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Modality and Translation

Modality and Translation. 1.can 的情态意义 1 )能力或意愿:能,能够;可,可以;不能, 无法 2 )许可(比 may 正式):可,可以;不妨、未 尝不可以 3 )可能:可以,可能,能够. 1. Can/Could

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Modality and Translation

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  1. Modality and Translation

  2. 1.can的情态意义 1)能力或意愿:能,能够;可,可以;不能, 无法 2)许可(比may 正式):可,可以;不妨、未 尝不可以 3)可能:可以,可能,能够

  3. 1. Can/Could 1)If I’m on a train at night, I can usually even read one of those dumb stories in a magazine without puking. 要是夜里坐火车,我还往往可以在杂志里挑一篇粗俗不堪的小说读读而并不感到倒胃。 2)Something hurried me through memory, too, but I can’t pause to remember, for a guilt past memory or dreaming, much darker, impels me on. 我又被驱使着去追忆往昔;然而我无法从容地理清我的记忆,因为一种比回忆或梦幻更阴暗的自罪感在驱赶我向前走去。 3) From the accounts of official sources, this picture of the President can be put together in all fairness. 人们可以根据官方的报道不抱任何偏见地勾绘出总统的这幅形象。

  4. 4)That’s Barbara, tall, lithe and slinky. But she can be as adventurous as a tomboy. 那就是巴巴拉,高挑柔弱,婀娜多姿;可是她也会像男孩子那样天不怕、地不怕。 5)The mid-summer temperature in the city proper can be as high as forty degree centigrade. 市区仲夏时节的气温有时(可)高达摄氏40度。

  5. 6). Some psychological experiments are conducted on less regular basis and efforts can be thankless. 有些心理实验做得并不很有规律,因此,你往往会白费力气。 7) An ultimatum? You can’t mean that! 你这不是下最后通牒把? 8) Everybody pays attention to everybody else—but no one is ignored or ostracized—you can’t starve, you can’t be sick alone, you can’t lie injured unattended, you can’t be have hidden or undiscussed problems for long if they affect your work or your relations with people. 人们互相关心,互相照顾。你饿不着肚子。病了不会没有人陪伴;受了伤不会没有人给你医治。如果有什么问题影响了你的工作或者影响了你与其他人的关系,那么,你也不可能长期隐瞒住这些问题而不引起大家讨论。

  6. 9) People can’t die, along the coast… except when the tide’s pretty nigh out. They can’t be born, unless it’s pretty nigh in—not properly born, till flood. He’s going out with the tide. 生活在大海之滨的人永远都不会死……海水退尽,才是他们死的时刻;他们也都不会生,海水涌进,才是他们生的时辰——是的。只有在海水涌进时,他们才真正诞生到人间。海潮消逝,他就随着消失。 10) Lincoln Center cannot have so reluctant, inactive, arrogant, aloof and inevitably destructive a board. 林肯中心不应(该)有这么一个办事如此不热心,不积极,如此傲慢无礼、高高在上,以致变得败事有余的委员会。

  7. 11)What can we know, or what can we discern when error chokes the windows of the mind? 当谬误蒙蔽了心灵之窗的时候,我们又怎能通晓事理、明辨是非? 12) Sometimes the heart of man is the place the Devil dwells in: Where can a hell be if not within the criminal himself? 有时,人的内心就是魔鬼的栖居之地。地狱不正藏在罪犯的内心深处吗?

  8. 2. Could的情态意义 1)过去的能力或意愿:能,能够;可,可以;不能,无法 2)允许:只要,可,可以 3)可能:可以,可能,能够 4)表示不相信、惊奇、怀疑及意外:竟能、真会、真的可以、果真能;难道、竟然、居然,却不料 5)表示虚拟:能,能够,可以,不妨 6)对过去事情的否定推论:不可能、(绝)不会,总不至于 7)表示委婉、敬意:……行吗?可、可以、能

