The exploitation of the photoelectric effect was tempted very long ago, but only since five-ten years it was possible to devise photoelectric polarimeters mature for a space mission. An X-ray photon directed along the Z axis with the electric vector along the Y axis, is absorbed by an atom. The photoelectron is ejected at an angle θ (the polar angle) with respect the incidentphotondirection and at an azimuthal angle φ with respect to the electricvector. If the ejected electron is in ‘s’ state (as for the K–shell) the differential cross sectiondepends on cos2 (φ),thereforeitispreferentiallyemitted in the direction of the electricfield. Being the cross sectionalwaysnull for φ= 90o the modulationfactor µ equals 1 for anypolar angle. HeitlerW.,The Quantum Theory of Radiation Costa, Nature, 2001 β =v/c By measuring the angular distribution of the emission direction of the ejected photoelectrons (the modulation curve) it is possible to derive the X-ray polarization.
X-raypolarimetry with a Gas Pixel Detector GEM electric field X photon (E) conversion GEM gain collection pixel PCB E a 20 ns The principle of detection To efficiently image the track at energies typical of conventional telescopes IASF-Rome and INFN-Pisa developed the Gas Pixel detector. The tracks are imaged by using the charge. A photon cross a Beryllium window and it is absorbed in the gas gap, the photoelectron produces a track. The track drifts toward the multiplication stage that is the GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) which is a kapton foil metallized on both side and perforated by microscopic holes (30 um diameter, 50 um pitch)and it is then collected by the pixellated anode plane that is the upper layer of an ASIC chip. Costa et al., 2001, Bellazzini et al.2006, 2007 Polarization information is derived from the angular distribution of the emission direction of the tracks produced by the photoelectrons. The detector has a very good imaging capability. The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory
Tracksreconstruction 1) The track is collected by the ASIC 2) Baricenterevaluation (using all the triggered pixels) 3) Reconstruction of the principal axis of the track: maximization of the second moment of charge distribution 4) Reconstruction of the conversion point: third moment along the principal axis (asymmetry of charge distribution to select the lower density end) + second moment (length) to select the region for conversion point determination). 5) Reconstruction of emission direction: (maximization of the second moment with respect to the conversion point ) but with pixels weighted according to the distance from it. SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego 25-29 August 2013
ASIC features 105600 pixels 50 μm pitch • Peaking time: 3-10 ms, externally adjustable; • Full-scale linear range: 30000 electrons; • Pixel noise: 50 electrons ENC; • Read-out mode: asynchronous or synchronous; • Trigger mode: internal, external or self-trigger; • Read-out clock: up to 10MHz; • Self-trigger threshold: 2200 electrons (10% FS); • Frame rate: up to 10 kHz in self-trigger mode • (event window); • Parallel analog output buffers: 1, 8 or 16; • Access to pixel content: direct (single pixel) or serial • (8-16 clusters, full matrix, region of interest); • Fill fraction (ratio of metal area to active area): 92%) 1.5 cm The chip is self-triggered and low noise. It is not necessary to readout the entire chip since it is capable to define the sub-frame that surround the track. The dead time downloading an average of 1000 pixels is 100 time lower with respect to a download of 105 pixel. The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory
Extensively tested, with thermal-vacuum cycles, it has been vibrated, irradiated with Fe ions and calibrated with polarized and unpolarizedX-rays.. The real implementation of a working GPD prototype. HE-DME mixture: sensitive range 2-10 keV Electronics Titanium Frame Beryllium window 9 cm DME = (CH3)2O 60 µm/√cm diffusion Weight of the GPD + Lab Electronics = 2 kg Power Consumption of the GPD + Lab Electronics = 5 W The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory
IASF-Rome facility for the production of polarized X-rays. Close-up view of the polarizer and the Gas Pixel Detector Facility at IASF-Rome/INAF keV Crystal Line Bragg angle 1.65 ADP(101) CONT 45.0 2.01 PET(002) CONT 45.0 2.29 Rh(001) Mo Lα 45.3 2.61 Graphite CONT 45.0 3.7 Al(111) Ca Kα 45.9 4.5 CaF2(220) Ti Kα 45.4 5.9 LiF(002) 55Fe 47.6 8.05 Ge(333) Cu Kα45.0 9.7 FLi(420) Au Lα45.1 17.4 Fli(800) Mo Kα44.8 Aluminum and Graphite crystals. Capillary plate (3 cm diameter) Spectrum of the orders of diffraction from the Ti X-ray tube and a PET crystal acquired with a Si-PiN detector by Amptek PET (Muleri et al., SPIE, 2008) The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory
Not only MonteCarlo: Our predictions are based on data Eachphotonproduces a track. From the track the impact point and the emission angle of the photoelectronisderived. The distribution of the emission angle is the modulation curve. Muleri et al. 2007 Impact point The modulation factor measured 2.6 keV, 3.7 keV and 5.2 keV has been compared with the Monte Carlo previsions. The agreement is very satisfying. By rotating the polarization vector the capability to measure the polarization angle is shown by the shift of the modulation curve. Present level of absence of systematic effects (5.9 keV). Bellazzini 2010 Soffitta et al., 2010 The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory
More energies, more mixtures Pure DME (CH3)2O Modulation curve at 2.0 keV μ = 13.5% We performed measurement at more different energies and gas mixtures. (Muleri et al., 2008, 2010).
