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This article discusses the definitions and concepts related to testing combinational logic circuits, including test generation algorithms, justification and propagation processes, as well as fault detection methods.
CPE/EE 428, CPE 528 Testing Combinational Logic (4) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alabama in Huntsville
Definitions • Test generation algorithms work in terms of: • Primary inputs— (PI) a controllable input to a circuit. E.g., a pin on an IC, or an output of an FF in a scan system • Primary outputs— (PO) an observable output of the circuit. E.g., a pin on an IC, or a D input to an FF in a scan system • Justify, justification— the process of selecting PIs to force a certain line to have a specific value • Propagate, propagation— the process of selecting appropriate PIs that allow a discrepancy “D” to be pushed to a PO • Test generation algorithms are all about • finding the appropriate PIs to control to activate a fault • finding the appropriate PIs to control to propagate the fault to one of the POs. VLSI Design II: VHDL
More Definitions • Forward implication • Def:Knowing one or more gate inputs, imply the output value. • Assume all gate inputs are the same value — either all c or all c’ • Then the output is output = value i • We can refine this if we know the controlling value • i.e. only one of the inputs needs to have c to know output • Backward implication • Def:Knowing the output and possibly some inputs, imply one or more of the inputs • Assume all gate inputs are the same — either all c or c’ • Then the inputs are: inputs = output i • We can refine this if we know the controlling value • If the input needed to produce the output is c, then only one input needs to have it. VLSI Design II: VHDL
x 1 0 l 0 1 1 l Justify Algorithm • Justify (l , v) — Recursive algorithm to justify line l to value v l = v if l is a primary input return — you’re done on this path set c and i to controlling/inversion values of gate driving l inval = v i if (inval == c) select one input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) else for every input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) VLSI Design II: VHDL
justify a to 1 a B PO An example of justification l = v if l is a primary input return — you’re done on this path set c and i to controlling/inversion values of gate driving l inval = v i if (inval == c) select one input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) else for every input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) VLSI Design II: VHDL
l k Justify enabling values onto other inputs Propagate further Test Generation: Propagate Algorithm • Prop (l , err) — Propagate value err from line l l = err if line l is a primary output return — you’re home k = fanout gate of line l c,i = controlling/inversion value of gate k for every input j of k other than l Justify (j, c’) Propagate (k, err i) VLSI Design II: VHDL
Testing Digital Circuits • What you know • Fault models — what can go wrong and how we model it • physical and logical • Basic idea of detection — activate fault and propagate to output • What you don’t know • how to figure out, systematically, whether the whole thing works • how to reduce the number of faults to consider when generating tests • Today • Review equivalence and fault collapsing • Begin test generation algorithms VLSI Design II: VHDL
Detection • Basic approach seen so far • Select a line and a fault — line l s-a-v • Activate the fault • Drive line l to v’ — selecting the inputs needed to set an internal line to a known value is known as line justification • Activation creates a discrepancy “D” • Propagate the fault • Propagate the discrepancy D along a sensitized path to any primary output discrepancy s-a-0 0 1/0 Notation: good value/bad value x 0/1 1 VLSI Design II: VHDL
Fault Dominance • Equivalence vs. Dominance • Dominance is a special case of fault equivalence • Fault equivalence, if Z f (x) = Z g (x) for all xthen the faults are functionally equivalent. • If this is true for a subset of x, then there is a dominance relation • Dominance • Let Tg be the set of all tests that detect a fault g. • A fault f dominates the fault g iff f and g are functionally equivalent under Tg. Z f (t) = Z g (t) for all t in Tg • Tg is a subset of Tf VLSI Design II: VHDL
Equivalence and Dominance Summary • What are the equivalence classes? s-a-0 s-a-1 Equivalence A0, B0, Z1 s-a-0 s-a-1 s-a-0 s-a-1 Dominance Z0 dominates A1, B1 11, 01, 10 VLSI Design II: VHDL