  9. 13)I could never imagine those eye drops wouldn’t wear off-after washing. 我真没想到(不能想象)那种眼药水在冲洗过后还这么有后劲。 14)Insurance could replace the stolen money, but it couldn’t stem the people’s unrest. 保险金可以赔偿被偷盗的金钱,却平息不了人心的惶恐。

  10. 15) Could you have thought that a girl, so fond of reading, could not sense in such lines the rapture and anguish of a boy in love? 你真的认为她这么一个喜欢读书的姑娘不能在字里行间感觉出一个男孩子在恋爱中的喜悦和痛苦? I don’t think I could teach you. Nobody could, as Meredith put in his line,” She whom I love is hard to catch and conquer.” 不单是我,我想任何人也无法教你如何去爱一个女人。正像麦瑞迪斯在他的诗中说到:“我所钟爱的女人是难以寻觅的,是难以征服的”。 16)He (Mike Mansfield) has abandoned the practices of counting heads before votes—a pressure tactic at which Lyndon Johnson and aide Bobby Baker used to excel. Should he twist more arms? “In the first place. I could not do it,” Mansfield answered in an interview. 曼斯菲尔德不再搞投票前点人头那一套了,而林登•约翰逊总统和他的助理勃比•培克以前却极长于这套施加压力的策略。有人问曼斯菲尔德:他要不要扭住更多人的胳膊,让他们投票?曼斯菲尔德在一次接见记者时说:“首先,我办不到”。

  11. 3. Dare的情态意义 用于否定句:不敢,没勇气,没胆量 用于问句:敢……吗?有没有勇气……? 用于条件句:敢,敢于,竟敢,胆敢;硬要、有 胆量 用于感叹句,表示不满:竟敢,怎敢 I dare say:我想,我认为;即是说你……是对的

  12. 17) If, regardless of the consequences, you dare take the bitch in marriage, I will not give you the time of day. 如果你不顾一切后果,硬要娶这个坏女人,那我就不认你。(或:胆敢、竟敢) 18) She was the idol with the looks of an angel yet in fact she was the scandal with powers of a devil—What on earth dared she not do? 她是众人崇拜的偶像,具有天使般的容颜,而骨子里却是一个无恶不作的魔鬼:试问天下有何事她不敢为? 19) You said you knew what’s ahead. I daresay you did but I must remind you: you are heading for a pitfall not meant for you. 你说你知道前面的险阻。就算你知道吧!但我得提醒你,那并不是一个为你而设的陷阱啊!

  13. 4. May/Might的情态意义 1)表示允许,允诺或许可:可以,能;…可以吗,…行吗? 2)表示可能:可能、可以;或许、也许会 May表示祝愿:愿,祝,祝愿 Might表示虚拟,推测和不确定性:或许(已经) 不一定就,未免有点不 表示非正式命令(第二、三人称):可以、可以……(吧);就……(吧)

  14. 20)Her trip to Latin America may offend some 19th century chauvinists but the First Lady’s striking a blow for the full partnership of women. 这位第一夫人的拉美之行也许会触犯某些十九世纪的大男子主义者,但她的出访却是为妇女的充分参政打出了有力的一拳。 21)Before I left the Oval Office the President, after an explicit hesitation, said in a very gentle voice that Stephen might resign some time in October to ease off the strained relations. 当我离开椭圆形办公室时,总统说斯蒂芬可以在10月间辞职以缓和着这种紧张关系。他说话时声音很轻,内心忐忑,这一点可以看得出来。

  15. 22) Great music is a psychical storm, agitating to fathomless depths the mystery of the past within us. Or we might say that it is a prodigious incantation. Well may the influence of music seem inexplicable to the man who idly dreams that his life began less than a hundred years ago! 伟大的音乐是一股可以使人心荡神回的风暴,他在我们内心深处唤起一种往昔之谜;或许,我们可以说,音乐剧有的是一种无边的魅力。那种只知道自己呱呱坠地不及100年的浑浑噩噩之辈很可能无法理解音乐是如何给人以至深的影响

