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Activities of the German Node 2011/12

Activities of the German Node 2011/12. Cornelia Daheim Managing Partner, Z_punkt The Foresight Company Node Chair, German Node. MP Planning Committee Meeting Toronto, July 2012. German Node Background. Founded officially in 2003; cooperation with the Millennium Project since 2001

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Activities of the German Node 2011/12

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  1. Activities of the German Node 2011/12 Cornelia Daheim Managing Partner, Z_punkt The Foresight Company Node Chair, German Node MP Planning Committee Meeting Toronto, July 2012

  2. German NodeBackground • Founded officially in 2003; cooperation with the Millennium Project since 2001 • Combines 10 institutions from business to academia, with Z_punkt as chair institution • New: Institute for Futures Studies and Knowledge Management (Heiko van der Gracht) became Node member in 2012 • Currently 14 active members • Annual meetings, Node projects on a two-year basis

  3. German NodeMembers

  4. German NodeActivities 2011/12 And Plans • Support to general MP activities: • Updated Global Challenges, MP RTD committee • Supported MP Delphi Studies (SOFI 2012, Gender, Cooperatives and Agriculture Study) • (European Co-op) with Other Nodes: Participated in European Nodes meeting; part of Finnish 20plus20 event; plans for Corporate Foresight workshop with Ibon; proposal for project with Israel • Completed EU-funded project cooperations • iKnow: Project on Weak Signals and Wildcards (with Israel, Finland, UK Nodes) http://community.iknowfutures.eu/ • InFu: Project in new patterns of Innovation (with partners from the German Node): http://www.innovation-futures.org/ • Started new German Node project: Critical Future Issues – to become an article in 2013 • Node Profiles Document: Update 2012 • Used information from the 2010 Node Survey and Document • 2012: Update of Profiles • New updated document • New Feature: Identified 12 clusters of common interest

  5. News from Z_punkt • Growth and new team members • Internationalization of team • Thanks to NZ Node for team addition of Jessica! • CSR implemented and extended • Being CO2-free now • Long-term internal vision / planning implemented • Participatory approach • Some Project Examples: • CEO-level, large int. corporation long-term cross-sectoral planning • Including CEO-level customer dialogue • Deutsche Post DHL - Future of Logistics Study • http://www.delivering-tomorrow.com/ • Economic Risks and Opportunities Study with Bertelsmann Foundation • Study on Chinese Tourists in Europe 2017 with TUI • http://www.tui-group.com/en/innovation/think_tank/trends_travel_market/emerging_markets • Association of the German Industry (BDI): Study on the Future of the Value Chain • http://www.bdi.eu/download_content/ForschungTechnikUndInnovation/Germany_2030.pdf

  6. THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT NODE PROFILES + INTERESTS 2012 UPDATE Compiled by Z_punkt The Foresight Company (German Node) Status: July 2012 Contact: Cornelius Patscha (patscha@z-punkt.de) Jessica Prendergast (prendergast@z-punkt.de)

  7. Example Slide - NODE PROFILESSOUTH AFRICA • Horizon Scanning & Trend Monitoring Project (Rockefeller Searchlight) • ForesightForDevelopment.org • African Futures Roundtable Series • National & sub-regional State of the Future Index • Global Millennium Prize South Africa NODE CHAIR INSTITUTION: Institute of Economic Research on Innovation, Tshwane University Node Foundation: 2004, Pretoria Website: www.sampnode.co.za Key Projects Contact Information Geci Karuri Node Chair geci@sampnode.co.za Bob Day Node Director bob@sampnode,org.za Rasigan Maharaih Director rasigan@sampnode,org.za Tanja Hichert Director tanja@sampnode,org.za

  8. THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT COMMON INTERESTS OF NODES BASED ON NODES PROFILES 2012 UPDATE Compiled by Z_punkt The Foresight Company (German Node) Status: July 2012 Contact: Cornelius Patscha (patscha@z-punkt.de) Jessica Prendergast (prendergast@z-punkt.de)


  10. Example Slide - Common Interests of Nodes: Water • Argentina: Water Scenarios • Further Information:www.celgyp.org • Egypt: Water Futures, Trends, Forecasts and Scenarios • Further Information: www.eafra.orgp.org • Russian Federation: UNESCO World Water Scenarios Project • Further Information: www.raen.ru • India: UNESCO World Water Scenarios Project • China: UNESCO World Water Scenarios Project • Further Information: www.bic.cass.cn/english/www.celgyp.org Russia China India Egypt Argentina

  11. Thankyou!

  12. NODE PROFILESCONTENTS • Background p. 3 • Node Profiles, as updated in spring 2012 p. 4 • Exemplary detailed version of a Node Profile p. 52 • Map of Common Interests Between Nodes p. 55

