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Resources are available at sim.abel.yorku.ca. System Implementation and Monitoring Regional Session. Fall, 2013. K-12 System Implementation and Monitoring (SIM) Context and Purpose. Focus: Family of Schools Supervisory Officers and elementary and secondary principals from the family
Resources are available at sim.abel.yorku.ca System Implementation and Monitoring Regional Session Fall, 2013
K-12 System Implementation and Monitoring (SIM) Context and Purpose • Focus: Family of Schools Supervisory Officers and elementary and secondary principals from the family • The work is system implementation and monitoring of the Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (BIPSA) and School Improvement Plans (SIP) within the Family Of Schools (FOS) • Funding of teacher release for K-12 SIM learning
Where does SIM fit with other Student Achievement Division (SAD) initiatives?
You told us … • Continue the break-outs • Give time for board teams to plan Topics for Discussion: • Using the School Effectiveness Framework, as a tool to support reflective practice and enhance improvement planning • Building and sustaining a culture of change • Aligning the work of Student Success with board priorities • Engaging in effective monitoring • Using qualitative data to inform BIPSA and SIP planning • Building understanding of effective instruction of mathematics K-12 • Exploring the role of the SO in planning the professional learning of Principals
Goals • Inquire and co-learn about implementation and monitoring of mathematics within the family of schools • Build and mobilize knowledge through outside and in-the-room thinking • Build our capacity to monitor our progress and impact • Consider how educator and student mind-sets influence our actions • Support coherence building by connecting the work of the province and district with the family of schools
Agenda Day 1 • Provincial Picture • Assessment of FOS learning needs in mathematics • School Effectiveness Framework supports • Effective practices from educators and researchers • Jo Boaler and the mindsets related to mathematics
Looking BackTEAM DISCUSSION In the areas where you’ve seen improved student achievement within your family of schools, what have you learned? What are your FOS structures and processes for: • supporting principals • principals supporting teachers • building and sharing effective practices • implementation and monitoring
Provincial Areas of Focus • Primary reading • Student Achievement in Applied Courses (OSSLT and Mathematics) • First Nations, Metis, and Inuit • Children and Youth in Care • Students with Special Education Needs • Mathematics
Grades 3 to 6 to Applied Mathematics (EL) Number of students in the cohort: 29,122
Fewer Students Reaching the Standard The proportions of students that rose to meet or exceed provincial standard in Grade 6 having not met standard in Grade 3 has declined over time.
Provincial Math Action Plan • Focused interventions with specific students (every grade 1 – 9 student below level 3) • Engagement in identifying, intervening, and monitoring at every level of the system • At least one math qualified teacher per division • Increased number of teachers with math AQ • Professional learning in math content and pedagogy • Know every student deeply and instruct them using a wide variety of strategies. • Relevant math across the curriculum in every subject K-12
What did your monitoring tell you?TEAM DISCUSSION Thinking about your work in mathematics last year in your family of schools, discuss the following: • What was it that students needed to know and do? • How do you know that students were successful? • What were you monitoring? • What was the impact? How do you know?
System Implementation Through Monitoring 11:10 – 11:20 • In triads 11:20 – 11:35 • Wholeteam Where are you in this process as a family of schools in mathematics? What evidence supports your thinking?
FOS Focus • Is there an explicit and shared articulation of an urgent mathematics student learning need within your FOS? • What specific curriculum areas need to be addressed? • Is there an explicit adult learning focus connected to the student learning need? • Is the adult learning focus narrow enough to allow for in-depth exploration? • What professional learning and monitoring structures need to be in place to ensure impact?
Provincial Math Action Plan • Focused interventions with specific students gr. 1-9 • Identifying, Intervening and Monitoring at every level of the system • At least one math. qualified teacher per division • Increased number of teachers with math AQ • Professional learning in math content and pedagogy • Know every student deeply and instruct them using a wide variety of strategies. • Relevant math across the curriculum
Contextualized Learning Activities • Video • Example of relevant math across the curriculum What are the strengths in your FOS? What will you need to work on? Add to your plan any actions that you will take related to the Provincial Math Action Plan.
School Effectiveness FrameworkTEAM DISCUSSION What are the most relevant indicators and samples of evidence from the School Effectiveness Framework that relate to your area(s) of focus? How might these indicators influence the work in your family of schools? Add to your plan.
ReadingsTEAM DISCUSSION In your practice of facilitating adult growth and leadership development, is there something from these excerpts that you might consider more deeply? OR
Provincial and District Supports How does the professional learning provided by the district support your family of schools focus? How can Student Achievement Division (SAD) initiatives support your family of schools focus? Add to your plan.
Jo Boaler Jo Boaler’s new website: youcubed.org - helpful tasks - videos - materials Add to your plan
Gallery Walk Walk around the room and visit other plans. Use sticky notes to record questions, provide feedback and/or comments that you have.
Refining the Plan Visit the sticky notes and refine your plan.
Feedback We act on what you tell us. Please complete the feedback form