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FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) (Darmstadt, Germany)

HISPEC/DESPEC. FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) (Darmstadt, Germany). 350m. ~1GeV/u. fragmentation/fission. fragment separator. PANDA. R3B. low-energy cave 0-200 MeV/u. HISPEC, DESPEC, LASPEC. Zsolt Podoly á k. ring branch. EXL, ILIMA.

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FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) (Darmstadt, Germany)

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  1. HISPEC/DESPEC FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) (Darmstadt, Germany) 350m ~1GeV/u fragmentation/fission fragment separator PANDA R3B low-energy cave 0-200 MeV/u HISPEC, DESPEC, LASPEC Zsolt Podolyák ring branch EXL, ILIMA

  2. Production yields and physics at FAIR: High primary beam intensity ~1012 ion/s for 238U High transmission (SuperFRS)

  3. Comparison of FRS and Super-FRS -increase in transmission for fission products (a factor of 10) -cleaner beams due to the higher number of stages H. Geissel et al. NIM B 204 (2003) 71

  4. CDR p.65. Some physics questions with radioactive beam

  5. N=82 N=126 Larger differences (lack of experimental data) H. Grawe, K. Langanke, G. Martinez-Pinedo, to be published.

  6. Features • isotopes of all elements; 0 MeV/u < E <200 MeV/u • ions with short lifetimes (>100 ns) • beam cocktail or mono isotopic beams • isomeric beams • -gamma-ray spectroscopy + + • - particle spectroscopy + + • intermediate energy beams: 50-100 MeV/u • Coulomb barrier beams • decay spectroscopy HISPEC/DESPEC

  7. High-resolution In-flight SPECtroscopy (HISPEC) Particle tracking (Z,pos.,E) Identification (spectrometer, LYCCA) Charged particle det., plunger γ-ray det.

  8. Ge Cluster Ge Miniball RISING => HISPEC Typically: 100MeV/u, εg=0.06, ∆Eg/Eg=0.02 Target chamber CATE beam ε=1.3% (1.3MeV) E=100 MeV/u ε=2.8% (Lorentz boost) dE/E<2% HECTOR

  9. AGATA 1π (demonstrator) at HISPEC E/A=100 MeV target-detector distance: 15 cm RISINGAGATA 1π(demonstrator) (today) ~2011 Efficiency : 2.8%~15% (10.5%) FWHM: 20 keV7.6 keV Much increased sensitivity Possibility of angular distribution and polarisation measurements, Coincidence measurements, g-factors (transient field method) Determination of source position (?) (target vs. degrader) Several UK groups involved

  10. Requirements for the beam tracking for AGATA uncertainty (sigma) beta=5% beta=20% beta=50% position (cm) 1.5 0.5 0.3 direction (degrees) 2 0.6 0.3 velocity module (%) 2.4 0.7 0.3 E. Farnea, F.Recchia, LNL-INFN Ann.Rep. 2003 and private communication.

  11. Identification of reaction products CATE => LYCCA dE-E dE-E +TOF 55Ni(9Be,xn,4p) different masses separated upto A=100 Ti nuclei M.Taylor et al.

  12. Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter (LYCCA) • Diamond ? • Stop TOF • Diamond ? • Start TOF n DSSD’s Light particle energy detection x CsI detectors particle energy (E) detection x DSSD’s particle energy loss (ΔE) • Two modules • LCP detection ii) Fragment identification (magnetic separator) beam from Super FRS DSSD’s: 6cm x 6cm, 32 x 32 strips, 500μm total lab angle (2m separation) ± 2.6° • Fragment identification • from ΔE, E, tracking and TOF CsI’s: 2cm x 2cm, 3 x 3 x 3 array 3cm thick, stops 100 MeV protons Possibly 13 telescopes for final design First LYCCA Tests in 2007

  13. RISING => DESPEC Rising Array 15 CLUSTERs (7 Ge crystals each) March 2006


  15. AIDA: Advanced Implantation Detector Array Coordinator: T. Davinson 8 x 8 cm 128 x 128 strips 1 mm (Micron in progress) 3 dssd Edinburgh, STFC, Liverpool E 8 cm Veto www.ph.ed.ac.uk/~td/AIDA 24 cm Implantation energy measurement Decay energy measurement (several layers) Low threshold: ~40 keV (conversion electron!) Fast recovery (~µs); ASIC

  16. Planar Ge Array for DESPEC 24 stacks of 3 DSS-Planar detectors: Compact configuration (Super-FRS achromatic) Extended configuration (Super-FRS monochromatic) UK: Brighton, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester, Paisley, STFC, Surrey, York

  17. Setup C / stopping cell monoenergetic degrader DESPEC HISPEC Super-FRS LEB Setup B (spectrometer mode) Setup A / Target MF9 LYCCA

  18. Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (R3B)

  19. EXotic nuclei studied in Light-ion induced reactions at the NESR storage ring (EXL)

  20. Summary RISING => HISPEC/DESPEC Continuous improvement AIDA in ~2010 LYCCA-0 in ~2010 AGATA demonstrator in ~2011? Physics <=> Theory NUSTAR-UK HISPEC, DESPEC, R3B/EXL, ILIMA, LASPEC Statement of Interest in preparation

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