  16. 5. Must: 1)必要性或义务:必须,务必;应当,应该 2)或然性或推论:很可能,准是,准定是;想必是;大概是 3)不可避免性或确定:一定,必定,必将 4)坚决主张:坚持要,(一定)要 5)不耐烦,烦恼或偏执:偏偏,偏要,竟要;硬要

  17. 23) His father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son. 他父亲看着他跨过了漫漫岁月和悠悠哀愁的鸿沟——那一条必然会割断父子之情的鸿沟。 24) That must appear to him too impossible a piece of luck. He must winder at it,at the way they had taken him up. 对他来说,这实在是一种可望而不可即的好运。他一定大惑不解为什么他们这样抬举他。

  18. 25) I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. 我要再次走向大海,走向那孤寂的碧海蓝天。我需要的只是一艘高大的帆船,和一颗指引它航行的星星。 26) To describe the disastrous collapse of the stock market, a journalist—it must be Sime Silverman—wrote a witty headline: Wall Sreet Lays An Egg. 有位记者(想必是塞姆•西弗曼)写了一条很讥诮的标题,描述那次股票市场的惨跌:“华尔街以惨败告终”(Sime Silverman是美国发行很广的娱乐杂志Variety的著名记者。句中说标题讥诮,是指西弗曼用了一个百老汇娱乐界的双关行业语“lay an egg”。即“演出失败”以喻1929年华尔街股票市场的倒台。)

  19. 27) Dr. Thompson must get the emergent message when he was turning in after a hard day, hoping no one would call him before morning. 汤普森医生忙了一整天,正要上床休息,希望天明以前不会再有人打电话来,偏偏在这时接到一个紧急电话。

  20. 6. Needn’t: 1)没有义务,没有必要性:不必,没有必要,无须,用不着,不一定就是 2)未来的习惯行为:无须,就不必,不必 3)过去不必要:本可不必,可以不必,不一定要,无须 need的疑问式: 需要;抱怨、不以为然有……的必要吗?非得…吗?一定得…吗?……有此必要吗?

  21. 28) Now that I’m dying… After a few hours, after a few moments… I need never go to my broker… I need never for my wife till midnight… I need never see so many blood, so much pain and so much strife. 我快要死了……也许是几小时……也许是几分钟,我就会死去。我再也不必去找我的经纪人……再也不必待到半夜等待妻子的归来……再也不必看到人世间这么多流血、这么多痛苦和这么多争斗。 29) In lower Manhattan you need go nowhere to look for signs of this building boom: plans are now before the city officials for at least two “cities within the city”. 在曼哈顿南部,你根本不必费劲就能看到这股建筑热的迹象:眼下市政官员面前就摆着许多计划,至少要建两个“城中之城”。

  22. 30) They needn’t have flocked here in Paris for what they think the French art of living. Paris is for artists not for Detroit tycoons. 其实他们大可不必这么一窝蜂涌到巴黎来领略他们所谓的法国生活的艺术。巴黎是艺术家的都市,不是底特律大亨们的都市。

  23. 7. Ought: 1)义务或职责:应该,应当,必须 2)忠告或告诫:可以,应该、应当 3)推测:理应、本应、本该、原应、理当

  24. 31) Anxiously she watched the butterfly. It fluttered a little, and began to move towards the window, dangerously close to the passenger’s feet. Dora held her breath. She ought to do something. 她提心吊胆地注视着那只蝴蝶,它拍动了一下翅膀,飞进窗口,又飞到乘客们的脚边,多危险啊!朵拉摒住了呼吸,她真该想办法去救救它。

  25. 32) To vegetate in a state of cowardly dependence, once the meaning of life, the right to life has been lost, ought to be regarded with the greatest contempt by society. 人如果失去生活的意义、失去生活的权利,从而过着怯懦的寄生生活,那么,他就应当受到社会最大的蔑视。 33) I ought to have learned a bit earlier the truth that to plant seed and watch the renewal of life is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do. 播种,注视着生命的复苏,乃是人类最常见的喜悦,又是一个人能做到的最使他心满意足的事情。我理应早一点懂得这一真理。

  26. 8. Shall/should: 1)意愿或允诺:可以,会,就……吧;会让… 2)意向或准许:会,可以 3)命令或坚持:应,应该,得,须,非……可 4)义务:应该,必须 5)不确定:倘若,若,果真;真要是 6)询问:可以……吗?可否……?可以吗?是否可以……?