Tg 10 01 00 Tf Aside: Fault Location • Detection got us down to three tests • We’re left with three tests for this gate if we’re interested in fault detection. • If we’re interested in fault location, we need more • To isolate y s-a-1 • Need to apply both 10 and 01 • 10, alone, detects the equivalent faults y s-a-1 and z s-a-0 • 01, alone, detects the equivalent faults x s-a-1 and z s-a-0 • Together, they can isolate the three faults (assuming only one fault active). x sa1 z sa0 y sa1 VLSI Design II: VHDL
define fault model select target fault no more faults: done generate test for target fault simulate discard detected faults Overall process set of faults for circuit VLSI Design II: VHDL
Test Generation • Toward an algorithmic means to generate test vectors • What do we want in a test vector? • fault activation and propagation • if the discrepancy D wiggles (i.e. from good to bad), then so does the output • how do we determine if a function changes with respect to a variable • Use Automatic Test Generation algorithms (ATG) VLSI Design II: VHDL
Primary inputs and outputs • Test generation algorithms work in terms of: • Primary inputs— (PI) a controllable input to a circuit. E.g. A pin on an IC, or an output of an FF in a scan system • Primary outputs— (PO) an observable output of the circuit. E.g. A pin on an IC, or a D input to an FF in a scan system • They all operate in terms of: • finding the appropriate PIs to control to activate a fault • finding the appropriate PIs to control to propagate a discrepancy to one of the POs. VLSI Design II: VHDL
a B PO PIs Propagate, Justify • A few definitions • justify, justification— the process of selecting PIs to force a certain line to have a specific value • the verb … justify a 0 on the input a of gate B • the noun … justification is the process of justifying • propagate, propagation— the process of selecting appropriate PIs that allow a discrepancy “D” to be pushed to a PO • … propagate the D to any output • … propagation is the process • involves justification VLSI Design II: VHDL
Imply all you can… • Forward implication • Def:Knowing one or more gate inputs, imply the output value. • Assume all gate inputs are the same value — either all c or all c’ • Then the output is output = value i • We can refine this if we know the controlling value • i.e. only one of the inputs needs to have c to know output VLSI Design II: VHDL
Look behind yourself too… • Backward implication • Def:Knowing the output and possibly some inputs, imply one or more of the inputs • Assume all gate inputs are the same — either all c or c’ • Then the inputs are: inputs = output i • We can refine this if we know the controlling value • If the input needed to produce the output is c, then only one input needs to have it. VLSI Design II: VHDL
x 1 0 l 0 1 1 l Justify Algorithm • Justify (l , v) — Recursive algorithm to justify line l to value v l = v if l is a primary input return — you’re done on this path set c and i to controlling/inversion values of gate driving l inval = v i if (inval == c) select one input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) else for every input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) VLSI Design II: VHDL
justify a to 1 a B PO An example of justification l = v if l is a primary input return — you’re done on this path set c and i to controlling/inversion values of gate driving l inval = v i if (inval == c) select one input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) else for every input j of gate l Justify (j, inval) VLSI Design II: VHDL
l k Justify enabling values onto other inputs Propagate further Test Generation: Propagate Algorithm • Prop (l , err) — Propagate value err from line l l = err if line l is a primary output return — you’re home k = fanout gate of line l c,i = controlling/inversion value of gate k for every input j of k other than l Justify (j, c’) Propagate (k, err i) VLSI Design II: VHDL
x2 x3 x1 Z x5 x4 Will this always work? • Will justify and propagate always work? • Circuits without reconvergent fanout • “select one” and “justify” are each independent of any previous justification • you’re guaranteed that propagation and justify will not interfere VLSI Design II: VHDL
Will require more justification x2 s-a-0 x3 x1 Z x5 x4 Test Generation: Basic Algorithm • Algorithm to test line l s-a-v begin set all values to x (unknown) Justify line l to value v’ if (v == 0) Propagate D on line l else Propagate D’ on line l end VLSI Design II: VHDL
Automatic Test-Pattern Generation (ATPG) • Test U2.ZN for s-a-1 • 1) Activate (excite) fault =>U2.ZN = 0 • 2) Work backward => A = 0 • 3) Work forward (sensitize the path to PO) =>U3.A2 = 1, U5.A2 = 1 • 4) Work backward (justify outputs) =>ABC = 110 VLSI Design II: VHDL
Reconvergent Fanout Fault B s-a-1? Fault U4.A1 s-a-1? We create two sensitized paths that prevent fault from propagating to the PO. The problem can be solved by changing A to 0, but this breaks rules of the ATPG! The PODEM algorithm solves the problem. Signal B branches and then reconverges at logic gate U5. ATPG works. VLSI Design II: VHDL