  13. NODE PROFILESBACKGROUND Motivation • Providing a map with basic info of all MP Nodes, containing information on the Nodes‘ activities, members and contact information • Aim: • Showing the extent of expertise in this group to the outside, but also within the Nodes • Fostering communication and cooperation among MP Nodes • Supporting funding activities: The document can be used by headquarters for e.g. acquiring new funding and also by Nodes to communicate the extent of the network they are a part of Source of Information • The 2009/2010 Nodes Survey conducted by the German Node • The 2012 update using internet sources and individual email communication • Disclaimer: Some information still missing, some of the compiled information may be out-dated (as it is sometimes difficult to get feedback) • Challenge: Keeping the information continually up to date • Option: Integrate this in CIS

  14. MAPPING COMMON INTERESTSBACKGROUND Motivation • In mapping the mutual thematic interests of MP Nodes, we hope to spark off (and highlight possibilities for) cooperation between Nodes Sources of Information • In the 2009/2010 Nodes Survey conducted by the German Node, many Nodes provided information about the projects they were working on or planning on working on • The 2012 update using internet sources and individual email communication provided further information • The individual projects were then allocated to more aggregated thematic clusters in order to identify thematic overlaps and common interests • Disclaimer: Some information still missing, some of the compiled information may be out-dated (as it is sometimes difficult to get feedback) • Challenge: Keeping the information continually up to date (and using it…) • Option: Integrate this in CIS

  15. Common Interests of Nodes: Future Energy • Venezuela: Phase I GENIS – Design for coll. intell. for global energy options • Further Information: www.futurovenezuela.net • Egypt: Sustainable Energy for Egypt within 10 years • Further Information: www.eafra.org • Germany: Energy Projects for Companies • Further information: www.z-punkt.de • Kenya: Energy Scenarios • Further Information: www.sidint.net • Finland: Energy Issues • Further Information: www.tvanet.fi & www.utu.fi/ffrc • Russian Federation: Energy Security and Sustainability for Europe • Further Information: www.raen.ru/ .org • Iran: Future of Energy • Further Information: www.me.aut.ac.ir • Japan: The Future of Energy • Further Information: www.iftech.or.jp/miraisite/elgyp.org Japan Germany Finland Russia Iran Venezuela Egypt Kenya

  16. Common Interests of Nodes: Future Economic System • Argentina: Elements of a Future Economic System • Further Information: www.celgyp.org • Spain: Future of Business Organizations and Cooperatives • Further Information:www.proyectomilenio.org • Greece: Economic and Policy Research (Transition Economies – Privatization) • Further Information: www.city.academic.gr/greeknode/ yp.org • Germany: Project on Global Economic Risks and Opportunities • Further information: www.z-punkt.de • Australia: Changing societal measures of progress • Further Information: www.ifs.uts.edu.au/ Germany Spain Greece Australia Argentina

  17. Common Interests of Nodes: Environmental Issues • Coordination Node: Environmental Security • Further Information: www.millennium-project.org • Venezuela: International Emerging Environmental Security Issues • Further Information: www.futurovenezuela.net/ • Argentina: International Emerging Environmental Security Issues • Further Information: www.celgyp.org • Finland: Environmental Issues • Further Information: www.tvanet.fi & www.utu.fi/ffrc erg • India: International Emerging Environmental Security Issues Coordination Node India Finland Venezuela Argentina

  18. Common Interests of Nodes: Foresight Methodology • Coordination Node: Futures Research Methodology • Further Information: www.millennium-project.org • Argentina: Futures Res. Methodology Version 3.0 • Further Information: www.celgyp.org • Finland: Futures Methodology • See www.tvanet.fi & www.utu.fi/ffrcyp.org • Azerbaijan: Concepts and Methods of Futures Research and online training • Further Information: www.futurestudies.az • Brussels Area: Future Studies: Methodological Development • Further Information: www.institut-destree.eu/ee.eu/ • United Kingdom: Futures Methodologies • Further Information: www.futures.research.glam.ac.uk/ • Germany: Foresight Seminars etc. • Further info: www.z-punkt.de • India: Futures Research Methodologies Coordination Node Finland Germany Azerbaijan Brussels Area Spain United Kingdom India Mexico Argentina

  19. Common Interests of Nodes: Climate Change • Bolivia: Climate Change • Further Information: www.unifranz.edu.bo/ • South East Europe: Studies on Climate Change • Further Information: www.bled-forum.org/ • Japan: Climate Change • Further Information: www.iftech.or.jp/miraisite/ elgyp.org • Korea: Climate Change 2030: Global Climate Change Information Room • Further Information: www.korea2050.net/ Japan Korea South East Europe Bolivia

