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Explore the essence of libertarianism and social contract theory in the liberal tradition, as articulated by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Robert Nozick. Learn about property rights, morality, and individual freedom in this insightful discussion.
Social Contract Theory Thomas Hobbes 5 April 1588 – 4 December 1679
Egoism The only real motivation we ever have is self-interest – our own personal pleasure and well-being. Other things – even other people! - only matter to us insofar as they contribute to our pleasure and well-being
Property Rights John Locke (1632-1704) If I labor to achieve or build something, than I should be entitled to the fruit of my labor. This means that I should own it. It is my property.
Libertarianism We own ourselves and ought to be free to do whatever we want with ourselves, as long as we allow others the same Freedom.
Libertarians oppose the following types of laws 1) They oppose Paternalistic laws. These are laws that protect people from themselves. For example, motorcycle helmet laws. People should be free to take their own risks 2) They oppose Morals legislation laws. People's personal moral decisions are their concern. The law should not govern morality. 3) They oppose the Progressive income tax. This means that they either believe (a) there should be no income tax at all, or (b) there should be a minimal flat tax to pay for police, courts, military, and perhaps fire protection and the like.
Nozick claims two things: 1) that we own ourselves, and 2) that therefore we own our labor. It follows that whatever money we earn through our labor is our property. If someone taxes me on my property, they are forcing me to give away what I freely earned. This, Nozick, argues violates my ownership of myself. Because of this, it is wrong to take my income through taxes. Nozick's argument for Libertarianism