d G2 G4 a s-a-1 D’ b G1 c G5 G3 e Test Generation — example • With reconvergent fanout • Fanout paths from a gate reconverge at some later gate • Inputs needed for propagation may be inconsistent with ones needed for justification Procedure: justify G1 to 0 —> a=b=c=1 propagate to G4 —> requires G2 = 1 but a=1 makes G2=0 Inconsistency— crash and burn Kaboom! VLSI Design II: VHDL
Procedure: justify G1 to 0 —> a=b=c=1 propagate to G4 —> requires G2 = 1 but a=1 makes G2=0 Inconsistency propagate to G5 —> justify G3 to 1 this works with e=0 d G2 G4 a s-a-1 D’ backtrack b G1 c G5 G3 e Test generation — example, cont’d • Need to backtrack — propagate on other path VLSI Design II: VHDL
State 1 State 1B State 1A win State 1A1 State 1A2 fail fail Backtracking • Backtracking requires that a decision tree be maintained • Each node describes a design’s state • values previously justified on lines • implications, forward and backward • Each arc describes a new decision • justify a line, activate a fault • Need to be able to go back… • to former state VLSI Design II: VHDL
backtrack Maintaining the decision tree Procedure: justify G1 to 0 —> a=b=c=1 propagate to G4 —> requires G2 = 1 but a=1 makes G2=0 Inconsistency propagate to G5 —> justify G3 to 1 this works with e=0 State 1 all x’s justify G1 to 0 State 1A a=b=c=1 Prop. to G5 Prop. to G4 G3 = 1 e = 0 win G2=1, a=1 inconsistency fail State 1A1 State 1A2 Backtrack, G2=1 no longer part of design state. Revert to previous state. VLSI Design II: VHDL
Observations on approach • Enumeration used • justify algorithm was recursive • When gate has controlling value on input, one path selected • may need to backtrack and follow another • eventually, may need to follow all • Propagate algorithm was recursive • When there is a fanout at a propagation point, one path selected toward output • may need to backtrack and follow another • eventually, may need to follow all • The backtracking, again, is due to reconvergent fanouts and previous values justified on them • No solution? — redundant wrt the fault • As it turns out… • The natural state maintenance in recursive programs can keep track of the decision tree VLSI Design II: VHDL
x D’ x x D-frontier More terminology • When propagating a discrepancy • Often, due to fanout, there are several options • Propagate needs to pick one for the sensitized path • D - frontier • The D-frontier is the set of all gates with D or D’ on one or more inputs and an x on its output (no other inputs are controlling) • This is the set from which you select a propagation (sensitization) path VLSI Design II: VHDL
x d 0 0 G2 G4 a 1 s-a-1 D’ b 1 G1 c 1 0 x G5 G3 G3 x e D-Frontier • Back to our example • After the activation of the fault, and forward implication, the D- frontier is … ? • If D-frontier = Ø, then no path to primary output • failure, backtrack • previous justifications have made this path impossible VLSI Design II: VHDL
x 1 x J-frontier 1 J-Frontier • In line justification… • The J-frontier is the set of all gates whose output values are known, but the outputs are not implied (yet) by the inputs • Some inputs may be known, but the current output value is not implied • Similar to D-frontier, but looking backward VLSI Design II: VHDL
x d 0 0 G2 G4 a 1 s-a-1 D’ b 1 G1 c 1 0 x G5 G3 G3 x e J-Frontier • Back to the Example • The fault is activated and forward implication is done • A gate is selected from the D-frontier for propagation • In this case, G5 is the only choice • The J-frontier is then … ? VLSI Design II: VHDL
Implication Revisited • Implication Process • Compute all values uniquely determined by implication • 1, 0, D, D’, x — looking forward and backward • more aggressive than previous implication • maintain the D and J frontier VLSI Design II: VHDL
Backward Implication new implication front implication front After Before <— 1 x <—1 1 x <— 1 x <— 0 <—0 0 1 1 x x 0 <—0 J-frontier = {…} J-frontier = {… , a} a x a x <—1 1 <— 1 x 1 <— 1 1 —> x VLSI Design II: VHDL
Forward Implication After Before 0 0—> 0—> x x x 1 1—> 1—> x 1 1 0 a 0—> 0 0 a J-front={…} J-front={…, a} x x 1—> 0 a 1 J-front={…} 0 a J-front={…, a} <—0 x D D D—> a x a D-front={…, a} D-front={…} 1—> 1 D x a D 0—> D-front={…} D-front={…, a} 0—> 0 VLSI Design II: VHDL
Where are we now? • Pieces of test generation algorithms seen • justify, propagate • problems with reconvergent fanout • need to backtrack — makes for a messier algorithm • need to keep track of state, and what combinations have been tried before. • heuristics to guess at best “next path” to follow • To come • D algorithm • and eventually Podem VLSI Design II: VHDL
