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YOU NEED YOUR TEXTBOOK When you enter. Obtain poetry journal. Copy agenda and objectives

YOU NEED YOUR TEXTBOOK When you enter. Obtain poetry journal. Copy agenda and objectives Today our daily goal is self evaluate our poetry journal for completeness and complete our brainstorming and organization for our Essays. Junior English 4/5/2012 Agenda & Objectives

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YOU NEED YOUR TEXTBOOK When you enter. Obtain poetry journal. Copy agenda and objectives

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  1. YOU NEED YOUR TEXTBOOK When you enter. • Obtain poetry journal. • Copy agenda and objectives Today our daily goal is self evaluate our poetry journal for completeness and complete our brainstorming and organization for our Essays. Junior English 4/5/2012 Agenda & Objectives Poetry Journal Self Evaluation Brainstorming and Organization On-Demand Writing view schedule Introduce Self Evaluations Review and score Samples Brainstorm and organize Self Evaluation Objectives: I will… Practice writing on-demand self-evaluate my poetry journal. Develop a plan to improve /complete journal. HOMEWORK: Poetry journal is due MONDAY APRIL 9 FOR GRADING. (NO IFS AND OR BUTS)

  2. Self Evaluation You have had plenty of time to complete the necessities of your poetry journal. Today, you must go through your poetry journal and self-evaluate your self. This will help support you in completing any work missing from the journal over the weekend. DUE APRIL 9. If you do not bring your poetry journal completed on April 9, you will have an assignment to work on while we work on picking poems to revise and perfect. If you do not have poems to work with, then you cannot participate in the activities. Put your on the green stool when you are done.

  3. Poetry Journal Grading • Total Points Possible: 47 Points • 1-24 Points: Incomplete (1) • 25-30 Points (2) • 31-37 points (3) • 38-42 points (4) • 43-47 Points (5)

  4. Poetry Journal Self Evaluation 1. Cover Page.(Total Points: 5) • Is it decorated? (Not Complete: earn a 0 for the section) • Is your name on it? (Earn a zero for the entire journal) 2. Poetry in your Life.(Total Points 5) • Do you identify where you found poetry? (2.5/5 points) • Do you identify why you think its poetry? (2.5/5 points)

  5. 3. March 9: Three poems from prompts or choice poems. (6 points) • Do you use at least one poetic device in each poem? (3 points, lose one point for each poem that does not use a device) • Do you have all three poems? (3 points: Lose 1 point per missing poem)

  6. 4. March 13: Three poems from prompts or choice poems. (9 points) • Did you use at least one poetic device in each poem (3 points, lose 1 point for each poem that does not use a device) • Do you have all three poems? (3 points: Lose 1 point per poem missing) • Did you draw a star next to where you added a simile, metaphor, or oxymoron into your writing? (1 point) • Did you draw a triangle by a line where you added alliteration and Assonance? (1 point) • Did you draw a circle in a place where you could add more imagery and did you add the imagery in? (1 point) • Did you circle one word you wanted to find a better word for and then did you find the new word and write it in? (1 point)

  7. 5. March 15: Three Poems for prompts that use the necessary listed device for each prompt. (6 Points) • Do you have three poems? (3 points: lose 1 point for each missing poem) • Do you use the needed devices for each prompt chosen? (3 points: For each prompt chosen that is missing the use of the needed devices, lose 1 point)

  8. 6. Spring Break Assignment. (16 points) • Do you have two poems composed about your spring break? (2 points) • Do you have one sound device and one example of figurative language in each poem? (4 points: 1 point: figurative Language; 1 point: sound devices / 2 poems) • Do you identify in parenthesis above your poem what of each form of device you use? (2 points: lose .5 points per device not listed in parenthesis) • Do you have a reflection for each poem where you identify your inspiration and what you like and do not like about your poem? (4 points: 2 points for each reflection) • Do you use a sound device or an example of figurative language in each reflection? (2 points: 1 point for each reflection) • Did you circle one word in each poem that you wanted to find a better word for and did you add in your better word? 2

  9. If you answered no to any of the above questions, compose a written response that explains what your anticipated plan is to complete the specifics.

  10. Brainstorming We are going to view three different graphic organizers that can be used to assist you in your writing. You MUST trace the best organizer for your writing purpose.

  11. On-Demand Writing Agenda • View our schedule • Daily Self Evaluation • Review and Score Sample Essay Together • Review and Score Sample Essay in Small Groups • Brainstorm and Organize • Self Evaluation

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