The imaging properties of the GPD. Panter X-ray facility (MPE, Germany): JET-X (Telescope, same as Swift, ~1mm/arcmin) Focal Length (3.5 m) JET-X HEW (4.5 keV) : 18’’ JET-X + GPD (HEW) : 23.2’’ (394 m ) IAPS/INAF laboratory : Very narrow pencil beam. Detector shifts : 300 m. Position resolution : 30 m (rms). Half Energy Width : 93 m Spiga et al., 2013, Fabiani et al. 2013 Imaging properties are mainly driven by the optics.
A Gas Pixel Detector for higher energies (6-35 keV) Ar-DME 2-atm; 2-bar Efficiency (dashed) and modulation Factor (solid) with Monte Carlo and measurement for the low energy (2-10 keV) polarimeter and medium energy (6-35 keV) polarimeter.
Compton Polarimetry Triggered by the effective area at high energy up to 80 keV of the mirror foreseen for NHXM but exploiting the heritage of previews works on Compton Polarimetry. We re-started such activity. Angular depandance of Compton effect. Riunione Nazionale Astronomia X 15-16/11/2012 P. Soffitta Soffitta et al., SPIE 2010 Costa et al. NIM 1995
Riunione Nazionale Astronomia X 15-16/11/2012 P. Soffitta
By using GEANT 4 and a Monte Carlo specifically developed at this purpose we evaluated the tagging efficiency as a function of energy by using the two measured values at 22 keV and 60 keV. The sensitivity estimation on the right performed for a configuration similar to that of the experimental laboratory set-up is based on an experimental measurement of the efficiency. Riunione Nazionale Astronomia X 15-16/11/2012 P. Soffitta
NHXPM GEMS Energy range(keV) Energy range (keV) LEP (2-10) (2-10) MEP (6-35) HEP (20-80) not included in the propos. Angular resolution LEP (15 ‘’) 12 arcmin MEP (20 ‘’)
MDP HEP The laboratory measurements confirm the anticipation of the Monte Carlo simulation. NHXM GEMS Energy range(keV) Energy range (keV) LEP (2-10) (2-10) MEP (6-35) HEP (20-80) not included in the propos. Angular resolution LEP (15 ‘’) 12 arcmin MEP (20 ‘’) GEMS : MDP is 0.01 for a 10 mCrab source with an observation of 3.3 x 105seconds. For NHXM LEP it would take around 106 s.
DifferentScenarios (Concepts) Polarimetry is an [almost] undisclosed domain of X-rayAstronomy. It can be performed, with guaranteedresults and with a large discoveryspace, in manydifferentscenarios. 1) Baseline. Photoelectric Polarimetry with at 2-10keV GPD (imagingfocalplane) for a: Small (POLARIX, IXPE, XIPE, …) Medium (NHXM-LEP) Large (XEUS, IXO) 2) Extended versions Extend the band of GPD to higherenergies 5-35 keV (NHXM-MEP) Non imagingfocalplanescattering polarimeter (NHXM-HEP) 3) Descoopedversions Array of GPDs with collimatorboth LEP and/or MEP 4) Side versions Polarimetry of transients (GRB,SGR) with Wide Field Instruments Polarimetry of solar flares Alltheseconcepts produce valuableresults (butcosts and throughput are not the same)
Possibilicollaborazioni con la Cina. Universita’ Tsinghua (Beijing) Pi Prof. HuaFeng. Contributoitaliano Gas Pixel detector come imager e contatori di fotoni ma con finestrasottile. Pulsar X isolate e Blazars.
ESA-CAS joint mission • Call end 2014 • two years study • four years implementation • launch 2021 Payload requirement : - Mass 60 kg - Power 50 Watts - Satellite weight 250 kg Spiga et al., 2014 XIPE non puo’ essereriproposto con glispecchi di JET-X (70 kg ognuno). Proponiamo XILPE (XIPE Light) in cui I mandrini di JET-X possonoessereriutilizzati per realizzare un payload entroilimiti : XIPE : Enrico Costa, Paolo Soffitta (IAPS/INAF). Ronaldo Bellazzini (INFN-Pisa), HuaFeng (Tsinghua University); Wang (Tonji University, Shanghai).
Risorse Abbiamoinoltreunapresentazione di SEEPE Solar energetic emission and particle explorer. SimingLiu (PMO), Paolo Soffitta (IAPS/INAF), Ronaldo Bellazzini (INFN-Pisa), Robert Wimmer (Kiel) Unamissionepensata per esserecomplementare a solar-orbiter ma senzaottiche a bordo.
XTP (Possible) Instruments. Prima versione SDD/CZT High-energy Collimated Array (1-100 keV) SDD/CZT High-energy Focused Array (1-100 keV) CZT All Sky Monitor (5-300 keV) GEM Polarization Observation Telescope (2-10 keV) CCD Low-energy Focused (0.5-10 keV) SCD Low-energy Collimated Array (0.5-15 keV) 4 m focal length