Implication Process Revisited • Unique D-drive • If there is only one gate on the D frontier, then implication propagates D through the gate. • It’s the only direction D could propagate after before D D x D’ —> a x <— 1 D-frontier = {a} D-frontier = { } VLSI Design II: VHDL
All Pieces in Place • Pieces • Controlling and inverting values • Fault activation • Justification • Propagation • Forward/backward implication • D and J frontiers • Decision tree maintenance • Discussion of the D algorithm • note that this is a version of the D algorithm • a number of situations have been left open, e.g. • “select an input …”, “select a gate …” • which one? VLSI Design II: VHDL
D-Algorithm • Initialization • set all line values to X • activate the target fault by assigning logic value to that line • 1. Propagate D to PO • 2. Justify all values • Imply_and_check() does only necessary implications,no choices • if D-alg() == SUCCESS then return SUCCESS • else undo assignments and its implications VLSI Design II: VHDL
Test Generation: The D Algorithm Decorate design with all known values. Check for inconsistencies. if (imply_and_check() == FAIL) return FAIL if (error not at primary output) { if (D-frontier == Ø) return FAIL repeat { select an untried gate (G) from D-frontier c = controlling value of G assign c’ to every input of G with value x if (D-Alg() == SUCCESS) return SUCCESS } until all gates from D-frontier tried return FAIL} if (J-frontier == Ø) return SUCCESS select a gate G from the J-frontier c = controlling value of G repeat { select an input (j) of G with value x, assign c to j if (D-Alg() == SUCCESS) return SUCCESS assign c’ to j /* reverse decision*/ } until all inputs of G are specified return FAIL Push D to a primary output Once at primary output, justify all values needed to have D on the primary output VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e e’ k g a b c l f f’ m A circuit and fault to test VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e’ e k g a b l f f’ m Tracing through an example 1 all x’s a = 0, b = c = 1 D 0 1 1 Decisions Implications Comments a = 0 Activate the fault h = 1 b = 1 Unique D-drive through g c = 1 (the unique path for D) g = D D-frontier becomes {i,k,m} VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e’ e k g a b l f f’ m Tracing through an example 1 all x’s 1 0 D’ a = 0, b = c = 1 D 0 1 1 d = 1 Decisions Implications Comments d=1 Propagate through i i = D’ d’ = 0 D-frontier becomes {k, m, n} VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e’ e k g a b l f f’ m Tracing through an example all x’s 1 1 0 D’ a = 0, b = c = 1 1 D 0 1 D 1 0 1 d = 1 1 1 1 j=k=l=m=1 Bang Decisions Implications Comments j=k=1 Propagate through n l=m=1 n=D e’=0, e=1 k=D’ But k = 1 Contradiction! D-frontier remains {k, m, n} VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e’ e k g a b l f f’ m Tracing through an example all x’s 1 1 0 D’ a = 0, b = c = 1 1 0 1 D D’ 0 1 d = 1 1 e = 1 j=k=l=m=1 Bang Decisions Implications Comments e = 1 Propagate through k k=D’ e’=0 j=1 D-frontier becomes {m, n} VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e’ e k g a b l f f’ m Tracing through an example all x’s 1 1 0 D’ a = 0, b = c = 1 1 0 1 D D’ 0 d = 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 e = 1 j=k=l=m=1 Bang Decisions Implications Comments l=m=1 propagate through n n = D f’= 0 f = 1 m = D’ But m = 1, contradiction! D-frontier remains {m, n} l=m=1 Bang VLSI Design II: VHDL
h d’ d i s-a-1 j n e’ e k g a b l f f’ m Tracing through an example all x’s 1 1 0 D’ a = 0, b = c = 1 1 D 0 1 D D’ 0 d = 1 1 1 1 0 1 D’ e = 1 j=k=l=m=1 Bang Decisions Implications Comments f = 1 Propagate through m m = D’ f’ = 0 l = 1 n = D J-frontier is Null l=m=1 Bang f = 1, n = D party! VLSI Design II: VHDL
What about the J-frontier? • In this example, all inputs were easily justified through implication • essentially, d, e, and f were primary inputs • if these were driven by other gates, the earlier inputs might not have been implied. e.g. a a x x <— 0 0 x x J-frontier = {…} J-frontier = {…, a} VLSI Design II: VHDL
What about the J-frontier? • The D-algorithm: • picks a gate from the J-frontier • and then tries to set each input to a controlling value • If that value fails due to imply_and_check, it is inverted and a new input is tried • how does it handle the case where none of the inputs should be controlling? if (J-frontier == Ø) return SUCCESS select a gate G from the J-frontier c = controlling value of G repeat { select an input (j) of G with value x, assign c to j if (D-Alg() == SUCCESS) return SUCCESS assign c’ to j /* reverse decision*/ } until all inputs of G are specified return FAIL exit here if output of gate G is justified, possibly before setting all inputs VLSI Design II: VHDL