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Mentoring Overview. Personal Relationship with God Truth – Doctrine – Theology Character Social Skills Ministry Skills. Relationship with God. Truth – Doctrine - Theology. Inspiration of the Bible Trinity Paterology – God the Father Christology – God the Son
Mentoring Overview • Personal Relationship with God • Truth – Doctrine – Theology • Character • Social Skills • Ministry Skills
Truth – Doctrine - Theology • Inspiration of the Bible • Trinity • Paterology – God the Father • Christology – God the Son • Pneumatology – God the Holy Spirit • Angelology • Sin – Satan – Demons • Salvation – Grace - Redemption – Reconciliation – Justification - Adoption • Systematic Theology • Service – What is the ministry? - Gifts – Callings – Duties - Work • Kingdom of God • The People of God - Church – The Body of Christ • Church History • The Future - End Times – Second coming of Christ –Rewards - Judgments • Apologetics • Pastoral Theology • Hermautics • Homiletics • Ethics
Character • ____Acceptance - Receiving another person willingly and unconditionally especially when the other’s behavior has been imperfect. • ____Compassion - Feeling the hurts of others together with a desire to alleviate them. Especially with those who • are lost and without Christ. • B. ____Contentment - Having satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation. • ____Gratefulness — Appreciating benefits received; looking for ways to express genuine appreciation and • thankfulness. Developing a life style of thankfulness. • ____Joyfulness - Displaying eternal hopefulness in spite of current circumstances. • ___Courage - Displaying mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. • ___Deference - Showing respect and esteem to another; having regard for other’s wishes. • ___Kindness - Being characterized by sympathy or forbearance; an agreeable or beneficial nature. • ___Meekness - Choosing to endure injury with patience and without resentment; power under control. • ___Respectful -Considering others worthy of high regard; showing deference or esteem toward others. • ___Sensitivity - Being aware of the needs and emotions of others.
E. __Dependability - Being true to your word even when it is difficult to carry out what you promised to do. __Faithfulness - Being firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty. __Responsibility - Answering for one’s conduct and obligations; trustworthy; able to choose for oneself between right and wrong. __Loyalty - Being faithful to a cause, ideal, mission, values, or people. F. __Diligence - Exercising steady, earnest, and energetic application and effort to a task. __Self-control/Discipline - Exercising restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires. Using time and other resources in an excellent manner and according to priorities. G .__Endurance/Perseverance - Maintaining the ability to withstand hardship, adversity, or stress; to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without losing hope or giving up. __Patience - Bearing pain or trials calmly or without complaint; not hasty or impetuous; steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity. H.__Discretion - Keeping or holding within limits; not extreme or excessive; moderation in action, thought, or feeling. __Forbearance - Holding one’s self back with an effort of self-restraint; to control one’s self when provoked. __Forgiveness - Choosing not to feel resentment against an offender; to give up resentment of a claim or to requital for an offense. __Gentleness - Expressing freedom from harshness, sternness or violence.
I. __Fairness - Displaying impartiality and honesty; free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism. __Flexibility - Responding or conforming, without difficulty, to changing or new situations. J. __Generosity - Giving liberally; learning to be a wise steward of time, money, or possessions. __Hospitality - Showing generous and cordial reception of guests; offering a pleasant or sustaining environment. __Goodness – Moral excellence, a life beyond reproach K. __Honesty — Responding in fairness and straightforwardness of conduct; free from fraud or deception. __Integrity - Having a firm adherence to a code of moral values; being incorruptible. __Sincerity - Displaying honesty of mind; freedom from hypocrisy. __Truthfulness - Expressing what is right without misrepresenting the facts. Facing the consequences of a mistake. L. __Initiative - Displaying energy or aptitude in initiation of action; independently of outside influence or control. M.__ Purity – Holiness - Being free from moral fault or guilt; no conflict of loyalties, no mixture of motives, no hypocrisy; freedom from sensual pollution. N. __Humility - Having a spirit of deference or submission; not proud or haughty, or arrogant. Yet able to stand for what is right and true.
Social Skills • Relationship to self - Secure in God’s grace - Free from past failures, hang ups and unhealthy ties - Good knowledge of self: Personality, gifts, roles, values • Relationship to Family - Parents, siblings, and relatives - Courtship, marriage, and parenting • Relationships to Christian community - Older men - Older women - Younger men - Younger women • Relationship to work - Understands Biblical teaching regarding work - Practice of godly character in work setting - Work related relationships and dealings • Citizenship - Good understanding and practice of local behavior norms and manners - Able to add proper Christian norms and manners to the above graciously - Proper relationship to local community – neighbors etc. - Proper relationship to country • Miscellaneous - Listening skills - Communication skills - The 5 I’s: Interest, Identification, Initiative, Ideas, Investment - Relationship to and stewardship of creation
Ministry Skills Evangelism: a. Initiating conversations and establishing rapport and trust with people b. Good transitions for turning conversations to spiritual matters c. Insight into and understanding of universal human needs d. Ability to touch on open nerves (un met universal needs) and stimulate spiritual interest e. Good understanding of people’s emotions and emotional reactions – that which people might actually be hearing. We think we are communicating good news, but what is it that people are actually hearing? f. Ability to make Christ and His gospel relevant to people g. Insight into wrong “caricatures” of Christ / God and the ability to correct those h. Good and effective use of one’s personal testimony i. Good and effective use of investigative study of the Gospel of John j. Ability to explain the gospel with vivid and interesting illustrations k. A good understanding and ability to explain justification, reconciliation, redemption and adoption. l. Ability to bring people to a point of decision and help them in the process of repenting and receiving Christ. m. Ability to answer questions non Christians ask n. Ability to preach good evangelistic messages o. Ability to give leadership to a community of believers i.e. Insider strategy, proper use of people’s gifting, especially those with the gift of evangelism.
Establishing new Christians as disciples • Effectively use of materials, tools, one on one, small groups and large groups • Ability to understand and relate to individuals and their needs • Ability to help people deal with problems from their past life as non Christians and to move forward with Christ. Also, knowing when to refer people with special problems to specialists • A thorough understanding of spiritual formation • Convictions in the basics or spiritual disciplines (See tree roots) and ability to help another develop their spiritual roots. • Effective application of the principles of spiritual multiplication • Good practical application of “The Adventure of Discipling Others” course • Ability to lead small groups effectively and to train others to do the same • Ability to train and equip others in evangelism Ability to train and equip others in disciplemaking • Ability to train others in the proper use of tools, materials etc. • Mastery of “The Adventure of Discipling Others” course • Able to “role model” character growth and teach others to do the same • Effective use of “life on life”
Calling - Learning to understand one’s God given call and contribution profile Communication • A good understanding of the principles and nature of communication • Listening skills • Ability to ask good questions • How to get peoples attention and hold it Teaching • Obtaining a good grasp and application of the Bruce Wilkinson series on teaching and learning Ability to promote and recruit • For 2:7 discipleship training • For training in disciplemaking (The Adventure of Discipling Others)
Leadership • Vision (Having a God given Vision) • Vision casting • Ability to P.O.L.E. (See P.O.L.E. document) • Good understanding and practice of Authority and Submission relationships – See the Servants Song of Submission by Lorne Sanny Ability to build and lead a team • See “Performance Factor Document” • Ability to apply John Maxwell’s teaching on team building and leading Specialties • Counseling • Working with and rehabilitating prisoners • Working with and rehabilitating drug addicts • Working with orphans and integrating them into society • Children's ministries • Youth ministries