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WASC Review:

Learn about the significance of WASC accreditation, self-study process, student data analysis, and achieving school improvement. Explore how accreditation validates a school's integrity, supports student learning, and impacts educational programs.

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WASC Review:

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  1. WASC Review: What’s happened so far. May 19, 2008 In-service

  2. Focus Groups 05/19/08

  3. 1. Why Accreditation? WASC(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)

  4. (12 good reasons for accreditation) 1. Certification that the school is a trustworthy institution of learning 2. Validates the integrity of a school’s program and student transcripts 3. Fosters improvement of the school’s programs & operations to support student learning

  5. (“Ideally…”) 4. Assures a school community that the school’s purposes are appropriate and being accomplished through a viable educational program 5. A way to manage change through regular assessment, planning, implementing, monitoring and reassessment

  6. (Getting to Reality!) 6. Assists school in establishing its priority areas for improvement (Aha! Critical needs!) 7. UC approval of A-G requirements requires WASC accreditation 8. Cal Grants require WASC accreditation 9. California Department of Education requires WASC accreditation.

  7. (Reality could bite!) 10. Colleges & universities require units from accredited institutions 11. Military recruiters require accredited schools 12. Teachers receive credit for years taught at accredited schools

  8. We might as well learn to love the WASC; even the Orkin man couldn’t get rid of it!

  9. 2. Focus on Learning: Self-Study Process

  10. Structure of the Self-Study Process The Professional Learning Community (PLC) completes its work in three types of groups: 1. Leadership team 2. Home groups ( i.e., Departments) 3. Focus groups

  11. Work of the Self-Study Process Analyze student data & achievement in relation to : • Academic standards • Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs- ESHS Eagle Expectations) • Quality of the school program based on WASC/CDE (California Department of Education) criteria

  12. Rationale 1. How are the students achieving? • Expected school-wide learning results (ESLRs= Eagle Expectations) • Academic standards 2. Is the school doing everything possible to support high achievement for all its students?

  13. School Improvement Cycle • Perpetual cycle: • Assessment • Planning • Implementing • Monitoring • Reassessment • Annual summary of student progress • Annual review of action plan • In-depth study every 6 years (the WASC visit!)

  14. School’sVision: ESHS’s Eagle Expectations Eagles Soar with P Perseverance to solve problems RResponsibility, respect, and integrity I    Investment in lifelong learning, community service, and global contribution DDedication to physical and mental well-being E  Effective communication, collaboration, and critical thinking for the 21st Century

  15. ESHS Mission Statement El Segundo High School will provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become life-long learners, effective communicators, and socially productive citizens who will be prepared for life in the 21st century.

  16. School’s Academic Standards • California State standards in each curricular area • Schools • determine the benchmarks for student work that meets these standards • provide appropriate instruction • use multiple measures of assessment

  17. Five Criteria on how Focus Groups are organized: 1. Organization: Vision and Purpose, governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources 2. Standards-based Student Learning: Curriculum 3. Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction 4. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability 5. School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth

  18. Data Analysis In-depth gathering of data and information to enable a school to take a careful and penetrating look at: 1. the identified Critical Academic Needs 2. the related Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs = Eagle Expectations) 3. the academic standards 4. what is and isn’t working

  19. Data Analysis Strategies 1. Examination of student work (3 times per year) 2. Observation of students working (Walk-throughs) 3. Interviewing students about what they are learning (Surveys, etc.) 4. Review of group test data (Annually: Sept.-Oct., etc.) 5. Analysis of feedback from parents, graduates, and community (Surveys)

  20. Expected Outcomes of Self-Study 1. Involvement & collaboration of entire PLC to support student achievement 2. Clarification and measurement of what all students should know, understand, and be able to do through ESLRs and academic standards 3. Gathering and analyzing of data about students and student achievement

  21. Outcomes, continued 4. Assessment of the entire school program and its impact on student learning 5. Alignment of a long-range action plan to the school’s areas of need; an accountability system for monitoring the accomplishment of the plan

  22. 3. The Road to our Critical Needs

  23. 09/13/07 Leadership Discussion & analysis of 2007 STAR & API scores Hispanic-Latino sub-group did not meet state growth target

  24. 09/17/07 In-service Data Analysis #1 : Analysis completed 1. School-wide 2. Departments

  25. 09/20/07 Leadership Data #1: De-briefed Planned for upcoming 10/01/07 in-service: data analysis through departments

  26. 10/01/07 In-service: Departments Data analysis #2: To document current common assessments and plan future common assessments by department

  27. 10/18/07 Leadership Data analysis #2: De-brief Planned 11/05/07 in-service to include school-wide data summary and department reports

  28. 10/25/07 Leadership Designed protocols for 11/05/07 in-service Formed sub-committee to synthesize data analysis by departments

  29. 11/05/07 In-service: Focus Groups Data synthesis PowerPoint Reviewed action plan and critical academic needs

  30. 11/29/07 Leadership Reviewed Focus Groups’ recommendations Emphasis on closing achievement gap

  31. 12/13/07 Leadership Began process of writing WASC report and collecting additional data

  32. 1/17/08 Leadership Planned 1/28/08 in-service to review & revise ESLRs to incorporate 21st century learning skills Review and revision necessary to complete before identifying new critical academic needs

  33. 01/28/08 In-service: Focus Groups Reviewed & revised Eagle Expectations to incorporate 21st century learning skills Reduced current ESLRs to essentials

  34. 02/23/08 Leadership Reviewed student responses to Eagle Expectations contest Responses sent to sub-committee for review

  35. 03/06/08 Leadership Reviewed, refined, finalized Eagle Expectations

  36. 3/12/08 In-service Presented new Eagle Expectations to faculty AVID team reviewed A-G requirements, our data, and importance of rigor for all

  37. 3/19/08 Leadership Read & suggested revisions for Chapter I (Profile) Reviewed all data to be included or referenced in Chapter I

  38. 04/03/08 Leadership Planned 4/21 In-service to select critical academic needs based on data and Eagle Expectations Revised Mission Statement Read and revised Chapter III (Progress Report)

  39. 4/17/08 Leadership Read revised Chapter I Analyzed data for achievement gaps Selected potential critical academic needs and questions to present to Focus Groups

  40. 04/21/08 In-service: Focus Groups Received revised Chapter I Considered potential critical academic needs and questions Analyzed data Made suggestions for changes

  41. 05/01/08 Leadership Reviewed Focus Group feedback Revised critical academic needs

  42. Critical Academic Need #1 1. Increase the percentage of students completing A-G courses

  43. Critical Academic Need #2 2. Increase the percentages of identified student subgroups participating in advanced level classes

  44. Critical Academic Need #3 3. Continue to ensure that a consistent standards-based curriculum is implemented that addresses student skill needs in the areas of math reading comprehension

  45. We will review the data annually and make adjustments in our critical needs as appropriate…

  46. Eagles Soar with Pride!

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