  27. 34) At some railroad crossings flashing lights accompany a railroad cross buck. When these lights begin to flash, a train is approaching, traffic on the crossing highway shall stop immediately. No pedestrian and vehicle shall proceed until the crossbar is raised. 在铁路与公路交叉处设有指示灯及横杆。火车驶近时,指示灯发出红光,交叉公路上的交通应立即停止。在横杆立起前,任何行人与车辆均不得通行。 35)Haven’t got a Visa card yet? Call your nearest Visa Office for an application form and we shall send it to you in no time. 你还没有Visa信用卡吗?请给离你最近的Visa公司办公处拨个电话,我们会马上给你寄去申请表。 36) He who thinks that simple manhood is to have a chance to play his stake against Fortune shall be punished in the long run. 如果有人认为芸芸众生也可以与命运之神一较高低,那么,有朝一日,他非受到惩罚不可。

  28. 37) What if she should hate Lucy who had taken him from her? 如果她竟然恨起露西来又怎么办呢?是露西将他夺走的啊。 38) Thinking of himself as a Napoleon, he didn’t feel that he should go into the Army as a private. 他认为自己是拿破仑式的人物,根本不应该(不屑于)去军队当一名小卒。 。

  29. 39) If the spirit of liberty should vanish in other parts of our Union … it could be replenished from the generous store held by the people of this brave little state of Vermont. 即令自由的精神在我国的其他地方消逝了……它也会在佛蒙特这个英勇不屈的小小的州里重新激发起来,因为佛蒙特人是心中洋溢着自由精神的人民。 40)I am amazed that you should ever have picked up such a lousy book—a jeremiad in my view which only heaps detail upon harrowing detail about the “ extinction of the human species”. 真奇怪你竟然挑了那么一本糟糕的书。我看那只不过是一本所谓的“人类绝种”的悲惨史,连篇累牍的惨剧,使人不忍卒读。 41) With Apple Ⅲ things should have been made easier. But it’s not the case with us—after all apple Ⅲ is not for rookies. 买了“苹果三号”事情按理应该更好办了,可是我们却并非如此。“苹果三号”究竟不是给我们这种对电脑一窍不通的人用的。

  30. 42) The government should have expanded its aid— $10 million by July to farmers who organize cooperative groups that develop foreign markets. 到七月间,政府应已将其对农业的援助拨款扩大到为开发国外市场而组成合作集团的农民,这笔援助拨款为数达1,000万美元。 43) At ordinary times I should have taken this sentence to mean merely that Helen was going to her own home. I should not have suspected that it meant that she was dying. 要是在平时,我会以为这句话只是说海伦不久就要回老家去,我绝不会疑心那是指她快要死了。

  31. 9. Will / would Will: 1)表示愿意或邀请:会,可以;愿,愿意 2)表示意向或准许:会,可以;就,就会 3)表示坚持或命令:应,必须,非……不可 要,总要,硬要,偏要 4)表示习惯或特点:会,是会……的,总是 5) 表示假定或预见:将,将会,说不定会;大概 (是),大概(要)

  32. 10. Would: 1)表示愿意或邀请:会,可以;愿,愿意 2)表示过去的意向或倾向:会,可以;就,就会 3)表示坚持:就,应该,非……不可 4)表示过去的习惯或特点:往往,常常,每每, 总要 5) 表示虚拟:要,想要;愿意;就会,总会 6) 表示或然性或推量、预测:可能,也许、或许 7) 表示委婉或缓和语气:想,请,谨;不妨