  20. Common Interests of Nodes: Education • Peru: Comparative study: Peruvian Primary Education; Employability of Peruvian Graduates, CADE Education Conferences • Further Information: www.ipae.edu.pe/ • Bolivia: Educational Issues • Further Information: www.unifranz.edu.bo/ • Greece: Educational & Health & Population Research • Further Information: www.city.academic.gr/greeknode/ • United Arab Emirates: The Future of Education • Further Information: www.khda.gov.ae/ar/default.aspx • Malaysia: Futures of Education Scenarios • Further Information: www.usm.my/ • Korea: Education 2030 • Further Information: www.korea2050.net/ Korea Malaysia Greece U.A.E Peru Bolivia

  21. Common Interests of Nodes: Women/Gender • Baku: Education • Type of work? Public-private partnership project: 2 semester on-line video course on future • Further Information: www.futurestudies.az, Ms. Gunel Jahangirova • Penang: Education for Sustainable Global Futures • Type of Work: Institutional • Brussels Area: Mutual Learning Platform • Type of work: European Commission 3 DG's + CoR + partnership including The Destrée Institute • Further Information: http://www.innovating-regions.org/network/presentation/projects.cfm?project_id=9 • Bogotá: Education m.my • Canada: Gender, Freedom and Democracy • Further Information: www.foresightcanada.ca & www.ideaconnector.net • Mexico: The Futures of Women’s Leadership against Transnational Organized Crime • Further Information: www.premiodelmilenio.org/ • Brazil: Women and the 15 Challenges • Further Information: www.nef.org.br • Brussels Area: Millennia 2015: Women Actors of Development • Further Information: www.institut-destree.eu/ • Germany: Support to Millennia 2015, Projects Speeches & Articles on Gender, further info: www.-punkt.de • Azerbaijan: Combating Gender Based Foresight Project • Further Information: www.futurestudies.az Canada Germany Mexico Brussels Area Azerbaijan Brazil

  22. Common Interests of Nodes: Information Technology • Cyber Node: Millennium Project Representation in Second life • Further Information: www.mpcollab.org/MPbeta1/ • Brazil: Reducing the Digital Divide • Further Information: Brazil.com • Japan: Ambient Intelligence • Further Information: www.iftech.or.jp/miraisite/ Japan Cyber Node Brazil

  23. Common Interests of Nodes: Sustainable Development • Canada: Civilizations Sustainability and Transformation • Further Information: www.foresightcanada.ca & www.ideaconnector.net • Brazil: Sustainable Development, Water, Population and Resources • Further Information: www.nef.org.br • Central Europe: Sustainable Development: Marshall Plan for Haiti; Indicators of Quality and Sustainability of Life • Further Information: www.4cf.eu/millenium.htmlyp.org • Israel: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development • Further Information: www.ictaf.tau.ac.il/ru • China: Six Dimensions for Implementing Sustainability Concepts and Methods of Future Resarch for Governance • Further Information: www.bic.cass.cn/english/ Canada China Central Europe Israel Brazil

  24. Common Interests of Nodes: Security • Canada: All Domain Security foresight • Further Information: www.foresightcanada.ca & www.ideaconnector.net • Israel: Peace, Security & Resilience • Further Information: www.ictaf.tau.ac.il/gyp.org • Azerbaijan: Workshops on Security Foresight • Further Information: www.futurestdies.az • United Kingdom: Security and Futures: From Wild Cards to Risks • Further Information: www.futures.research.glam.ac.uk/k/ • Romania: Geopolitics and Security Studies; International Security Agendas • Further Information:k/ Canada UK Azerbaijan Romania Israel

  25. Common Interests of Nodes: Technological Changes • Israel: Scanning the Techno-scientific Horizon • Further Information: www.ictaf.tau.ac.il/elgyp.org • Russian Federation: Nanotechnology Foresight and Monitoring • Further Information: www.raen.ru/ • Iran: Future Issues of Science and Technology Management and Future of Medical Engineering • Further Information: www.me.aut.ac.ir www.celgyp.org • China: Global Technology Change – from Soft technology to Hard technology • Further Information: www.bic.cass.cn/english/ China Russia Iran Israel

  26. NODE PROFILES EXEMPLARY DETAILED VERSION Compiled by Z_punkt The Foresight Company (German Node)

  27. NODE PROFILESGERMANY • Millennium Project RTD Committee • Critical Future Topics and Node Mapping • German SOFI (contingent on funding) Cooperation with other Nodes • EuMPI • Research Projects: • Spider – Increasing Regional Competitiveness through Futures Research Methods (with Belgium and Finland) • INFU (with partners from the German Node) • iKnow (with Finland, Israel and UK Nodes) NODE CHAIR INSTITUTION: Z_punkt GmbH The Foresight Company Node Foundation: 2003, Köln Website: http://www.stateofthefuture.de/ Key Projects Contact Information Cornelia Daheim Node Chair, Managing Partner, Z_punkt GmbH daheim@z-punkt.de Cornelius Patscha Node Co-Chair patscha@z-punkt.de Jessica Prendergast prendergast@z-punkt.de Other members of the Node are listed on the following slide


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