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CTO conference Implementing the WSIS Action Plan Nairobi, 25-26 March 2004 Coordinating ICT initiatives across Africa. ICT & Africa’s challenges. start from countries’ development agenda the international approach the African approach MDGs, PRSP etc.. NEPAD
CTO conference Implementing the WSIS Action Plan Nairobi, 25-26 March 2004 Coordinating ICT initiatives acrossAfrica
ICT & Africa’s challenges • start from countries’ development agenda • the international approach the African approach • MDGs, PRSP etc.. NEPAD • mainstream ICT in national socio-economic development plans / activities • the AISI solution • + Bamako 2002 + WSIS Work Plan
the African Information Society Initiative • regionalframeworkfor ICTdevelopment • launched in 1996 by African Ministers in charge of planning • endorsed by the 1996 OAU Heads of States Summit • welcomed during the 1997 G7+1 Denver Summit • designed to address Africa’s economic and social development challenges • AISI is: • a vision for ICT development in Africa • sector applications defined according to Africa’s priorities • an implementation process, with indicators for the evaluation of results and impact (Scan-ICT) • synergies created through open partnerships • the regional framework of the ICT part of NEPAD
Q: AISI Activities www.uneca.org/aisi ICT Policies I & K Development Outreach Partnership and Networking II
Partnership and Networking • African Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) • Partnership for ICTs in Africa (PICTA) • UN-ICT Task Force - African Stakeholders Network (ASN) • ePolicy Resource Network (ePol-Net) • Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
Africa and theWSIS from Bamako 2002 to Tunis 2005 via Geneva 2003
WSIS preparatory phase 1: very positive created a real momentum & accelerated Africa’s entry in the IS support to national consultations e.g. Comoros, Ethiopia, Nigeria network of national WSIS focal points electronic discussions coordination during PrepCom organisation of thematic events civil society, media, academia Africa day of the congress of the WFEO
increased number of NICI launched / finalised in 2003 especially during the 2nd semester high level of participation in Geneva Summit during the Prep.Coms & the Summit ~1000 participants – 49 countries 36 interventions Hos / Ministers high level of commitment of major stakeholders governments civil society media ECA’s role recognised referred to in speeches, panel interventions, interviews… coordination with major stakeholders
The way forward WSIS I evaluation seminars online + face-to-face > started with the CSOs on aisi-l List regional preparatory conference February 2005 meetings of the Africa Bureau 20-21 February 2004 national consultations ECA’s role support Africa’s efforts establish the basis of a sustainable process coordination with the Government of Tunisia, Member states, the other actors support existing / new consultations & dialogues electronic discussions, partnership mechanisms, etc… documentation: position papers, reports, studies, etc…
Other Preparatory activities Coordination at the African level, of the activities related to the Information Society Statistics Coordination at the international level of the activities related to WSIS UN Regional Commissions, UN ICT Task Force GKP, Etc… Contribute to Build Africa Position on pending Issues Financing Information Society Internet Governance Intellectual Property Rights Right to communicate
thank you for additional information on AISI www.uneca.org/aisi Development Information Services Division Tel: + 251 1 51 14 08 - Fax: + 251 1 51 05 12