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1 metric tonne of CO 2. 1 metric tonne of CO2 (1 tonne of CO2 = 8m³): around the size of a 3-story building. What is Future Proofing Geelong? Increase collaboration: Partners, Advisory Board & Working Group Research Low Carbon Growth Plan for Geelong Website Reference groups
1 metric tonne of CO2 1 metric tonne of CO2 (1 tonne of CO2 = 8m³): around the size of a 3-story building
What is Future Proofing Geelong? • Increase collaboration: Partners, Advisory Board & Working Group • Research • Low Carbon Growth Plan for Geelong • Website • Reference groups • SME, Industry, Community
Future Proofing Geelong Vision In 2030, Geelong is internationally recognised as one of the world’s most sustainable cities. Faced with challenges like climate change and economic adjustment, the region has pursued a collaborative and innovative approach to become more resilient and adaptive.
Future Proofing Geelong Vision Collaboration andInnovation
Geelong’s Opportunity • Opportunity to innovate, develop new clean industry and sustainability skills = local partnerships across Government, Industry & Community • Position Geelong as a demonstration city • Retain & attract industry
Introducing Low Carbon Growth Plans (LCGPs) • Internationally recognised tool • Identify the lowest cost opportunities to reduce carbon emissions • ClimateWorks • Geelong had the first regional LCGP in Australia 7
Key findings summary • Greater Geelong can achieve 1 million tonnes of emissions reductions for less than $50 per tonne • Could generate net savings of $60m a year across the local economy • A further 330,000 tonnes of reductions can be achieved for a higher average cost of $65 per tonne • Together, this offers a 6% reduction below 2000 emission levels • Equivalent to eliminating the emissions produced by all of Geelong’s households each year • Almost half of the opportunities are profitable for investors today 9
2020 Greater Geelong GHG emissions reduction investor cost curve (Simplified) Bus and rigid truck efficiency improvement Cost of emissions reduction A$/tCO2e Chemicals Power Buildings Industry mid-scale solar Industry Forestry 300 Residential solar PV Transport Agriculture Geothermal 250 Petroleum & gas cogeneration 200 Waste to energy Industry cogeneration 150 Hybrids/electric cars Cement 100 New builds Aluminium Transport behaviour change 50 Updated MA 16/2/11 Buildings cogeneration 0 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Emissions reduction potential ktCO2e per year -50 Agriculture -100 Other industry energy efficiency -150 Forestry Petroleum and gas Commercial building retrofits -200 Residential building retrofits Internal combustion engine improved efficiency -250 10 SOURCE: ClimateWorks team analysis
MA updated 16/2/11 Emissions reduction opportunities in commercial buildings retrofits ktCO2e, 2020 estimates Water heating Energy waste HVAC .Electronics and appliances % of total opportunity % energy savings against BAU Insulation Lighting 20% 40% Non-food retail 35.2 18% 40% 31.8 Education 17% 31% 30.8 Food retail 13% 44% 23.2 Offices 7% 36% 12.2 Health 6% 33% Food service 11.1 6% 41% Other 10.8 6% 42% 10.1 Community 4% 31% 7.2 Wholesale 2% 38% 4.3 Accommodation 100% TOTAL (not to scale) 176.8 SOURCE: ClimateWorks team analysis, derived from Greater Geelong GHG emissions reduction cost curve
Priority areas for Greater Geelong Short term Medium term Long term • e.g. facilitate partnership opportunities for cogeneration • e.g. investigate opportunities for fuel switch projects with industry • e.g. investigate waste to energy opportunities • e.g. unblock financial barriers to more costly aluminium opportunities • e.g. encourage higher efficiency new buildings • e.g. encourage research and knowledge sharing about the CO2 and resource efficiency benefits cement with a higher proportion of clinker substitutes. • e.g. work with local farmers groups to raise awareness of opportunities to earn carbon credits on-farm activities. • e.g. promote benefits of purchasing more efficient vehicles • e.g. retrofitting existing buildings to improve energy efficiency • e.g. build partnerships with SMEs to facilitate energy efficiency upgrades, access to funding, and sharing of learnings • e.g. unblock barriers to geothermal 12
Questions ? www.futureproofinggeelong.com Vicky Grosser Future Proofing Project Officer vgrosser@geelongcity.vic.gov.au