  33. 44) No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern. No idea is so modern that it will not some day be antiquated. 没有任何一种过时的观念不一度是时兴的观念;也没有任何一种时兴的观念不会在将来成为过时。 45) I , for one, will never accept the idea that love is a sickness full of woe and all remedies refusing 有人认为爱情只是一种充满哀怨而又无药可医的疾病。我根本就不同意这种观点。 46) To those who fully admit the immortality of the human soul, the destruction of our world will not appear so dreadful. 世界毁灭之说对那些深信人类灵魂不朽的人来说并不显得何等的毛骨悚然。

  34. 47)“Yes, you will!” shouted the chef, “You will bear the shame of standing on the chair—and you will bear the shame of starvation!” “你给我站好”!厨师长大叫起来,“我要让你丢脸,让你站在凳子上,叫你挨饿!” 48) Each time the expert will predict a crunch. The commission staff will recommend a remedy and Congress will agree on the terms of long-range reform. Then there will be a compromise, if not a lingering hot issue. 每次总是专家出来预言危机,然后由委员会工作人员提出一个补救方案,国会一致同意制定一套长远的改革办法,于是达成妥协。要不就酿成一个争论不休的难题。

  35. 49) Going to and from her parents on one of her innumerable journeys, her train would stop sometimes between stations, revealing suddenly the silence of the mountains. Then Annette would look at the grass beside the railway and see its green detail as it swayed in the breeze. 在探望父母的数不清的旅途往返中,火车往往会在两站之间停下来,这时会突然出现一种山间的寂静。这时安妮特总要去看看铁路旁的青草,看那青青的草叶在微风中摇曳。

  36. 50) As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. 由于我绝不会去当奴隶,因此我也绝不会成为奴隶主。这就是我的民主观。 51) The reasonable explanation was that long before Mrs. Park could get to the point of suicide she would have suffered, her neighbors would have noticed; she would not have been neglected to muddle through problems alone until the fatal moment. 符合情理的解释是:在帕克夫人走到想要自杀这一步以前,她早已处 在痛苦之中了,她的邻居也早已注意到了这一切,人们不会不理睬她而让她 独自忍受着,直到无可挽回的地步。

  37. be + doing 52) They were all hot headed types. They bugged and bugged and bugged each other and half an hour later they were playing cards, calmly and jollily as if nothing had happened. 他们全都是那种火爆性子,他们没完没了地你刺我,我刺你,半小时以后竟然又相安无事、谈笑风生地打起扑克来,什么事也没有啦。 53) When Katty is telling her troubles to people, half to them are not interested and the other half are glad to see she is getting what’s coming to her. 当凯蒂向人们诉说她的苦处的时候,半数的人无动于衷;另一半呢,反而幸灾乐祸:原来你也落得个如此这般!

  38. 54) I’ve seen more and more people who can’t read and write. Our Government has been saying that they are trying to eliminate illiteracy. Is our Government trying to eliminate education? 我发觉不会读书写字的人越来越多了。政府老是说他们正在尽力消灭文盲现象——他们莫非正在想方设法消灭教育?

  39. 55) What is perhaps strangest today is the keen widespread interest displayed toward people who are, on the one hand, not real celebrities and, on the other, not personally known to one. 如今有件令人百思不得其解的事。有些人对某些并不知名的名人谈得津津有味,并广为散布;这些“名人”非但并不知名,而且连谈论者对他们都素不相识。

  40. 56) Lois Tagget was graduate from Miss Hascomb’s School, standing twenty-sixth in a class of fifty-eight, and the following autumn her parents though it was time for her to come out, charge out, into what they called Society. So they gave her a five-figure, la-de-da Hotel Pierre affair, and save for a few horrible colds and Fred-hasn’t-been-well-lately’s, most of the preferred trade attended. 洛薏丝•塔格特从赫斯科姆女校毕业时在全班58人中名列第26。第二年秋,她父母认为已经是她走出闺房到所谓的社交界抛头露面的时候了。于是他们为她在花红酒绿的皮尔饭店开了一个一掷万金的舞会,除去几个据说是得了重感冒和“贱体欠适”的人以外,幸得垂青的名门子弟大都应约而来了。

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